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PML-N Social Media Team member engages in sectarianism, threatens and blackmails a Karachi based food delivery service


Jun 2, 2011
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A doctor and member of the PML-N social media team threatened a Karachi based food delivery service, SpicOgetti when they informed him of their inability to fulfill a particular request of his.

His messages show him engaging in sectarianism, revealing ties to the army (army brat?), proclaiming use of the PML-N social media to destroy the business and promising to get the police to arrest the business owner over fake charges.

SpicOgetti's post text:

It has been 7 years to our business but this is the first time that a customer has gone so low that we are posting it here.It started with a conversation yesterday where a customer named Dr. Umair crossed the limits. He has been regular but has always been a difficult one to handle for one or the other reasons but we always gave him due respect.
Yesterday, he asked us to arrange a samosa and fruit chat with his order which we politely refused and gave him the proper reason. On this, he got very angry and started abusing and threatening us (you can see the screenshots of the chat). We tried to calm him down, and to avoid any further arguments, we blocked his number on Whatsapp on which he started texting and calling us (screenshots of texts and WhatsApp from a new number). He said he has connections with a political party, our forces and then he bashed karachi people, mohajirs and what not. He said you don't know how to respect forces, how to respect doctors, you should say sir sir sir always etc. Now, he is posting negative things about us everywhere on social media.
We tried speaking to him, we tried ignoring him so he could calm down but now he is causing real trouble. My question is what should be done with such customers? How can we as a business stop such customers from doing unjustified acts?
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Is he a doctor or a Teen age girl. 🤣
Look at the tentrums.
Its hilarious non the less. The business Customer Relation person must be laughing at the replies not offended by it i can bet.
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