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Jun 30, 2011
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PMO retracts Singh's Bangla remarks
New Delhi, July 2, DHNS:

Three days after his interaction with senior editors, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has found himself in an unlikely controversy.

His surprising comments that sections of Bangladeshi people are under the influence of Pakistani intelligence agency ISI has raised eyebrows in the diplomatic circles and have been taken off from the official website of the PMO more than a day after it was uploaded.

Singh – who is usually careful about his words– had said in his media interaction that “at least 25 per cent” of Bangladesh’s population was anti-Indian. It was splashed in the Bangladesh newspapers and TV channels.

Asked about the India-Bangladesh relations, the prime minister had said: “We must reckon that at least 25 per cent of the population of Bangladesh swear by the Jamiat-e-Islami and they are very anti-Indian, and they are in the clutches, many times, of the ISI. So, the political landscape in Bangladesh can change at any time. We do not know what these terrorist elements, who have a hold on the Jamiat-e-Islami elements in Bangladesh, can be up to.” Media advisor to the prime minister Harish Khare is reported to have said that the prime minister’s remark was “off-the-record” and that it was included in the website by mistake which has been corrected now. The prime minister met the editors on Wednesday morning and the transcript of the meeting was posted on PMO website late that night.
i am glad to know that PM is well informed about BD...

such information gernally never appear in media before and even i was not aware that BD and SL are so anti-india before joining PDF , i got it from reading the messages posted by members here...

lets us hear from PM on SL too in next editors meeting ..
i am glad to know that PM is well informed about BD...

such information gernally never appear in media before and even i was not aware that BD and SL are so anti-india before joining PDF , i got it from reading the messages posted by members here...

lets us hear from PM on SL too in next editors meeting ..

there is no doubt that SL and BD are anti - indian for the reason i don't know , but they are not as aggressive as china or pakistan because of their dependence on us .
I think its a good tactic on the part of the PM...first hint at it then retract...This avoids controversy on an official statement and when such a news comes directly from a PM ..u cant avoid scrutinizing on that matter either.

I think it a clever feeding of a reminder to the present parties that if unchecked this muslim/IsI league could create serious problems in there grab for power. And that India keenly monitors it.

I dont think a man of the age of MMS would spend his energy on something unproductive. IMHO
Our PM has some precious words and that too are taken away from his mouth ... What a poor guy ... now when we will se him speaking again :D
Our PM has some precious words and that too are taken away from his mouth ... What a poor guy ... now when we will se him speaking again :D

:lol: when he opened his mouth without using his brain the words landed back in his mouth in shape of removal.
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