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PM to open 17 projects in Cox’s Bazar on Saturday

This is the longest marine drive.Full 80 Km!

This marine drive, 80 km stretch from Inani to Teknaf. There is another marine drive (close to 92 KM) proposal from China (with $2.8 billion Chinese fund) that will stretch from Sitakundo to Cox's Bazar and connects to this marine drive. Once and if that project completes, one can get to marine drive from Dhaka - Chittagong highway and travel entire cost of Chittagong and Cox's Bazar upto southern most tip of Teknaf. China already done feasibility study using an European consultant who are experienced in building coastal infrastructure. Question is, will awami league allow this vital project or block it on indian instruction?
Watch the video of South Asia's most beautiful marine drive in Bangladesh.Its the second longest marine drive road in the world.

10:37 AM, May 06, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 11:17 AM, May 06, 2017
PM to inaugurate 80km Cox's Bazar-Teknaf Marine Drive today

Opens newly constructed extended runway for Boeing flight

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today, Saturday, May 6, 2017, will inaugurate the Cox's Bazar-Teknaf Marine Drive in Inani under Ukhia upazila. The 80-kilometre marine drive road from Cox's Bazar to Teknaf expected to bring bright prospect for development of communication and tourism in the picturesque area. Photo: Muhamamd Ali Zinnat
Star Online Report
  • PM opens Boeing flight at Cox’s Bazar airport
  • She will inaugurate Marine drive
  • Completed in 3 phases with Tk 456cr
  • Project started in 1999

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate the Cox's Bazar-Teknaf Marine Drive in Inani today.

After the premiere reached Cox’s Bazar at 9:45pm, Hasina inaugurated the newly constructed extended runway for the movement of spacious aircraft Boeing 737-800, reports our Cox’s Bazar correspondent.

Bangladesh Army under the supervision of the Roads and Highways Department constructed the 80-km marine drive for protecting the Cox's Bazar seashore.

Cos’s Bazar-Teknaf Marine Drive

The work of the giant project aimed at developing fast communication in the famous tourist zone started in 1999.

The infrastructure at a cost of Tk 456 crore was implemented in three phases -- 24 km between Kalatoli to Inani was built in the first phase, and then 24 km from Shilkhali to Teknaf upazila headquarters and lastly 32 km road from Shilkhali to Sabrang in Teknaf, said Rana Priyo Barua, executive engineer of Roads and Highways Department (RHD) in Cox's Bazar.

The marine drive has already contributed to an attractive tourist-friendly ambiance along with economic growth in Ukhia and Teknaf where hotels, cottages and resorts are being constructed.

Bangladesh Army's 16 Engineer Construction Battalion constructed the marine drive under a project of the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges.

The prime minister will also inaugurate and lay foundation stones of 16 development projects in the district. Among the projects, eight have so far been completed.

In the afternoon, the PM will inaugurate six development projects by unveiling their plaques from Sheikh Kamal International Cricket Stadium.

These are: Cox's Bazar Medical College, 100-seat female dormitory of Cox's Bazar Government Girls College, Academic Building-cum-Examination Hall of Cox's Bazar Government College, 100-seat Girls Hostel of Cox's Bazar Government College, two-storey academic building of Banagamata Fazilatun Nesa Mujib College, Ukhia and Moheshkhali-Anowara Gas Transmission Line.

From the same venue she will lay the foundation stones of 595- meter PC box-girder bridge at Khuruschool Ghat on the Bakkhali river under Cox's Bazar Sadar upazila, Cox's Bazar Medical College Hospital, Cox's Bazar IT Park, Moheshkhali Floating LNG Terminal of Energy Bangladesh Ltd at Exilat, the second floating LNG Terminal of Summit LNG Terminal Company at Moheshkhali, installation of Single Point Mooring (SPM) Project in Moheshkhali, the Naf Tourism Project, academic building of Kutubdia College and office building of Cox's Bazar Development Authority.

Later, Hasina will address a public meeting to be organised by Cox's Bazar District Awami League at Sheikh Kamal International Cricket Stadium.

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Very beautiful, well done BD keep it up. BD is on course to becoming a developed country. Just wish we had remained together, united we could have been better together, but at least you are masters of your own destiny. Good luck.
.Its the second longest marine drive road in the world.
All report are saying, it is the longest in the world.If it is the 2nd longest according to you than what is the 1st longest? Mumbai marine drive?
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ঢেউয়ের তালে মন ভেজালেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী
অনলাইন ডেস্ক
০৬ মে ২০১৭, ১৫:৪৮

সমুদ্রের সৌন্দর্যে মুগ্ধ প্রধানমন্ত্রী। ছবি: ফোকাস বাংলাপ্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা আজ শনিবার সকালে বোয়িং উড়োজাহাজ মেঘদূতে করে কক্সবাজারে যান। এরপর কক্সবাজার-টেকনাফ ৮০ কিলোমিটার দীর্ঘ মেরিন ড্রাইভ উদ্বোধন করে ইনানী সৈকতে পৌঁছান। আনুষ্ঠানিকতা সেরে দুপুর সাড়ে ১২টার দিকে তিনি সৈকতে যান।

সমুদ্রের বিশালতা মানুষকে মুগ্ধ করে, কাছে টানে। আর দশটা সাধারণ মানুষের মতো প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনাও উচ্ছ্বাস-আনন্দে সমুদ্রদর্শন করেন। ঝিনুকফোটা সাগরবেলায় তিনি অনেকটা সময় খালি পায়ে হাঁটেন। মন ভেজান সমুদ্রের ঢেউয়ের তালে।

সফরসঙ্গী ও সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্মকর্তাদের সঙ্গে নিয়ে প্রধানমন্ত্রীর সমুদ্রদর্শন। ছবি: ফোকাস বাংলাবে ওয়াচ রিসোর্টের সামনে সৈকতে আয়োজিত অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা বাবা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের সঙ্গে প্রথম সমুদ্র দেখার অভিজ্ঞতার কথা জানান।
সমুদ্রের জলে পা ভেজালেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী। ছবি: ফোকাস বাংলা
কক্সবাজারের ইনানী সমুদ্রসৈকতে প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা। ছবি: ফোকাস বাংলাএই ঝিনুক ফোটা সাগরবেলায়...। ছবি: ফোকাস বাংলাসাগরের ঢেউয়ের জলে পা ভেজালেন, মন ভেজালেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী। ছবি: ফোকাস বাংলাসমুদ্রের বিশালতা মানুষকে মুগ্ধ করে, কাছে টানে। সমুদ্রদর্শনের পর আর দশটা সাধারণ মানুষের মতো উচ্ছ্বাসিত-আনন্দিত প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনাও। ছবি: ফোকাস বাংলা
This marine drive, 80 km stretch from Inani to Teknaf. There is another marine drive (close to 92 KM) proposal from China (with $2.8 billion Chinese fund) that will stretch from Sitakundo to Cox's Bazar and connects to this marine drive. Once and if that project completes, one can get to marine drive from Dhaka - Chittagong highway and travel entire cost of Chittagong and Cox's Bazar upto southern most tip of Teknaf. China already done feasibility study using an European consultant who are experienced in building coastal infrastructure. Question is, will awami league allow this vital project or block it on indian instruction?

This is not marine drive. There is only one Marine Drive in this world that is in South Bombay.
:D :D :D :enjoy:
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Such a big coastal belt and you never had a marine drive yet ?? :-(

Anyways great attempt and the aerial view pics is really awesome. Go ahead and make it a 6 line or 8 line in future. All the very best. :enjoy:

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