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POLL: Should China and Russia merge into 1 country called Ruschina, with Haishenwai AKA Vladivostok as capital, Han and Rus as official languages?

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You just proved my point
The Su30 served as a blueprint as a base for the J16. You didn't start from scratch like lets say America did for F16.
S400 is a relatively newer variant, China has S300 and SAMs based on it (i think its called huang qr sam or something).
India does the same thing. I did agree that currently industrial output wise China has a lead over India but India has the lead over the ability to source weapons from multiple sources, also actual weapons difference is not that high (Indian airforce is lacking full operational capability though).
Missiles, Navy and Army are mostly fully operational with new stuff being inducted.
Biggest playcard here is the US and how far they'd be willing to sell India stuff to keep China in check.
So far we have Chinooks, Boeing personnel carriers, Airbus personnel carriers, Apaches, P8Is, possible induction of Stryker APCs with TOT, MQ8 reaper drones and more deals in pipeline. We have major ongoing deals with other European powers too.
Russia is currently in talks with newer Brahmos missiles and for more Kilo class submarines with India.
Afaik we're in talks with France for their submarines too (we already have some inducted).
S-300 purchase didn't come with TOT either. Chinese HQ 9, some in the West claim they are based on S-300, but PLA has denied it and said HQ 9 were developed indigenously but with reference to S-300.
Actually it's the biggest weakness for India, various equipments from dozens of countries make it impossible to integrate them into one network and system, logistically speaking it's also a disaster.
That's why India asks for TOT with local production for every foreign purchase and in recent times has slowed down direct foreign purchases unless absolutely necessary.
Russia is more accommodating to this than the US hence they had been our biggest defence provider.
US has recently been trying to woo India so the future is not known at this point.
Also having equipment from many sources is a pain in the *** but India integrates them by including homegrown technology and using tech which is more readily available to us.
Most of the Chinese arms were based on Russian blueprint. India does the same thing. Rather than investing from scratch you buy stuff from Russia with TOT and then modify it.
If you're claiming that this doesn't happen then you're being plain ignorant of world geopolitics and history. J16, SAMs etc are based on Russian weapons. Not saying that everything is done the same way but in the recent past this was the case and for most of the current arsenal too. Only now does China have the base capability to actually design stuff and invest in it.
Disprove my statement with reputable facts and logic not emotions.

China has now reached a stage where it can 100% indigenously invent/develop and produce advanced weapons systems that are comparable to russian and western standards which is why China is a global superpower, the first non-white superpower since the Mongolians some 800 years ago. india is ABSOLUTELY non of these things.
China has now reached a stage where it can 100% indigenously invent/develop and produce advanced weapons systems that are comparable to russian and western standards which is why China is a global superpower, the first non-white superpower since the Mongolians some 800 years ago. india is ABSOLUTELY non of these things.
China is a global power, not a superpower. It can't project power far from it's shores not does it have an intricate network of allies and bases all over the world like the US. It has only entered the playing field where the US has been for 78 years
China has now reached a stage where it can 100% indigenously invent/develop and produce advanced weapons systems that are comparable to russian and western standards which is why China is a global superpower, the first non-white superpower since the Mongolians some 800 years ago. india is ABSOLUTELY non of these things.
That's what i said in my comments above, only recently has China have had the capability to fully design and develop stuff. Most of the current hardware is either based on a Russian blueprint or is inspired by it, that was my comment.
I don't think China is at a point where it can challenge America and Europe combined at this point.
I never said that India is at the same industrial level as the above players but India is at a level where it is self sustainable and any nation will think twice before directly antagonizing it.
I listed all pros and cons both sides have above.
It's all geopolitics at the end of the day.
China is a global power, not a superpower. It can't project power far from it's shores not does it have an intricate network of allies and bases all over the world like the US. It has only entered the playing field where the US has been for 78 years
China and US take different approaches, US relies on military conquest and coercion, China uses trade and cooperation.
That's what i said in my comments above, only recently has China have had the capability to fully design and develop stuff. Most of the current hardware is either based on a Russian blueprint or is inspired by it, that was my comment.
I don't think China is at a point where it can challenge America and Europe combined at this point.
I never said that India is at the same industrial level as the above players but India is at a level where it is self sustainable and any nation will think twice before directly antagonizing it.
I listed all pros and cons both sides have above.
It's all geopolitics at the end of the day.

If the russians can't defeat the ukrainians what makes you think anyone gives a damn about india...........:lol:

No, You are wrong.
If it was the reason Russia not remove arms embargo from Pakistan, who is China ally.

Real reason is Russia has always shortage of money. So, She sells her weapons to India.
Money is always reason they not become No. 1 Super Power than US.
So, This is the reason new Super Power will be China to replace US in future due to her economy. Russia has thousands of Nukes, while Chine have few hundreds.

If we look at Soviet/Russia war in Afghanistan, They were able to counter stringer missiles after some time, but money was again issue. Same in Ukraine they are facing money issue, but if China gives them money as loan or donations, they can continue war for years.

For Thread Title/Poll:
It would literally take china loose change from the bottom of her old jeans to build 100k nukes if they wanted. Soviet union with far outdated industry/economy/technology could make 100k nukes easily. China could do it 50x faster if she wanted.
If the russians can't defeat the ukrainians what makes you think anyone gives a damn about india...........:lol:
Ah man I'm not about partake in a non productive discussion with feel good statements and random bickering.
Russian conquest in Ukraine is a different matter altogether, Russian has it's inherent problems i mean they're using PMCs in an active warzone. Also sanctions and direct Western support to the Ukrainians makes a big difference.
Ah man I'm not about partake in a non productive discussion with feel good statements and random bickering.
Russian conquest in Ukraine is a different matter altogether, Russian has it's inherent problems i mean they're using PMCs in an active warzone. Also sanctions and direct Western support to the Ukrainians makes a big difference.

And the indians are more advanced than the russians.......... :disagree:............most of the indian military is based at best on 2nd and 3rd rate russian weaponry. The Chinese would supply india's enemies with massive assistance as it would serve their long-term geostrategic aims.
Masturbation has become a championship and some people here are trying hard to get a medal.
And the indians are more advanced than the russians.......... :disagree:............most of the indian military is based at best on 2nd and 3rd rate Russian weaponry.
What do you even mean by your statement, take a second and introspect pal.
India is Russia's number 1 arms buyer which corresponds to billions of dollars every year.
We literally just bought S400 and were offered T14 Armata and Su35 which we rejected. SU30mki was a JV.
The Chinese would supply india's enemies with massive assistance as it would serve their long-term geostrategic aims.
Ah yes the classic old whatboutism. China is supplying Pakistan cos of geostratic aims but Russia and US isn't supplying India their best for the same reasons.
What do you even mean by your statement, take a second and introspect pal.
India is Russia's number 1 arms buyer which corresponds to billions of dollars every year.
We literally just bought S400 and were offered T14 Armata and Su35 which we rejected. SU30mki was a JV.

Ah yes the classic old whatboutism. China is supplying Pakistan cos of geostratic aims but Russia and US isn't supplying India their best for the same reasons.

Is that the same s-400 that the russians and indians on PDF were claiming cannot be destroyed which the ukrainians are destroying for fun? There must be something SERIOUSLY wrong with india and indians if nearly 1.5 billion indians cannot invent advanced weapons systems and have to buy it from 140 million russians and rely both on russia and the americans ............ :disagree:
Is that the same s-400 that the russians and indians on PDF were claiming cannot be destroyed which the ukrainians are destroying for fun? There must be something SERIOUSLY wrong with india and indians if nearly 1.5 billion indians cannot invent advanced weapons systems and have to buy it from 140 million russians and rely both on russia and the americans ............ :disagree:
There's no confirmation about that though, i see unconfirmed reports of 2 s400s being destroyed.
India has many historical achievements, we're just a little late to the modern weapons sector, but I'm glad the new govt is trying to modernize our army and local production. We've also begun selling to other nations so that's a plus in my book. You start somewhere.
There's no confirmation about that though, i see unconfirmed reports of 2 s400s being destroyed.
India has many historical achievements, we're just a little late to the modern weapons sector, but I'm glad the new govt is trying to modernize our army and local production. We've also begun selling to other nations so that's a plus in my book. You start somewhere.

What weapons have indians been selling to other nations? Can you post the links here?

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