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PN Atlantic crew why are they hero’s of Pakistan!

Knowing that they can not outrun the Mig, knowing that they did not even have chaff and flares these hero’s turned their aircraft towards and slowed down. A last effort to out maneuver the enemy. The Atlantic is a turbo prop slower aircraft. It can reduce its speed to forces fighter jets to fly over as jets can not fly at slow speeds. The Indians who wanted to take a war trophy decided to fire on this unarmed aircraft, the pilots onboard must have know this and knew that this tactics will either help them to return home or die trying. Either way they will not let their Aircraft be taken by the enemy. These soldiers committed to their duty and aviated till the last minute. They then become Shaeeds, writing their names in the history books to be remembered for all time to come!
With all due respect to the dead, the plane should've followed the command from the intercepting MiG pilots as the aircraft violated air space and was given the due command to follow them, trying to evade after knowing you have wronged is nothing but reckless and unnecessary risk-taking by the pilots. They should've landed in India and could have been properly repatriated by the government. I don't see a point in risking the life of oneself and fellow boys.
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