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PML-N Is Absolutely Responsible for crime against humanity



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Aug 20, 2009
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Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz Group Is Totally Responsible For The Act of 1992 Operation Against The Citizens Of Pakistan.............They Gave No Concern To The Jinnahpur Maps Which Today They Proved To Be False At Every Step.
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Adolf Hitler will always be known in the history of mankind as being the most racial and barbaric dictator on the basis of ethnic and religious affiliations. The world soon realized the agenda of Nazi German forces – two days after invasion of Poland (on September 3rd 1939), resulting in formation of allies between United Kingdom and France, declaring war on Nazi Germany.In the year 1992, the same story was repeated here in our country Pakistan, with different set of personalities involved and on different racial/political grounds.Yesterday night ex Director General of Intelligence Bureau (IB – which is classed as the top civilian intelligence setup of our country), Brigadier (R) Imtiaz appeared on a talk show named “Sawal Yeh Hai” (the question is that) hosted by Dr. Danish, on ARY OneWorld TV channel unleashing so far un-told history.I am not sure if Brig (R) Imtiaz himself committed crime by revealing intelligence operations from the sad history of this country, but ones eye’s cant stop tears after listening to what has been done on this part of the planet back in early 90s.The other guest in the program was Syed Haider Abbas Rizvi of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) who is termed as the deputy parliamentary leader of the party as well.Revealing a lot of yet untold details from the history along with an operation by Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to unearth plans of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA of USA) trying to plant technicians in the nuclear installations of the country.The Khar LegacyOne of the stories he tell is that Ghulam Mustafa Khar was staying in London in self-exile staying in the apartment of Seth Abid, where he was approached by Joshi, a senior officer of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) of India, creating a joint plan that when there will be Corps Commander conference going on in the Rawalpindi, Pakistan, they will explode the building with explosives, killing all the senior military leadership of Pakistan. According to Birg (R) Imtiaz, Mustafa Khar was the central role player of the plan and RAW was cooperating with him, and he even met with Indra Ghandi, the then Prime Minister of India – who formally approved the operation. On the other hand Seth Abid met General Zia and informed him that Mustafa Khar have some dirty plans against the country.He says that Seth Abid was then planted as the Pakistani agent and used to communicate with Mustafa Khar from the ISI office – answering to a question if this is a true-tale, Brig (R) Imtiaz also revealed that all the conversations of the plan between Seth Abid and Mustafa Khar are still on record and are saved at Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) at this time. Then he tells how the plan was busted with the help of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agents. When Mustafa Khar was phoned on the program by the host, he clearly rejected the allegations and asked that another program should be hosted and he be invited to take his views rather than on phone, to which Dr. Danish agreed.Mass murders in 1992 OperationAfter seeking a confirmation that he have experience of more than 11 years of service in Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Dr. Danish asked Brig (R) Imtiaz about another conspiracy of 1992 Operation against the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), when Lt Gen Naseer Akhtar was Corps Commander of 10 Corps (Karachi) and Lt. Gen Asif Janjua was the Chief of Army Staff. The then Prime Minsiter, Nawaz Sharif was not sought any permission about this operation says Brig (R) Imtiaz, and says that the operation was started without the permission of Mr. Nawaz Sharif. He confirms that this is definite that when this operation began, MQM raised her voice against the operation & the international community shown concern over this operation, Mr Nawaz Sharif called on Lt Gen Asif Janjua, the then Chief of Army staff, to discuss the issue to which the then Prime Minister, Mr. Nawaz Sharif instructed to continue the operation!Dr. Danish then questions the political innocence of Mr. Nawaz Sharif, as he is famous for his deliberate ignorance including the Kargil war, as why he did not ask this operation to be stopped which was started and continued in his government.Dr. Danish then takes Lt. Gen (R) Naseer Akhtar on phone and questions him that if he did seek permission from the then Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif to conduct the operation to kill 15000 workers of MQM to which he confirmed that the permission was sought in proper chain of command and Mr. Nawaz Sharif was present in the Pano Aqil Cantonment during all the conferences where the 1992 Operation was discussed along with Chief Of Army Staff and President Ghulam Ishaq Khan – and gave permission to conduct this genocide!Then he asks ex-corps commander about the Jinnahpur map discovered from Karachi, to which he said that this was very disappointing, there were never any of such map discovered, and it was withdrawn just after two days and he declines twice on the phone line that even while being Corps Commander of Karachi, he was completely unaware of the Jinnahpur map – this to be noted here that Lt Gen (R) Naseer Akhtar is known as responsible and mastermind of the 1992 Karachi operation.Coming back to Brig (R) Imtiaz, Dr. Danish questions that according to the ex-corps commander, Lt Gen (R) Naseer Akhtar – the prime minister, Nawaz Sharif and Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen (R) Asif Janjua was completely in loop of the operation – Brig (R) Imtiaz once again decline that prime minister Nawaz Shareef was completely unaware of the illegal operation against MQM, but agreed that he ordered to continue operation.Then he comes back to Jinnahpur saga and asks Brig (R) Imtiaz that being the then DG Intelligence Bureau to tell that from which office of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) the so called map of Jinnahpur was discovered? Answering to which he says that I investigated this whole issue for seven days and at the end concluded that this Jinnahpur map was a complete drama and conspiracy against Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) and there were absolutely no maps discovered from the offices of MQM.Brig (R) Imtiaz asks that Lt. Gen (R) Naseer Akhtar was the Corps Commander of the 10 Corp during that time then how this is possible that he was completely unaware of the Jinnahpur map? How this become possible that those maps were published? Who passed it to the press resulting in the headlines of all the newspapers on the next day? Including the headline of the JANG newspaper published in the London. This is bloody nonsense.Breaking in tears, Haider Abbas Rizvi says that this is a big day of his life, it reminds him of his 15000 party workers killed in this operation, the way his party and the leader Altaf Hussain was accused of being agents of Research & Analysis Wing (RAW – INDIA). The way the patriotism of his party was challenged. He also requests Brig (R) Imtiaz to please swear upon Allah to tell everyone about those torture cells of MQM were ever existed?Haider Abbas Rizvi says that during the operation, women workers of MQM, including mothers and sisters were rotten under horses by Police and the Army during the operation, he thanked Lt. Gen (R) Naseer Akhtar of telling and accepting the truth today after 17 years.Dr. Danish when asking another question, Haider Rizvi insisted Dr. Danish to please ask Brig (R) Imtiaz if those torture cell of MQM ever existed to which Dr. Danish said that as this is now clear that Jinnahpur map was a propaganda against MQM and was fake, it is needless to question that MQM operated any torture cell anywhere.Finally, In My OpinionIn my humble opinion, this is one of the biggest blunder in the history of our beloved country that a political party was convicted of false crimes and an illegal operation was raged on them resulting in the deaths of 15000 workers, including infants, children and women.Out of whole of this episode of the Dr. Danish’s talk show, one thing we can easily conclude that this operation was started or at least continued with the will of the then Prime Minister, Mr. Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N, Nawaz Group) – which is indeed a symbol of shame for everyone being citizen of this country.Those who have lived in the city of Karachi during 1992-1999 are well aware of how this operation was conducted, how members of an specific political party (MQM) was killed under the blame of claiming of a separate state, which is all now termed as false.Since now this fact is revealed and the 1992 operation unearthed, Mr. Nawaz Sharif and his party PML-N, proud owner of sugar mills, flour mills, rice mills, members of the elite class, the lions of the Punjab, should be ashamed of conducting such serious crimes and mass murder and in my humble opinion must be tried in the international criminal court under sections of crimes against humanity.Now I ask where is Mr. Chief Justice, Justice Chaudhary Iftikhar Hussain? I hope he have seen the yesterday’s episode of Dr. Danish’s program or at least have read the newspapers? Will he take suo-moto action now? Or his sou-moto actions are only bound to be for one of those blessed ones where there is a vested interest.By the way, 15000 (or lets say 1500?) illegal murders is not a joke! We need to take some serious actions against those responsible now – in order to avoid any genocide in future in our country, and in my humble opinion the list starts with 1. PML-N Leader Mr. Nawaz Sharif, 2. The then Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen (R) Asif Janjua, 3. The then Coprs Commander of 10 Core (Karachi), Lt. Gen (R) Naseer Akhtar, and so on.Let us have a Change!

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Just a note my friends:

Its not "Absolutely Proven" if PML-N ordered to conduct such operation. Credibility of Brig Imtiaz is low and porous. Lets have a full-investigation of the 1992, 1995 and 12th May 2007 incident. MQM is political party but before that they are Pakistani and so are PML-N, ANP, JI, PPP. An Independent Inquiry is need of the time but before that, don't reach the conclusion. Accusations of Jinnah Por were proven false in 1994/5 and it was publicized in the Newspapers. Is somebody finding any reason to "disclose it yet again" as Brig. Imtiaz is saying? So hold on to your opinion and let the full-and-fair investigation be completed first.
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....Please Check That 6th June 1992

Quami Newspaper Published That Nawaz Sharif met and got briefing from GEN. ASIF NAWAZ And Gen. Naseer Akhtar.
....Please Check That 6th June 1992

Quami Newspaper Published That Nawaz Sharif met and got briefing from GEN. ASIF NAWAZ And Gen. Naseer Akhtar.

Its not who did what and who told what. Is some mind thinking why is this thing starting at the time and why responsibility of action of 92 is being discussed and not that of 95 when even more MQM workers were killed and General Babar was on the play under the government of PPP?

92 is important here because it was era of Nawaz Sharif. Nawaz Sharif is not letting Musharaf go and some stage is being set to warn him of consequences if he kept doing what he is doing. If Musharraf is brought to justice, it will not be Musharraf alone who would see the count, it would be whole bunch of people who supported him and crossed lines of responsibility and oath. And see how this whole stage is being set, a TV Program hosted Brig. Imtiaz and got assertion from another x-serviceman and thus it was "Absolutely Proven". Really?

This is an attempt to teach Nawaz-Sharif not to pursue against Musharraf or else.
Its not who did what and who told what. Is some mind thinking why is this thing starting at the time and why responsibility of action of 92 is being discussed and not that of 95 when even more MQM workers were killed and General Babar was on the play under the government of PPP?

92 is important here because it was era of Nawaz Sharif. Nawaz Sharif is not letting Musharaf go and some stage is being set to warn him of consequences if he kept doing what he is doing. If Musharraf is brought to justice, it will not be Musharraf alone who would see the count, it would be whole bunch of people who supported him and crossed lines of responsibility and oath. And see how this whole stage is being set, a TV Program hosted Brig. Imtiaz and got assertion from another x-serviceman and thus it was "Absolutely Proven". Really?

This is an attempt to teach Nawaz-Sharif not to pursue against Musharraf or else.

difficult to believe anymore.
everyone has a different story.
WHAT is the truth?
Yes sure, why not. If Nawaz-Sharif, Banezir, Qazi Hussein Ahmed or who ever is found responsible would be brought to justice. Who is putting a brackets around Musharaf alone? Gen. Musharaf is the start of long chain. People who are trying to protect Musharaf are not doing it for his love, they are doing to save their matters that are attached with trial of Gen. Musharaf. And Just to add a little more, every Dictator had got approvel of his actions from one assembly or the other. Musharaf's acts are naked and un-approved. He is more accessible to prosecute than any previous dictator.

Will secret services and other agencies let government do that? Its another story altogether but Musharaf must be questioned for his deeds and Musharaf is just the starting point.. we have long list of people who owe to this Nation and Motherland.
Yes sure, why not. If Nawaz-Sharif, Banezir, Qazi Hussein Ahmed or who ever is found responsible would be brought to justice. Who is putting a brackets around Musharaf alone? Gen. Musharaf is the start of long chain. People who are trying to protect Musharaf are not doing it for his love, they are doing to save their matters that are attached with trial of Gen. Musharaf. And Just to add a little more, every Dictator had got approvel of his actions from one assembly or the other. Musharaf's acts are naked and un-approved. He is more accessible to prosecute than any previous dictator.

Will secret services and other agencies let government do that? Its another story altogether but Musharaf must be questioned for his deeds and Musharaf is just the starting point.. we have long list of people who owe to this Nation and Motherland.

Gen.Musharraf Is Not The Start ..Correct Your History

Yes So MQM Have Already Asked PML Nawaz To File A Case Against Musharraf For Whole Article 6 But They Are Not Doing Because Nawaz Met Halbrooke And His Decision Was Changed:azn:

Remember The News

Yes All Should Be Questioned Including Musharraf.........
I think playing a drama to kill crimnals (MQM) is not wrong.
I think the entire military operation was carried out by the army authorities on their own without taking the PML government into confidence.So blaming the PML government alone is not justified.Moreover the operation did succeed in restoring the law and order in Karachi and breaking the back of hard line MQM criminals.Since its emergence the MQM has followed a policy of violence and militancy killing thousands of pakhtuns,sindhis and punjabis in the urban areas of sindh.The ordinary mqm worker has been brainwashed to think that a break up of Pakistan is inevitable and surprisingly he looks eager to see that happen.I think if the need arise more such miltary operations should be launched to clean the urban areas of Sindh from anti social and anti Pakistan elements.
it was very important to carry out operation at that time. operation started in 92 and Altaf hussain is preaching his worker in 1985 to start arm struggle so from where the funds were raised and what was behind Altaf speech in 1985 there something fishy.And there were reports that he has been in contact with raw who were supporting him and funding him. If he has no fear So y he dont come to Pakistan his party is in Goverment but he is controlling from there and he is not willing to come to Pakistan he is a one Big Bastard thats it
I think the entire military operation was carried out by the army authorities on their own without taking the PML government into confidence.So blaming the PML government alone is not justified.Moreover the operation did succeed in restoring the law and order in Karachi and breaking the back of hard line MQM criminals.Since its emergence the MQM has followed a policy of violence and militancy killing thousands of pakhtuns,sindhis and punjabis in the urban areas of sindh.The ordinary mqm worker has been brainwashed to think that a break up of Pakistan is inevitable and surprisingly he looks eager to see that happen.I think if the need arise more such miltary operations should be launched to clean the urban areas of Sindh from anti social and anti Pakistan elements.

I hope tum ne roza nahi rakha ho aj!

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