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POLL: Will you vaccinate or not?

Your reaction the to the anticipated COVID19 Vaccine

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Mar 1, 2015
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Amid the noise that curve is flattening the " new norm" is about adapting to new trends and that includes the COVID19 vaccine thats upon us...
Do you believe this vaccine will be safe?
If you are not sure will you trust your govt. and health boards?
Do you still trust WHO after their blunders?
there is only one way and that's vaccination if it can be built.
the new data shows catching the virus don't make you immune.

Coronavirus: Scientists conclude people cannot be infected twice

A total of 277 patients in the country were believed to have fallen ill for a second time, as had patients in China and Japan.

A number of reported cases of coronavirus patients relapsing after overcoming the disease were actually due to testing failures, South Korean scientists say.

Researchers at the South Korean centre for disease control and prevention (CDC) now say it is impossible for the COVID-19 virus to reactivate in human bodies.

There have been more than 10,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in South Korea, with 245 deaths - a 2.3% fatality rate, which is lower than the 3.4% average as stated by the World Health Organisation.

Coronavirus: Infection numbers in real time

A total of 277 patients in the country were believed to have fallen ill for a second time, as had patients in China and Japan.

This prompted concerns that the virus could be mutating so quickly that people were not necessarily immune to catching it again.

However, genetic analyses of the virus have not found any substantial changes which would effectively disguise it from the immune system.

Partially as a result of these reports, the World Health Organisation warned governments against using so-called "immunity passports" to allow people to return to work simply because they have antibodies for the virus.

Immunity passports are a proposed way of allowing countries to begin to lift their coronavirus lockdowns in a targeted manner and resume economic activity.

They would be issued to people who have already overcome a COVID-19 infection and test positive for antibodies to the virus, based on the assumption they are therefore immune.

In an update to its guidance, the WHO warned there was "no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection".

But it was not expected that the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test used to check the blood for antigens - actual particles of the virus itself - could also have issues.

South Korea's CDC has found that the test results for the suspected relapsed patients were false positives, and warned the test it used was not able to distinguish between live traces of the virus and the harmless dead samples which remain after patients have recovered.

The WHO has also warned that immunity certification depended upon the rapidly developed tests being checked for accuracy and reliability before being used.

"People who assume that they are immune to a second infection because they have received a positive test result may ignore public health advice," the WHO warned.

"The use of such certificates may therefore increase the risks of continued transmission," its guidance added at the time, although this guidance is currently being kept under review.

The CDC added that unlike other viruses, such as HIV and chickenpox - which can break into the nucleus of human cells and stay latent for years before reactivating - the coronavirus stays outside of the host cell's nucleus.

"This means it does not cause chronic infection or recurrence," explained Dr Oh Myoung-don, the head of the CDC committee, meaning it is unlikely for patients to relapse in this fashion.

In the future it could be possible that the coronavirus mutates and infects people who have previously overcome it, similarly to the flu.

Most people forget that coronavirus has a high rate of mutation.

In just two months, COVID-19 is already mutated so much.

It adapted to the local region, race, etc.

Scientists say each month there's a new variant of COVID-19, well... assuming that way.

While a vaccine takes a year and more to develop.

Even less, under an emergency situation, but it still takes months, almost a year.

Using simple math, 1 month vs 1 year...

I don't think we can catch it up.

The same with influenza.

Even if we ever got it, next year or several years later we are going to be infected again.

As the virus mutated, whatever mutated among humans or a new variant from the animal world.

Coronavirus: Scientists conclude people cannot be infected twice

A total of 277 patients in the country were believed to have fallen ill for a second time, as had patients in China and Japan.

A number of reported cases of coronavirus patients relapsing after overcoming the disease were actually due to testing failures, South Korean scientists say.

Researchers at the South Korean centre for disease control and prevention (CDC) now say it is impossible for the COVID-19 virus to reactivate in human bodies.

There have been more than 10,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in South Korea, with 245 deaths - a 2.3% fatality rate, which is lower than the 3.4% average as stated by the World Health Organisation.

Coronavirus: Infection numbers in real time

A total of 277 patients in the country were believed to have fallen ill for a second time, as had patients in China and Japan.

This prompted concerns that the virus could be mutating so quickly that people were not necessarily immune to catching it again.

However, genetic analyses of the virus have not found any substantial changes which would effectively disguise it from the immune system.

Partially as a result of these reports, the World Health Organisation warned governments against using so-called "immunity passports" to allow people to return to work simply because they have antibodies for the virus.

Immunity passports are a proposed way of allowing countries to begin to lift their coronavirus lockdowns in a targeted manner and resume economic activity.

They would be issued to people who have already overcome a COVID-19 infection and test positive for antibodies to the virus, based on the assumption they are therefore immune.

In an update to its guidance, the WHO warned there was "no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection".

But it was not expected that the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test used to check the blood for antigens - actual particles of the virus itself - could also have issues.

South Korea's CDC has found that the test results for the suspected relapsed patients were false positives, and warned the test it used was not able to distinguish between live traces of the virus and the harmless dead samples which remain after patients have recovered.

The WHO has also warned that immunity certification depended upon the rapidly developed tests being checked for accuracy and reliability before being used.

"People who assume that they are immune to a second infection because they have received a positive test result may ignore public health advice," the WHO warned.

"The use of such certificates may therefore increase the risks of continued transmission," its guidance added at the time, although this guidance is currently being kept under review.

The CDC added that unlike other viruses, such as HIV and chickenpox - which can break into the nucleus of human cells and stay latent for years before reactivating - the coronavirus stays outside of the host cell's nucleus.

"This means it does not cause chronic infection or recurrence," explained Dr Oh Myoung-don, the head of the CDC committee, meaning it is unlikely for patients to relapse in this fashion.

In the future it could be possible that the coronavirus mutates and infects people who have previously overcome it, similarly to the flu.


Just like influenza.

There's no guarantee that we are not going to be infected again.

As the virus will always mutating.

And antibody just works for one or two years.
Most people forget that coronavirus has a high rate of mutation.

In just two months, COVID-19 is already mutated so much.

It adapted to the local region, race, etc.

Scientists say each month there's a new variant of COVID-19, well... assuming that way.

While a vaccine takes a year and more to develop.

Even less, under an emergency situation, but it still takes months, almost a year.

Using simple math, 1 month vs 1 year...

I don't think we can catch it up.

The same with influenza.

Even if we ever got it, next year or several years later we are going to be infected again.

As the virus mutated, whatever mutated among humans or a new variant from the animal world.

Just like influenza.

There's no guarantee that we are not going to be infected again.

As the virus will always mutating.

And antibody just works for one or two years.

I agree more research is still awaited in this domain but the article i posted was to dispell the South Korean relapse cases that were drummed around the world for unnecesaary fear mongering.
BTW a human body keeps developing antibodies , if it can develop for one strain it will develop for another as well. ..Ofcourse exceptions are there if a person with weak immune system is not developing enough anti-bodies however thats a bleak minority.
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