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POLL: How should your country deal with gambling?

How should your country deal with gambling?

  • Ban all gambling, including (state) lotteries, for all ages

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • All gambling, including (state) lotteries, should be legal, for all ages

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All gambling, including (state) lotteries, should be legal, above a certain age

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Only (state) lotteries should be legal, for all ages

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only (state) lotteries should be legal, above a certain age

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
Reaction score
I made this poll because I just read that Kosovo will ban (casino) gambling for 10 years (see article below).

This is because of the deaths of two casino workers that happened during armed robberies in separate towns.

Kosovo will only operate a state controlled lottery.

The poll question is:

How should your country deal with gambling?

It does not matter what the current gambling policy of your country is.

Choose the option of how you want the policy to be.
(whether or not it corresponds with the current policy of your country).


Kosovo aims to ban gambling after two casino workers killed in robberies

MARCH 26, 2019

PRISTINA (Reuters) - Kosovo’s government said it will ban gambling for 10 years following the deaths of two casino workers this month during armed robberies in separate towns.

After the deaths, customs officials raided dozens of gambling shops and found many of them were operating illegally. More than one hundred slot machines were confiscated.

Only a state controlled lottery will be able to operate, Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj said during a government session on Tuesday at which the cabinet voted to back the 10 year ban.

“It is total chaos, a total abuse and it is good that we are stopping this,” Haradinaj told a press conference. The ban proposal will now be sent to parliament for approval.

The gambling industry has grown rapidly in the past ten years. The Gambling Association of Kosovo says it now employs 4,000 workers. Ruzhdi Kosumi, who owns 14 gambling shops, said 40 of his workers will be left jobless.

“The decision to close us was taken after two of our workers were killed. This is nonsense. We lost people and now we are losing our jobs,” Kosumi told Reuters.

With a third of the population unemployed, Kosovo is one of the poorest countries in Europe. The country of 1.8 million people declared independence from Serbia in 2008. Political instability, crime and corruption have kept investors away.

It's difficult question, as it depends on many apsects...
Gambling can be a tricky issue for any country to navigate. On one hand, it can be a source of revenue and entertainment for many people, but on the other hand, it can also lead to problems like addiction and financial difficulties for some individuals. That's why it's crucial for any country to have well thought-out regulations and policies in place to ensure that the potential harms are minimized and that the benefits are maximized.

One key aspect of this is making sure that there are effective measures in place to protect vulnerable individuals, such as those with gambling addiction or those at risk of developing an addiction, from being harmed by the industry. Additionally, promoting responsible gambling practices, such as setting limits on how much one can spend and providing resources for those who need help, is also important.

It's also important to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest developments in the gambling industry, and one great resource for doing that is ufabet.school. It's definitely worth checking out if you're looking to learn more about the ins and outs of gambling and how your country is dealing with it.
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1. It is haram.
2. Our harami crickets throw matches for it.
3. In all seriousness it has ruined many people's lives. It has no real benefit to anyone. If it was invented today and not hundreds of years ago, we'd ban it because of it's societal harm.
I can understand the reasoning behind Kosovo's decision to ban casinos for 10 years due to the tragic deaths of casino workers during armed robberies. However, it's important to also consider the potential negative effects a complete ban could have on the economy.
Personally, I think that a balance needs to exist in this sphere as well. This could include stricter regulations on brick-and-mortar casinos to prevent illegal activities and protect consumers. There are still safe casino ilman tiliä, which provide lower risks and allow people to be less compulsive.
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Should be legal for adults. I know many who bet srs amounts on cricket and other sports, technically illegal but happens on a massive scale. Everyone plays cards and gambles on Diwali here, even non traditional gamblers, friends and families gather around and play, kids get their own low stakes table too.. richie rich types take it to the next level. Think there was some news of people betting their fancy cars a while back.. Porche/Range Rovers/Mercs type laga dete hain


but casinos are the most fun. In India some places/hotels have slot machines etc but you can't have people dealing cards there so the work around are these big casino boats that sail just outside of territorial waters (7 nautical miles something) and party on in lawless international waters.




mast scene, one can go for one of these, many also like to go to Nepal where its legal, or Macau, which has some spectacular casinos.

Sabse mast scene hai stocks, currency/commodities and derivates wala.


risk/reward dekh ke karo. Main thing is that one must be willing to accept that you might lose, psychological game bhi hai, people panic and end up over-leveraging themselves and end up deeper holes for themselves.
Gambling should be an individual choice allowed after the age of adulthood, just like alcohol and other stuff.

If the gambler blows away someone elses money thats an entirely different matter
I am opposed to most types of gambling from a moral perspective, but if it is illegal gambling will just go underground and lead to corruption to operate.
what state have to do with people money ?????? state should have no role in this .
1. It is haram.
2. Our harami crickets throw matches for it.
3. In all seriousness it has ruined many people's lives. It has no real benefit to anyone. If it was invented today and not hundreds of years ago, we'd ban it because of it's societal harm.
Including the stock markets, everything designed by smart ar$e people to take money for free.
Hey there! This is a super interesting topic, and I'm glad there are still people who keep it updated. On the one hand, it can be a source of revenue and create jobs. On the other hand, it can also lead to issues like addiction and financial troubles for some people. It's all about finding the right balance. If you're looking for a fun way to dip your toes into the gambling world, check out the latest promotion over at Panaloko. It's worth checking out if you're in the market for some new games to play. At the end of the day, it's all about finding a balance that works for everyone. I'm curious to hear what everyone thinks about this topic. Let's get the conversation going.
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