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Political drone attack in 3 days: Altaf

Yes! Absolutely right. The moment PPP does not do something in his favor... he quits government. Now he expects them to do more for him. :lol:

Our politics really is a gutter.

thats because of this croupt political system , but must pray they stand this time to change, thier & pakistan,s history!
This bastard Altaf & his terrorist party is a direct threat to Pakistan.
The guy just wants to grab power at any cost even if that means supporting a corrupt government, which he has proved already.

Now he wants to jump out of the sinking ship. Political move.
The options MQM has for its political drone attack

DUBAI: As intense speculation has gripped the political scene after the dramatic announcement by MQM chief Altaf Hussain that he would make a political drone strike in 72 hours, analysts have started looking at the options that he has to create a situation or make a decision that could be a game changer.

Many MQM leaders in Pakistan have suddenly stopped responding to media queries about the bombshell announcement of their leader and the head of the MQM legal team which will appear in the Supreme Court on Monday, Barrister Farogh Naseem, told the media only Altaf Hussain knew about his plan and no one else could speak about it.

But analysts said the MQM chief has just a few limited options and given his active and resolute participation in the long march of Dr Qadri, these options can be further reduced to two or three at the most.

“Whatever drone attack he is planning, it has to match with the declared goals and objectives of the long march, as anything which militates against or creates doubts about the Jan 14 march would be counter productive,” a seasoned analyst said.

Three options have already been aired in the media, which include the sudden return of Mr Hussain to Pakistan, pulling the MQM out of the PPP-led coalition and the assemblies and a surprise appearance in the Supreme Court, which has summoned him in a contempt of court case.

Of these options, breaking away from the PPP could be a welcome step for Dr Qadri but it would not have any substantive impact on the goals of the long march except that Altaf Bhai would be spared of the media and political criticism that is being hurled at him after his decision to join Dr Qadri.

Likewise, pulling out of the assemblies will only have a marginal impact and when I asked Dr Qadri about this possibility soon after the MQM had announced its support, the Allama brushed the prospect aside saying it was no longer relevant as the assemblies were already ending their terms in a few weeks.

His appearance in the Supreme Court may ease his problems in the specific case of contempt but it will otherwise have a big impact on Karachi politics and MQM workers would be energised for the elections.

His leaving UK at this particular time may raise some questions as Scotland Yard is carrying out an investigation into Dr Imran Farooq murder and he has also been asked to cooperate but linking his departure with that case would not be fair until and unless the Scotland Yard speaks about the case.

Yet even if he does not leave UK and does not come to Karachi, the election prospects of MQM would not be affected in any negative way as his party has won these elections without his presence many times.But MQM’s media person, Wasay Jalil, shot down speculation about these prospects saying Altaf Bhai was not coming back to Pakistan.

“Whenever he will come back the same will be decided and announced much in advance. When he will return he will be given a great welcome but that time has not come yet. Altaf Bhai will never come on such a short notice.”

About speculation that MQM might leave the coalition, Wasay Jalil said this would also not happen. “MQM will not leave the government now as it is almost the end of the tenure and there is no such possibility.”

But about the political drone attack, he said none of the members of the Rabita Committee had any idea as to what announcement Altaf Bhai is going to make. But he clarified that Altaf Bhai’s statement will be of political nature and it has nothing to do with leaving the coalition or Altaf Bhai’s return to Pakistan.

So with these three options shot down, there are only two possible options that can have a big impact on the national scene which can further the goals of Dr Qadri and his massive campaign to first force a change in the electoral system before elections are held.

Dr Tahirul Qadri told me on Sunday night he again had a detailed talk with Altaf Bhai and the only thing he said about the “drone attack was that it would silence the critics who were throwing mud and stones at him (Dr Qadri).”

Analysts said one of the options that can be exercised by the MQM chief is an announcement of a boycott of the forthcoming polls by MQM until the system of elections is materially changed. This could create a huge problem for the PPP and other parties, though many voices will be heard saying it would not matter.

On the contrary it would, as Karachi would not be properly represented in the next assembly if elections were held without MQM. And in a divided house, the solid MQM bloc plays a pivotal role in the formation of coalition governments.

The MQM has a history of boycotting the polls and when in 1993 and 1997 they had abstained, the results in Karachi were lopsided and the commercial capital of the country could not stabilise for normal business and political activity.

But the decision would go a long way to support the demand of Dr Qadri to change the electoral system before the next elections are held. It would match the political walk with the loud talk.

The second option Mr Hussain can have is to demand a referendum on the system of elections before polls are held and this could be ordered either by President Zardari or the Prime Minister.

It should be remembered that just in the last couple of months Mr Altaf Hussain had announced a referendum on whether Pakistanis wanted the Pakistan of Quaid-e-Azam or the Pakistan of the Taliban. That referendum was to be held first on November 8, 2012 but was put off till November 16 and then indefinitely. A petition had also been filed in the Sindh High Court.

Viewed in the context of the demand by Dr Qadri and supported strongly by MQM, the demand for a referendum would fit with the objectives of the long march and if the marchers can force the establishment and the political parties to agree and give a date, a constitutional and a pleasant end to the long march could be achieved.

Whether other political parties would agree and what would be the question set in the referendum is too early to be discussed but it can become a game changer in many ways.

(Ahmad Noorani contributed to this report from Islamabad)

The options MQM has for its political drone attack - thenews.com.pk

The buzz begins: Altaf’s ‘political drone’ sets guessing game in motion

ISLAMABAD: While a mystery shrouds Altaf Husain’s planned “political drone attack”, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has made it clear that it would not take any step which may undermine or hurt independence of the judiciary.
The MQM chief announced late Saturday that he would “carry out a political drone strike” within 72 hours, asking the nation to be mentally prepared for it — leaving many political observers guessing.
“It is unlikely the MQM will take any step which may hurt the superior judiciary,” said MQM Senator Col (Retd) Tahir Hussain Mashhadi. Asked if this “political drone attack” could go against the Supreme Court, he said, “It’ll be a political drone. I’m sure, it will not hurt the independent judiciary.”
Political observers, however, take the timing of Altaf’s announcement seriously as it comes at a time when the MQM chief is bound to appear before the apex court today (Monday) in a contempt case.
Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Senator Pervez Rashid termed Altaf’s announcement “a wakeup call for the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)”. He believes MQM may pull out of the ruling coalition at the centre, but not in Sindh.
PPP Senator Saeed Ghani called it a “mysterious statement” and said he could not understand what exactly Altaf wanted to achieve through such calls at a time when the general elections are around the corner. He, however, made it clear that it would be a “political drone attack” rather than a “drone on the superior judiciary”.
Awami National Party (ANP) MNA Bushra Gohar, meanwhile, asked the government to take action against such statements by a “foreign national”.
“When you [Altaf], being a dual national, announce to launch a drone strike in Pakistan, you are interfering in the state’s internal affairs. We should not let him [Altaf] add fuel to the fire in the state.” - ET
this might be very interesting!

1) Leave government(highly unlikely)

2) resign from party leadership and get reelected via a refrendum

3) give up his UK nationality (impossible)
no matter view anyone holds, it is proven from time to time that MQM key agenda is to remain in power and government. They will exploit everything in this regards at their disposal be it the muhajir card or middle class nonsense!
Some facts & GK about drones in Pakistan is
1. Drones are being sent by foreign power
2. Drones are used for High Value Targets
3. They comes with consent of establishment
4. They damage civilians more
5. Controls of these drones is in hands of foreign powers

Can we analyze the news in light of above?
Lol is he making fun of drone attacks or referring to their effectiveness.:-/?
I really have no idea and am no expert but I really like the way he used the term ' Political Drone' . Drone is Unmanned combat aircraft and the fires a missile from air with high precision and accuracy, comes with effectiveness. Pilot sitting thousands of miles away at a safe location.

Altaf bahi himself sitting thousands of miles away, controlling his party and some other people like tahir ul qadri, and he will fire a missile from his shoulder :D
Some facts & GK about drones in Pakistan is
1. Drones are being sent by foreign power
2. Drones are used for High Value Targets
3. They comes with consent of establishment
4. They damage civilians more
5. Controls of these drones is in hands of foreign powers

Can we analyze the news in light of above?

I really have no idea and am no expert but I really like the way he used the term ' Political Drone' . Drone is Unmanned combat aircraft and the fires a missile from air with high precision and accuracy, comes with effectiveness. Pilot sitting thousands of miles away at a safe location.

Altaf bahi himself sitting thousands of miles away, controlling his party and some other people like tahir ul qadri, and he will fire a missile from his shoulder :D

May be Altaf Hussien was the first person in Pakistani history to invent the concept of "drone politics". Keeping in mind that he controls his lethal assests in karachi - with govt tactic cosent - in a manner no different than CIA drones?

Altaf bhai is CIA and Tahir Quadri is the drone :D
Altaf says political drone attack may be delayed

LONDON: MQM chief Altaf Hussain said Monday that his political drone attack may be delayed by a day or two.

In a statement Altaf added that preparations had been made for the political drone attack and he was searching for the remaining parts.

The MQM chief on late Saturday night had asked the nation to get ready for a political drone attack to be launched by him in the next 72 hours. During a conversation with members of the party’s coordination committee, Altaf claimed that no one would be able to respond to the political drone attack.

Altaf Hussain’s statements come as the Supreme Court had directed him through a notice to appear on January 7 to justify his remarks against the court in the hearing of the contempt notice.

Earlier on Monday, MQM leader Dr Farooq Sattar said it would not be possible for Altaf Hussain to appear before the Supreme Court due to unavoidable circumstances.

Altaf says political drone attack may be delayed - geo.tv
Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain said that the ‘political drone’ he had made an announcement about was ready to be launched, however it lacked some parts which will be arranged in a day or two, Express News reported.

The MQM chief had announced late Saturday that he would “carry out a political drone strike” within 72 hours, asking the nation to be mentally prepared for it — leaving many political observers guessing.

Political observers, however, take the timing of Altaf’s announcement seriously as it comes at a time when the MQM chief was bound to appear before the apex court today (Monday) in a contempt case.

Altaf had urged his party workers to prepare themselves for the strike and for its after effects.

The party statement released, though, did not elaborate on the nature of the attack, nor the intended target of the strike.

Altaf says ‘political drone’ ready to be launched, but lacks a few parts right now – The Express Tribune

maybe JUST MAYBE due to pressure in UK over the imran farooq murder case! ALTAF is coming to PAK! who knows he might actually come back to Pak!

Maybe those parts are called BALLS :undecided:

:lol: yaar aisaa tou maat kaaho!
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