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Poll Shows India is Israel’s Best Friend; Russians Like Us Too

Both commits genocide , one in Kashmir and another in palestine and so both are friends naturally. Most Indias adore the israelis
for their efficient massacre of innocent muslims and genocidal methods and want to learn from them about how to commit
ethnic cleansing.

plz.. now stop being so obvious.. we dont need a certificate from minions in an obscure forum :woot:
Both commits genocide , one in Kashmir and another in palestine and so both are friends naturally. Most Indias adore the israelis
for their efficient massacre of innocent muslims and genocidal methods and want to learn from them about how to commit
ethnic cleansing.

Criminals are obviously hands in hands. BTW Brother you really think Indians need to learn ethnic cleansing by someone. Learn about India a more.
Not Surprised......We know about Israeli Friends gives How much Helps To our Country in WAR time. Their Voluntary Helps In 26/11
technical Assist..and so on....

There is an Israel based agro company which is giving assistance to develop new variety of the Mango at Mango research Institute situated near Malihabad Lucknow (capital of Uttar Pradesh).

Criminals are obviously hands in hands. BTW Brother you really think Indians need to learn ethnic cleansing by someone. Learn about India a more.

and what about 1300 peoples massacre in Karachi in the recent months. What about massacre in Mumbai.
"Na Kahu Se Dosti, Na Kahu Se Bair". I think that I have seen this poem in the movie" Slumdog Millionaire"
what does it mean exactly?

This is the saying of one of the greatest and most famous spiritual saints of India(better to say of world, as saints themselves say that a saint never belong to any nation,they belong to all humanity) "Kabir Dass" ji. Full saying is
Kabira Khara Bazaar Mein, Mange Sabki Khair
Na Kahu Se Dosti, Na Kahu Se Bair

Loosly translated to english it means some thing like this
Kabir standing in market(world) , asks from god the welfare of all human beings
Niether has freindship with anyone,, nor enimity with anyone

However the real spiritual meaning is
"Bazaar is a reference to the world itself where give and take, is the mechanism of dealings...i.e. all relationships at the physical level are conditional and based on business-like (not literally business) transactions. So Kabir is giving us an idea of how we experience ups and downs due to attachments - i.e. due to strong feelings towards or against things. And he says the best way to avoid that is by being in a state of acceptance and detachment"
I don't think a country that sponsors terrorist attacks and hides Osama has any right to call Israel and India criminals.
Love them or hate them, it doesn't really matter. the Israelis have real military power (and the willingness to use it) and if anyone steps up to them they are going to get destroyed.
When two countries has same cause....they become good friends.....(Isreal to kill innocent peoples in Phlistine and India in Kashmir).......:smokin:
When two countries has same cause....they become good friends.....(Isreal to kill innocent peoples in Phlistine and India in Kashmir).......:smokin:

don't feel left out , you are doing quite well too ;)

The reason is simple: Israel provides India with the greatest access to Western military technology with the least strings attached.

something Musharaff had penned he could also have for Pakistan too , yeah?

http://tribune.com.pk/story/317999/musharraf-supports-better-relations-with-israel/ Musharaff urges review of ties with Isreal
Many Indians I know of have high respect for Israel for how they tackled terrorism and how they progressed under a hostile environment. Sadly not many don't know about Israeli help in Kargil.

For the Kargil help we can say them Thank you and get over it. Don't get me wrong, I respect Israel too, but attitude of some Indians is embarrassing. Theres big difference between butt kissing and respecting someone.

Anyway, these are our personal opinions. let end this talk here.
Most Indians dont know anything about israel or jews. Which explains dont-know stand of most Indians.
If India is Israel's best friend, may be India should give them land to move in, because it will be more safe and trouble free for them to live among friends.

LOL!! Looks like you guys still believe in moving populations from one place to another based on religion. It was a disaster in 1947 and we don't need to replicate that again.

"Na Kahu Se Dosti, Na Kahu Se Bair". I think that I have seen this poem in the movie" Slumdog Millionaire"
what does it mean exactly?

Exact translation would be, "Neither be friends with someone, nor be someone's enemy"

This line represents the thinking of a saint.

He should be detached from all kinds of emotional attachments.
And hence, he should neither have friendship with anyone nor enmity.

This can also be taken as a lesson for others. You should neither be OVERLY friendly with someone, nor should you be an enemy of someone.

The Indian principle of "Live and Let Live" is similar.

Both commits genocide , one in Kashmir and another in palestine and so both are friends naturally. Most Indias adore the israelis
for their efficient massacre of innocent muslims and genocidal methods and want to learn from them about how to commit
ethnic cleansing.

Come on dude, You really need to think for yourself.

Tell me something. How is it that when we are so EFFICIENTLY cleaning India (Kashmir) of Muslims, their population as a percentage is rising?
Most Indians dont know anything about israel or jews. Which explains dont-know stand of most Indians.

That may have been the case 5-6 years back, but a lot has changed after the 2008 Bombay attacks.

Also a lot may not have been much knowledgeable of the jews but Israel has been well known.

This poll was published in 09, so probably the survey is from '08. Would be more interesting to see reputable polls after 2009 representing the views of Indians.
something Musharaff had penned he could also have for Pakistan too , yeah?

That was the clearest indication that the man had gone senile and was ready to be put out to pasture.
For the Kargil help we can say them Thank you and get over it. Don't get me wrong, I respect Israel too, but attitude of some Indians is embarrassing. Theres big difference between butt kissing and respecting someone.

Anyway, these are our personal opinions. let end this talk here.

Not exactly. I am not a military expert but I heard from many sources said that if not for the Israeli supplied LGB kits, Indian casualties would have been much higher. Its not that we won't win Kargil, but the price for it would have been higher.

That was the clearest indication that the man had gone senile and was ready to be put out to pasture.

According to many sources, if he had been in power a little longer Kashmir problem would have been solved.
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