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Featured Politics on Islamabad’s Hindu temple is regrettable


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Mar 4, 2017
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Global Village Space |
A Hindu temple in the capital Islamabad, even before it’s built, has been creating rifts between the people. Unfortunately, a place of worship, which should be above politics, seems to be the centre of it.

It’s a prime example of how politics is being played in the name of religion. Thousands of voices are speaking for or against the matter, all making convincing arguments. Yet, the tragedy is, there is no one listening. The views are antipodal.
Views against the temple: are they justified?
Some believe, that since Islam came as an anti-idol religion, with the struggle of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) against the idol-worshippers, an Islamic government, hence, cannot build a temple with public money. They quote renowned scholar Dr Zakir Naik, who said, “There is a consensus among all major Muslim scholars that a Muslim cannot donate his money for building a place of worship for non-Muslims.”

Read more: Baba Guru Nanak: The Enlightened Founder Of Sikhism

Speaking further on this matter, Dr Samia Raheel Qazi, the only woman (former) member of Islamic Ideology said: “All Muslim scholars hold the opinion that as a Muslim, we have to spend our money in the way of Allah and not on other gods.

No new place of worship should be made in an Islamic state where Allah is not worshipped.” From the statement, emerges the answer – what about the money donated or given in tax by the Hindu citizens of the state, who have been represented in the white part of the flag of Pakistan?
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Politics on Islamabad’s Hindu temple is regrettable
They should build a temple in Sindh where there is a sizeable hindu
population. Islamabad has very less hindu's plus there are already
hindu temples that are unused.
Global Village Space |
A Hindu temple in the capital Islamabad, even before it’s built, has been creating rifts between the people. Unfortunately, a place of worship, which should be above politics, seems to be the centre of it.

It’s a prime example of how politics is being played in the name of religion. Thousands of voices are speaking for or against the matter, all making convincing arguments. Yet, the tragedy is, there is no one listening. The views are antipodal.
Views against the temple: are they justified?
Some believe, that since Islam came as an anti-idol religion, with the struggle of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) against the idol-worshippers, an Islamic government, hence, cannot build a temple with public money. They quote renowned scholar Dr Zakir Naik, who said, “There is a consensus among all major Muslim scholars that a Muslim cannot donate his money for building a place of worship for non-Muslims.”

Read more: Baba Guru Nanak: The Enlightened Founder Of Sikhism

Speaking further on this matter, Dr Samia Raheel Qazi, the only woman (former) member of Islamic Ideology said: “All Muslim scholars hold the opinion that as a Muslim, we have to spend our money in the way of Allah and not on other gods.

No new place of worship should be made in an Islamic state where Allah is not worshipped.” From the statement, emerges the answer – what about the money donated or given in tax by the Hindu citizens of the state, who have been represented in the white part of the flag of Pakistan?
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Politics on Islamabad’s Hindu temple is regrettable

Love the first part, "politics being played in the name of religion."

For centuries, that's how it has always been, wherever there is religion in state business.

Separate the two, and there will be no politics over religion, and religion won't be corrupted by politics like it has been in Iran, Saudi Arabia, USA, and many other countries, including Pakistan.
First of all everyone has right to performe their religious activity according the law of land.

So my dear not only in constitution of pakistan but also in islam this is given right to minorities.

this is not about hardcore islamic ideology, it is all about dirty politics of pakistan.

I am practicing muslim who follow islam and islam does not allow this kind of act with minorities. They have right to build their buildings if they have considerable amount of followers in the perticular area. I.e atleast 500 hundred families, not just 1k individuals. And this is the law of land.

How many hindus families are currently living in that area?

Can anyone tell me that how many hindus are living where hindu temple is about to build? Remember i am not asking for whole islamabad because i know that there are few hindu temples already in islamabad, i am asking about the area where new temple will be built & how many hindu families are living in that perticular area?
Basically,,PM IK has taken the proverbial U-Turn yet again.
From promises of Riyasat e madina to Hindu mandir in capital of Islamic Republic of Pakistan of all places. In lslamabad-The abode of Islam. Didn't see tht coming.

First Kartarpur n now a govt built mandir.
Did babur, aurangjeb, tipu, mohd qasim, timur,abdali Or other personalities get any recognition like Ranjit singh got with his statue recently in PMIK tenure?
If I have to take a wild guess,,, next will be harappa mohenjodaro related update from IK.

I don't know how conservative folks are coming in terms with this new liberal brand of politics IK has subtly started pushing. But it is diametrically opposite to the direction Pakistan has been treading throughout it's existence.
Looks well thought out one from IK though.Keeping the balance,, watch Ertugrul while doing Yoga chanting Om:D
IK- Initiating a deep societal change domestically and a statement of tolerance internationally.
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Religious places should only be built with private or community funded money. Anyone is free to build with their own money. No government fund should be spent there. Government funds are there to build welfare projects and infrastructures for the people.
It's nothing to do with politics. It's simply not allowed in Islam. Ask any Muslim Scholar. So stop mixing two.

Even if we ignore Scholars still there are not many Hindus in that area. So actually making a temple is a political move not wise versa. If Government wanted to show sovereignty with Hindus they could build temple where there are many Hindus living. May be in Sindh.
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