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Police arrested 4 Muslim men for Blasphemy in Pakistan


Oct 17, 2019
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Pakistani police arrest four for ‘blasphemy’ over mosque argument
Four Muslim men accused of blasphemy after arguing with religious cleric who refused to make funeral announcement for a Christian.


Blasphemy is a sensitive subject in Pakistan, where strict blasphemy laws prescribe a mandatory death penalty for certain forms of the crime [File: Fareed Khan/AP]

Pakistani police have arrested four men charged with blasphemy after they argued with an ‘imam’ (religious cleric) over whether a funeral announcement for a Christian neighbour could be made from a mosque, officials say.

The case occurred in the village of Khodi Khushal Singh, near the eastern city of Lahore, on November 18, a local police official Faryad, who goes by one name, told Al Jazeera on Thursday.

“The men have been detained and we have presented them before the court,” he said.

The men, who were Muslim, argued with a local cleric after he refused to make a funeral announcement for a Christian man from his mosque, the initial police report says.

“As soon as they arrived [at the mosque], they started cursing the mosque’s imam, they disrespected the mosque and they insulted Islam,” reads the report.

Blasphemy is a sensitive subject in Pakistan, where strict blasphemy laws prescribe a mandatory death penalty for certain forms of the crime.

The four men were charged under sections 295 and 298 of Pakistan’s penal code, which carry penalties of up to two years in prison.

Pakistan has never executed a convict under the blasphemy laws, but accusations of the offence have increasingly led to murder by mobs or individuals. Since 1990, at least 79 people have been killed in such violence, according to an Al Jazeera tally.

Pakistani human rights activists have decried the case against the four men as being unfounded.

“If there was a Muslim who in good faith wants to have an announcement such as this made in the community, it’s not an attack on someone’s faith, it’s a good cause,” said human rights activist and lawyer Nadeem Anthony.

“So if someone announces [a funeral] on a loudspeaker, how is it a religious violation?”

Let's see how a christian going to a church and asking the priest to announce a funeral possession for a muslim or a jew pans out.

And involvement of police is ridiculous going by the story . The four men might have verbally abused the cleric but blaspheming against one's own faith right at the place of worship seems too phoney .
If you are asking me for my personal opinion, it would have sounded very Islamic.

Yes but just keep in view the societal norms and the subsequeny consequences emanating from "violating" them

Vaikho g asi sirf duty kr dy py Aman amaan bahal rkhna
I blame the police growing over eager to register cases to prove their efficiency.

Magistrate will throw the case out in a heartbeat.

Why is the police not deconstructing illegal buildings?
Yes but just keep in view the societal norms and the subsequeny consequences emanating from "violating" them

Vaikho g asi sirf duty kr dy py Aman amaan bahal rkhna

Societal norms need to change and lot of this pre partition non Islamic mentality needs to go away now, it is already late ..... best we realise it before the natural cleansing takes its course.
There was no need to institute a case.

Yes and no. The molana sb. should be thrown out of the mosque where they comfortably preside and are brainwashing lots of gullible people, spreading hatred which has no place in Islam. Islam only allows just qisas else there is not a single verse advocating hatred.
Let's see how a christian going to a church and asking the priest to announce a funeral possession for a muslim or a jew pans out.

And involvement of police is ridiculous going by the story . The four men might have verbally abused the cleric but blaspheming against one's own faith right at the place of worship seems too phoney .

You racist, Church have no loud speakers, especially in Pakistan
The molana sb. should be thrown out of the mosque

Think from the molana's/priests/rabi's perspective , men of his faith approach him and ask to do such and such act which is considered taboo by his own people at large . Now what gonna happen is if he entertains their request his own people gonna throw him out anyhow.

So for me given the circumstances and knowledge of the scriptures which isnt common even among the clergy the priest got left with no choice other than oyeee ghustakhi krna ain? Meri Daal roti?

Moreover the police did the "right" thing to an extent by removing the inqilabis away from the mob grip and to passify the public outrage . Iam sure cops would still have been called on this issue even in the u.s

You racist, Church have no loud speakers, especially in Pakistan

How am i Racist in a religious discussion?
Churches do blast the orchestra every know and then using speakers . Mazloom mazloom kahi or khaylo
Think from the molana's/priests/rabi's perspective , men of his faith approach him and ask to do such and such act which is considered taboo by his own people at large . Now what gonna happen is if he entertains their request his own people gonna throw him out anyhow.

So for me given the circumstances and knowledge of the scriptures which isnt common even among the clergy the priest got left with no choice other than oyeee ghustakhi krna ain? Meri Daal roti?

Moreover the police did the "right" thing to an extent by removing the inqilabis away from the mob grip and to passify the public outrage . Iam sure cops would still have been called on this issue even in the u.s


Current type of Molanaship itself is against Islamic principles and doctrine.

Anyways understood where you are coming from.

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