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Policies and Promises.


Oct 16, 2008
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As you all know elections will be here soon. And as a responsible citizen we all should vote. But vote for whom? This is a question I want to answer here with this thread. In last few months every program i watched whenever someone ask the political leader "what your policy will be on this issue?" the answer always comes as "our committee is working on it day and night", But they never reveal the real answer. The only way left for Pakistanis in this situation to know there policy is to elect them and if they (people) dont like the policy they have to wait another 5 years before they can elect anyone else..

I want this thread to be dedicated to every tiny bit of information which you guys can gather on the possible policies the leaders of major political parties will choose. Post the links on the news or other source so that people of Pakistan or atleast those who visit defence.pk can make informed decision and vote for the guy whose policies they like the most.

Please keep any political trolling away from this thread. This thread should be use as Information pool only. I would also like to request member where they have approach to leaders of political parties ask them questions about their policies.

Main topics should be

Budget policies (EDUCATION, HEALTH and DEFENCE) and any likely changes they are going to make in it.

Tax Policies.

Foreign policies and affairs

Add more if you think i missed something important

MODS: can you make this sticky.

PS. We can use this thread to see how much they are upholding their promises after teh election.

To start with, here is my thought:

PPP will be pro labor and will support labor and government employes (ideally off-course since this time, there policy is to FCUK us).
PML-N: more funds for development of infrastructure, thus supporting industries and business. Fair share for the defense deal but an aggressive approach towards military forces.
PTI: Better investment in education and infrastructure, lesser defense deals. the international image will be enhanced but being a new born, might find it difficult to manage (but hell yeah... we are with him, i am with him... we will manage)

i hope it is PTI

Checking if i can get some detailed info on this topic, will certainly come back and post.

Saw the federal and provincial budget speeches on and off:

In the 5th budget usually governments announce that they are near to complete five years plan they started in the first year, here its reserve the governments are announcing new projects !! Irony.
first policy that should be discussed and dealt with is what IK will do to stop the Taliban insurgency from breeding and coming back several times.
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