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PM promises to protect Australia's 'sovereignty' with $130bn JobKeeper wage scheme

I wonder whatever happened to that great civilized free market idea ?
I wonder whatever happened to that great civilized free market idea ?

If US ask them to do it, they will do it, no question asked. You'd wonder how much sovereignty Australia has sold to US already. Americans are have permeated entire levels of Australian politics and their media.

Come on my friend, you know he is F*king bullshi.tting. These politicians are the worst scum. They don't care about us Aussies. They only love their Big Industrial buddies who pay no tax.

We the individuals pay one of the highest taxes in the World, and I can assure you, this little dimstick will tax the hell out Aussies. Higher taxes on their way mate.
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Come on my friend, you know he is F*king bullshi.tting. These politicians are the worst scum. They don't care about us Aussies. They only love their Big Industrial buddies who pay no tax.

We the individuals pay one of the highest taxes in the World, and I can assure you, this little dimstick will tax the hell out Aussies. Higher taxes on their way mate.

Yeah I know, these politicians are full of shit.
Very strange, what does this speech has anything to do with China?
This will be the end result of COVID-19, all kind of trade barriers for China, just Like 9/11 was to stop Muslim migration to West...little that they know, its has grown exponentially after that
So let me get this straight... Australia wants to close trade to China? Who will but their resources besides China?
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