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PML-N, PTI approach Samiul Haq for deal with Taliban

Redesign the whole anti-terror policy, I personally believe that we didn't have a terror policy during the previous government, PPP left it completely to the Army as if saying 'aye lo payi jaan, tussan day hawalay'. This isn't gonna happen now. Nawaz Sharif will have a far greater output, so will the national assembly.

This achieves two things, a greater scrutiny of the policy (since civilians can be questioned) and a better public perception of the war. This also legitimizes the whole thing since the government will own up to it then. The public will realize it is our own war, we are getting killed not the Yanks...we are getting the most damage, not the Yanks. So first thing is perception.

The second thing to do is to put in a sincere effort. No more good taliban and bad taliban rubbish, anybody who stands up against the state in arms should be blown to hell, PERIOD. A thought out plan be achieved, Taliban have been routed out from Bajaur, Swat, Malakand, South Waziristan and other places, they will be routed out from NW and a couple of other pockets as well. They are on the backfoot, that is why they are going for talks. If we stop the op and talk, they will regroup, and then the talks will collapse and Taliban will have regained their senses by then.

Third thing is for the civilian government to start rehabilitating the people in FATA and introducing them in mainstream. Change the laws for FATA and it's status, make houses and other stuff. Previous government left it to the Army to do the basic rebuilding, houses, sewerage, schools etc. Army isn't the sanitary works organization FFS!

And they accepted the results only because Nawaz Sharif came into power, after 6 months, they will revolt against him as well.

I'll elaborate further a bit later.

even though i agree to you totally.

but a few things i wish to say

FIRSTLY the TTP are not losing if they were losing and on the back foot the daily bombings would have decreased or if not that then the THREAT TTP gave a warning to 3 parties not to campaign and they couldn't dare too!

Secondly, currently even the US wishes to talk to good Taliban. so if they couldn't win after more then a decade and given their military might you think we can?

i personally feel 2 things must be done stop drones & stop supporting the US war on terror and finally build a fence on the afghan border! like the indians did with pakistan!
Talks to give up arms, surrender to the State of Pakistan, unlike what PPP/Military did in Swat by handing over Swat to taliban !!

and which idiot thinks that taliban will give their arms and present them on a silver platter?

my son things are not so lovely as you keep dreaming about
They must be ruthlessly suppressed … They are enemy of our country … Government shouldn’t deal with them … But I know PMLN & PTI must negotiate with them because they have soft corner for such terrorists …………..

Infact Imran had supported to impose Nizam e Adal then how could you say this ..????

supressed ok good. i agree but in last 5 years or actually since 2006 have we been able to suprress them? they threatened ANP from campaigning and all the power in pakistan couldn't protect ANP so clearly this war is being lost not won by us.
supressed ok good. i agree but in last 5 years or actually since 2006 have we been able to suprress them? they threatened ANP from campaigning and all the power in pakistan couldn't protect ANP so clearly this war is being lost not won by us.

Yes the kind of power they showed during elections is clear enough to show they are far more stronger than ever before the way they targeted the ANP and other party leaders and killed them
I said going by that pic's logic, NS also deserves to be there in that pic as he is today saying what IK used to say regarding TTP. No wonder this stupid patwari always try to copy IK.. NS is also well known as Ameer ul Momineen, ever heard of that? Let's better start contributing something useful to the thread instead of posting stupid stuff, no?

Its very useful.. when you, mods and their hindu friend call others names... keep it up.
Cartoon was not stupid at all... and N.Shareef is sure copying or being mislead by his advisors, as usual.

You are looking for excuses and justification, instead of criticizing your leader for this treachery.

To me it is another evidence... which states clearly Imran Khan party is hijacked by wolves in skin of sheep.
You are looking for excuses and justification, instead of criticizing your leader for this treachery.

Ok, now lets move on with rest of your post..

and N.Shareef is sure copying or being mislead by his advisors, as usual.

So if IK is doing treachery then anyone who is copying him is also doing the same, no? Then why soft corner for NS, cut the cr@p mate and stop being a hypocrite.

To me it is another evidence... which states clearly Imran Khan party is hijacked by wolves in skin of sheep.

And according to your own post, NS's party is also hijacked by same wolves who are NS's advisers and are making NS copy IK's moves, right? Now why don't you criticize your own leader for copying treachery and following wolves' advice? :lol: Your words are contradicting, are you confused or frustrated? or maybe both?
supressed ok good. i agree but in last 5 years or actually since 2006 have we been able to suprress them? they threatened ANP from campaigning and all the power in pakistan couldn't protect ANP so clearly this war is being lost not won by us.

Because they are fighting with support of CIA & RAW they are also using their ammunition as well as foreign terrorist are among them ...
Because they are fighting with support of CIA & RAW they are also using their ammunition as well as foreign terrorist are among them ...

And you are killing them buy USA support how ironic ?
And you are killing them buy USA support how ironic ?

Snake should be killed instantly :) ... We have been double-crossed the U.S. and the military is well understood of their strategy ........

@Zarvan is the only guy talking sense in this thread .:pakistan:

Because @Zarvan keeps sympathy with TTP & its followers ..........
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Because @Zarvan keeps sympathy with TTP & its followers ..........

No,because he wants true Shari'at in pakistan and I support that.It's the only solution to all problems of pakistan.

Please,Don't devalue divine law :|
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No,because he wants true Shari'at in pakistan and I support that.It's the only solution to all problems of pakistan.

Please,Don't devalue divine law :|

I didn't devalue Shariah (Na'aaouzibillah) ... I condemn TTP ... TTP is not thekedar of Shariah ... Killing to innocent people is not Shariah ................ They are kharjees not Muslims ba$tard TTP .........
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