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POLL: Should China and Russia merge into 1 country called Ruschina, with Haishenwai AKA Vladivostok as capital, Han and Rus as official languages?

yes or no

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China and US take different approaches, US relies on military conquest and coercion, China uses trade and cooperation.
Unless you can affect the socio-political dynamics of an area of interest far away from your own shores through economic or military means you really can't be be a superpower. China is having a hard time even making alliances in it's neighbourhood let alone far off countries.

What weapons have indians been selling to other nations? Can you post the links here?
A simple google search will do the trick for you.
I'm in favor of China and Russia becoming one country, as long as Pakistan is included, to be called Ruschinistan.

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Unless you can affect the socio-political dynamics of an area of interest far away from your own shores through economic or military means you really can't be be a superpower.
Who says China wants to be a superpower?
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