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PML-N, PTI approach Samiul Haq for deal with Taliban

Talks to give up arms, surrender to the State of Pakistan, unlike what PPP/Military did in Swat by handing over Swat to taliban !!
As if they're gonna be waiting to accept these :lol:. The only solution is WAR and keep killing them until they become too fable to fight. I would like to see FATA having the same structure as that of GB at least. Have some government and law enforcement structure installed there to keep these militants under check rather than controlling issues through political agents and temporary lashkars.
So somebody kills 40k Pakistanis and injures thousands more, and you then accept their demands for constitutional changes?

If they want to change the constitution, they need to contest in elections...PERIOD.

They want a complete Shariah state of their style, we don't want that...what will you negotiate with then?

Trust me on this, the 'peace' honeymoon will go bust in a matter of months.
Shariah is Shariah Sir if their demands are according to Islam they will be accepted and those who will oppose they will be soon taken out or they would have to run away that is why I asked to bring Ulemas in they will tell them what is right in Shariah what is allowed and what is not and trust me if that peace agreements don't go than Pakistan will face most bloodiest war for all of its life and this war will never end and trust me no one will be safe it would be bloodbath
Remember, only those call for peace who are at a weak position.

Taliban were being pounded hard in FATA, North Waziristan and a couple of other areas were their only strongholds left. Ops were underway there as well. If you halt ops according to their demands and talk, they will get a chance to regroup and will probably collapse the peace deal...so they get their chance to regroup...in short, humain phuddu bana dain gay...and we are obliging to them till now.

Shariah is Shariah Sir if their demands are according to Islam they will be accepted and those who will oppose they will be soon taken out or they would have to run away that is why I asked to bring Ulemas in they will tell them what is right in Shariah what is allowed and what is not and trust me if that peace agreements don't go than Pakistan will face most bloodiest war for all of its life and this war will never end and trust me no one will be safe it would be bloodbath

Yup, killing every other guy is according to Islam!!
Remember, only those call for peace who are at a weak position.

Taliban were being pounded hard in FATA, North Waziristan and a couple of other areas were their only strongholds left. Ops were underway there as well. If you halt ops according to their demands and talk, they will get a chance to regroup and will probably collapse the peace deal...so they get their chance to regroup...in short, humain phuddu bana dain gay...and we are obliging to them till now.

Yup, killing every other guy is according to Islam!!

And not implementing law of ALLAH is kufr Sir it is treason and you know what is punishment of treason Sir
And not implementing law of ALLAH is kufr Sir it is treason and you know what is punishment of treason Sir

Killing another guy for no reason on the street is also Kufr.
Killing another guy for no reason on the street is also Kufr.

Sir that is a major sin but not kufr ALLAH has said in the Quran those who decide according to what ALLAH has raveled they are the real kafirs

Sir that is a major sin but not kufr ALLAH has said in the Quran those who decide according to what ALLAH has raveled they are the real kafirs

KIlling people on the streets is not Shariat is it?

Killing children in streets and schools isn't Shariat is it?

KIlling people in mosques and bombing them isn't Shiarat is it?

Killing women isn't Shariat is it?

I could go on and on and on...

Taliban's Shariat is not Allah's Shariat.

This would be my last post on the topic of whose Shariat is right.
KIlling people on the streets is not Shariat is it?

Killing children in streets and schools isn't Shariat is it?

KIlling people in mosques and bombing them isn't Shiarat is it?

Killing women isn't Shariat is it?

I could go on and on and on...

Taliban's Shariat is not Allah's Shariat.

This would be my last post on the topic of whose Shariat is right.

Yes Sir I agree that is why I say the Army when they attacked and killed its own people on american orders in 2003 which resulted in creation of TTP in 2006 should be stopped and talk to our people other wise crimes committed by Army will be far more horrible than what Taliban did and Ulemas will see whose shariat is according to Islam and whose it not they will decide and many of their demands are what ALLAH orders us to do so don't try to use Taliban Shariat words to run away from Islam Sir
@Armstrong @nuclearpak you will have to bring in Ulemas like Mufti Taqi Usmani and Mufti Rafi Usmani and others and than talk to Taliban and than recheck constitution change things which are not according to Islam and add new ones other wise this war will continue for next 1000 years even more than that

Molvi tu phir shuru ho giyaa haiii ! :angry:

The TTP should be hunted like dogs not made deals with ! :)
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Then what will you negotiate?

I don't see Taliban backing off from their demand of a Taliban Shariah state.

If you can't give them that, what will you give? They aren't gonna surrender for nothing.

two things! end to drone strikes & leave WoT! which clearly ended at the death of OBL!

and in return TTP stops hitting their own Pakistanis! rest if they resist then i guess we keep fighting them forever. & losing money men tourism everything you name it!

every war ends at negotiation table. if we can live with MQM we can live with TTP too.
two things! end to drone strikes & leave WoT! which clearly ended at the death of OBL!

and in return TTP stops hitting their own Pakistanis! rest if they resist then i guess we keep fighting them forever. & losing money men tourism everything you name it!

every war ends at negotiation table. if we can live with MQM we can live with TTP too.

MQM and TTP have no comparison whatsoever. They are miles apart...that is like comparing me with Tom Cruise in looks!

The demand of leaving WoT has changed now, especially since the TTP has gotten more autonomous from the Afghan Taliban. This may have been the starting point, but now their mission is establish their writ. Nawaz Sharif might give them assurances that we aren't fighting the US's war (which we aren't), but that will only lessen their anger 2%...they are still hell bent on establishing their law.
Give them an opportunity to make peace without conditions.

Very important they are not given any leverage, they will come back for more. That is how RAW trains them to be.

We need a period of peace which will buy us time to indentify the funding. Once we have linked TTP with RAW funding, we create leaflets explaining this and drop thousands of these into the tribal areas by plane for them to read.

Let the locals understand who these people are and who is paying them.

That is how you win.
MQM and TTP have no comparison whatsoever. They are miles apart...that is like comparing me with Tom Cruise in looks!

The demand of leaving WoT has changed now, especially since the TTP has gotten more autonomous from the Afghan Taliban. This may have been the starting point, but now their mission is establish their writ. Nawaz Sharif might give them assurances that we aren't fighting the US's war (which we aren't), but that will only lessen their anger 2%...they are still hell bent on establishing their law.

well so your recommendation is to do what? & clearly we can talk to TTP about non shariah. clearly they accepted election results means they are more interested in an end to drone strikes & WoT!

if they put forward a shariah demand of theirs which is THEIR OWN VERSION of SHARIAH! then we can turn that down.

but real want to know your suggestion on how to end this gureilla warfare that has been going on in pakistan since almost 6 or 7 years.
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