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Poland to provide Mig-29 to Ukraine - what should they get as replacement?

Thats good to hear! Glad they change their mind.

LOL Poland wants US to take the responsibility.

Poland says it is ready to hand over ALL its MiG-29 fighter jets to the US to transfer them to Ukraine: Warsaw puts the ball in Biden and NATO's court in deal to get a fleet of American combat planes​

  • Poland on Tuesday said it was ready to send all its MiG-29 jets to the US air base at Ramstein, Germany
  • It comes after Ukraine pleaded for foreign jets to help it fight of Russian invaders
  • But the plan to deliver Soviet-era planes to Ukraine has stalled over fears it could escalate Russian aggression
  • Poland said it was placing the jets at the 'disposal of the government of the United States of America'
  • That suggests Poland is trying to push Washington to go further in backing Ukraine with weaponry
  • Biden administration officials said the Polish announcement had taken them by surprise


PUBLISHED: 16:14 EST, 8 March 2022 | UPDATED: 17:33 EST, 8 March 2022

Poland announced on Tuesday it was ready to hand all its MiG-29 fighter jets to the US, apparently as part of an arrangement to deliver the warplanes to Ukraine's armed forces where they are desperately needed to fight off invading Russian forces.
The idea has been floating around for more than a week after Ukraine pleaded for more aircraft but the plan has been dogged by questions about how to deliver the planes to Ukrainian territory without dragging NATO into the conflict.
Tuesday's announcement will be seen as a Polish effort to force the US and NATO to go further in backing the Ukrainian fight.

'The authorities of the Republic of Poland, after consultations between the president and the government, are ready to deploy – immediately and free of charge – all their MIG-29 jets to the Ramstein Air Base and place them at the disposal of the government of the United States of America,' said the Polish foreign ministry.
Poland is believed to have 28 MiG-29s - a Soviet-era fighter flown by the Ukrainian air force - although not all are airworthy.
'At the same time, Poland requests the United States to provide us with used aircraft with corresponding operational capabilities,' it said.
US officials say they are currently considering a proposal to send F-16s to Poland to 'backfill' its air force, replacing the MiGs, but have also suggested caution is in order.
The Polish announcement appeared to take them unawares.
Victoria Nuland, State Department undersecretary, was asked about the decision when she appeared before a Senate committee to discuss Ukraine.
'I was in a meeting where I ought to have about that before I came so I think that actually was a surprise move by the Poles,' she said.
Sources familiar with the issue said the problem was how to deliver the planes to Ukraine.
Russia has made clear that it will consider any use by Ukraine of neighboring country's territory as a 'casus belli,' or justification for attack.
Poland says it is ready to hand over all its MiG-29 fighter jets to the US, as part of a plan to reinforce the Ukrainian air force

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Poland says it is ready to hand over all its MiG-29 fighter jets to the US, as part of a plan to reinforce the Ukrainian air force
Poland said it was ready to deploy 'immediately and free of charge' all its MiG-29 jets to the Ramstein Air Base and place them at the 'disposal of the Government of the United States of America'

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Poland said it was ready to deploy 'immediately and free of charge' all its MiG-29 jets to the Ramstein Air Base and place them at the 'disposal of the Government of the United States of America'
President Joe Biden announced a ban on imports of Russian oil and gas on Tuesday, but Washington now faces tough decisions about what to do with Poland's offer of MiG fighters for Ukraine

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President Joe Biden announced a ban on imports of Russian oil and gas on Tuesday, but Washington now faces tough decisions about what to do with Poland's offer of MiG fighters for Ukraine
LOL Poland wants US to take the responsibility.

Poland says it is ready to hand over ALL its MiG-29 fighter jets to the US to transfer them to Ukraine: Warsaw puts the ball in Biden and NATO's court in deal to get a fleet of American combat planes​

  • Poland on Tuesday said it was ready to send all its MiG-29 jets to the US air base at Ramstein, Germany
  • It comes after Ukraine pleaded for foreign jets to help it fight of Russian invaders
  • But the plan to deliver Soviet-era planes to Ukraine has stalled over fears it could escalate Russian aggression
  • Poland said it was placing the jets at the 'disposal of the government of the United States of America'
  • That suggests Poland is trying to push Washington to go further in backing Ukraine with weaponry
  • Biden administration officials said the Polish announcement had taken them by surprise


PUBLISHED: 16:14 EST, 8 March 2022 | UPDATED: 17:33 EST, 8 March 2022

Poland announced on Tuesday it was ready to hand all its MiG-29 fighter jets to the US, apparently as part of an arrangement to deliver the warplanes to Ukraine's armed forces where they are desperately needed to fight off invading Russian forces.
The idea has been floating around for more than a week after Ukraine pleaded for more aircraft but the plan has been dogged by questions about how to deliver the planes to Ukrainian territory without dragging NATO into the conflict.
Tuesday's announcement will be seen as a Polish effort to force the US and NATO to go further in backing the Ukrainian fight.

'The authorities of the Republic of Poland, after consultations between the president and the government, are ready to deploy – immediately and free of charge – all their MIG-29 jets to the Ramstein Air Base and place them at the disposal of the government of the United States of America,' said the Polish foreign ministry.
Poland is believed to have 28 MiG-29s - a Soviet-era fighter flown by the Ukrainian air force - although not all are airworthy.
'At the same time, Poland requests the United States to provide us with used aircraft with corresponding operational capabilities,' it said.
US officials say they are currently considering a proposal to send F-16s to Poland to 'backfill' its air force, replacing the MiGs, but have also suggested caution is in order.
The Polish announcement appeared to take them unawares.
Victoria Nuland, State Department undersecretary, was asked about the decision when she appeared before a Senate committee to discuss Ukraine.
'I was in a meeting where I ought to have about that before I came so I think that actually was a surprise move by the Poles,' she said.
Sources familiar with the issue said the problem was how to deliver the planes to Ukraine.
Russia has made clear that it will consider any use by Ukraine of neighboring country's territory as a 'casus belli,' or justification for attack.
Poland says it is ready to hand over all its MiG-29 fighter jets to the US, as part of a plan to reinforce the Ukrainian air force

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Poland says it is ready to hand over all its MiG-29 fighter jets to the US, as part of a plan to reinforce the Ukrainian air force
Poland said it was ready to deploy 'immediately and free of charge' all its MiG-29 jets to the Ramstein Air Base and place them at the 'disposal of the Government of the United States of America''immediately and free of charge' all its MiG-29 jets to the Ramstein Air Base and place them at the 'disposal of the Government of the United States of America'

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Poland said it was ready to deploy 'immediately and free of charge' all its MiG-29 jets to the Ramstein Air Base and place them at the 'disposal of the Government of the United States of America'
President Joe Biden announced a ban on imports of Russian oil and gas on Tuesday, but Washington now faces tough decisions about what to do with Poland's offer of MiG fighters for Ukraine's offer of MiG fighters for Ukraine

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President Joe Biden announced a ban on imports of Russian oil and gas on Tuesday, but Washington now faces tough decisions about what to do with Poland's offer of MiG fighters for Ukraine

Well its actually smart, Russia is not going to attack the U.S. even thinking of it when U.S. owns the jets and do what they want with it.
If Poland provides weapons to Ukraine, Russia should attack it. Its as simple as this.
The US dont want the planes, Poland doesnt want direct transfer to Ukraine. This ping pong wont work.
Well I'm actually referring to a Super Stinger missile for anti air. Was using the TOW pic as an illustration.

This one is an actual manpad, British Starstreak. As I was saying for air defense they should develop something like this but have far higher ceiling and range.


Thats good to hear! Glad they change their mind.
I think anything crew served is probably too complicate for the Ukrainian, probably best stick with Stinger
I think anything crew served is probably too complicate for the Ukrainian, probably best stick with Stinger
If they can handle firing a Javelin or even a Stinger, they can quickly learn how to use something like this. Its just on a tripod with a bigger missile. But thats just my thinking about such a weapon.

You are itching to start the fire for WW3. :enjoy:
Doubt the Russians would go to war with NATO over this. We didn't go to war when the Russians gave MiGs to North Korea and Vietnam.
If they can handle firing a Javelin or even a Stinger, they can quickly learn how to use something like this. Its just on a tripod with a bigger missile. But thats just my thinking about such a weapon.

Doubt the Russians would go to war with NATO over this. We didn't go to war when the Russians gave MiGs to North Korea and Vietnam.
It's a lot more complicated than that. When a weapon is crew serve, which mean there are something they cannot operate alone. And that something are more complicated than just break open and use it.

Depends on the internal gizmo, the seeker maybe more complicated, or the targeting system may be different, I can't tell you since I have never used those system.
I think he meant the command station in Germany, the drone flew to and from Ukraine, but the drone was controlled by an operator in Germany.

That's how we use drone in the US by the way, we fly them to and from Afghanistan inside a command station in Nevada (or some place like that I forgot)
Yes, that's what I meant.
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