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PM orders nationwide crackdown on smuggling

Thankyou Finally some thing against smuggling. We Businessman appreciate it. My Father company was top company in its field and were producing products in Pakistan. But after 1990's its on declining trend because of that smuggling. We are still in same business but may be the smallest of all. the smuggled good destroyed every industry in Pakistan.
There are 2 type of rates
1. 100 per kg . high risk.
2. 200 per kg. 0 risk they guarantee you.

A real businessman pay around 56% tax on import stage on 20% custom duty.
Smuggling destroyed our industry. A businessman try to built unit to reduce this 56% if he see potential that will create more jobs.
And smugglers he just buy a plot or send the money abroad.
Only in Pakistan does the PM needs to give orders to nab the smugglers and their stuff... Where are the law and economic organizations... why cant we go to big markets and ware houses and take in custody the cigarettes, small electronics, crockery, and plastic ware. The ones mentioned if brought legally will give you billions in revenue. So would the iranian diesel and smuggling of wheat, sugar and animals to afghanistan and fruits and spices from afghanistan to pakistan.
Thankyou Finally some thing against smuggling. We Businessman appreciate it. My Father company was top company in its field and were producing products in Pakistan. But after 1990's its on declining trend because of that smuggling. We are still in same business but may be the smallest of all. the smuggled good destroyed every industry in Pakistan.
There are 2 type of rates
1. 100 per kg . high risk.
2. 200 per kg. 0 risk they guarantee you.

A real businessman pay around 56% tax on import stage on 20% custom duty.
Smuggling destroyed our industry. A businessman try to built unit to reduce this 56% if he see potential that will create more jobs.
And smugglers he just buy a plot or send the money abroad.
Thank you, this confirms what I was saying. Smuggling has destroyed the local industry and manufacturing. The last decade has de-industrialized the country. I don't understand why people are talking as if Imran Khan is destroying the economy, he is trying to do the opposite. He is trying to revive local manufacturing and build an export-oriented economy like the rest of the Asian economies.

PML-N & PPP allowed the flood gates of imports to remain open, drowning local industries and turning the country into an importing nation. I don't blame them completely, as Musharraf set the stage in motion with FTA with countries like China. Unless these policies are reversed, Pakistan will remain stuck in the vicious cycle it's in now:

1) it will continue to import far more than it exports
2) thus, remain in trade deficit
3) borrow dollars to pay for the imbalance
4) increase the debt burden further
5) increase taxes to pay that debt

Devaluing the currency, along with the ongoing US-China trade war, has had a positive effect on the exports. Pakistan's exports have increased quantitatively during the current govt. although dollar terms is less due to devaluation. However, this still is beneficial as it can mean more factories will be created to increase productivity to meet demand which will increase employment, bring back lost customers, make Pakistan a favorable destination for cheap exports.

Pakistan’s exports increase by 7% as production goes up

Adviser to Prime Minister on Commerce Abdul Razak Dawood says Pakistan’s exports have increased by seven per cent as production line had gone up despite difficult environment.

Talking to Chairman Faisalabad Industrial Estate Development and Management Company, Mian Kashif Ashfaq in Lahore, Razak Dawood said the trade gap is narrowing down as exports are showing steadying trajectory while imports have reduced by four billion dollars.

Chief Operating Officer FIEDMC Aamir Saleemi was also present on this occasion.

Terming the project of Allama Iqbal Industrial City imperative for industrial development in the country, the Adviser said projects like Faisalabad Industrial Estate Development & Management Company (FIEDMC), would help the industry generating economic activities by attracting foreign and local investors besides enhancing volume to exports to meet the challenges of trade deficit.

Razak Dawood said Pakistan’s exports went up by 7 per cent as production line had gone up despite difficult environment.

“The trade gap was narrowing down as exports were showing steadying trajectory while imports got reduced by $4 billion and overall current account deficit also improved,” he added.

He said that the situation on economic front was not as bad as being portrayed by some quarters and they were ready as well to correct things. However, he also conceded that the economic situation must have improved at much accelerated pace.

He said that the exports of garments went up by 29 per cent, cement 25 per cent, basmati rice 21 per cent and footwear 26 per cent in the current fiscal year.

Abdul Razak Dawood said that the government provided subsidy to export-oriented sector on electricity and gas and it would be continued in coming year.

FIEDMC Chief Mian Kashif Ashfaq unfolding the distinctive features of Allama Iqbal Industrial City to Advisor said this sole project would house as many as 400 industries besides giving employments to 2,500, 00 people. He said approximately Rs400 billion foreign and local investments would be pumped into this project and development project is being carried out on fast track.

He further said FIDEMC always provided state of the art facilities to its customers besides resolving their issues through one window operation on top priority basis. He said the confidence of the investors on is being restored after completion of M3 project.

Mian Kashif said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has changed the image of the country within a short span of time since he formed the government in August last year. “Pakistan which suffered huge economic losses during the last 20-years due to militancy and war against terror, has now come out as a progressive new country under Imran’s leadership,” he added.

He appreciated Abdul Razak Dawood for taking serious steps for the revival of national economy. He said Pakistan’s economic indicators are now improving and soon the government would announce relief packages for the poor strata of the society.

He also said FIEDMC was committed to improve Pakistan’s ease of doing business ranking to under 100 within two years to attract international investors to the country.

Meanwhile a well renowned personality of Maritime Sector Chairman Pakistan Ship’s Agents Association (PSAA), Vice President Pakistan Stevedores Conference Ltd (PSCL), and Former Vice President Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & amp; Industry (FPCCI) Tariq Haleem says that the Pakistani nation, industrialists and the business community should not be disheartened.

For speedy recovery of economic activities the importance of ports has increased many folds as compared to the past and this is an admitted fact that Pakistani ports have special position for improvement of the country’s economy.

Tariq Haleem said that to keep pace with the modern fast improving world economical development we should immediately provide better facilities at our ports and take steps on war footing to reduce operational costs.

Certain amendments in relevant SRO’s are required to make Gwadar Port and Gwadar Free Zone operational. Huge investment is pending due to delays in the amendments. Afghan Transit Trade issues need to be addressed to bring back our lost revenue generating cargoes.

We believe that with dedication and honesty PM Imran Khan will Inshallah soon overcome the problems being faced by the country and he will lead the country’s economy into a stable environment. In a recent statement he mentioned that the need of the hour is for all of us to provide our trust and support to the present government.

However the government should also take the citizens of Pakistan into confidence to overcome the trust deficit “if any”. For the progress and well being of Pakistan all sectors will have to play their role.
Looks like addiction to donkey meat has hit you hard
Ask your elders who they were voting before ? We have no presence of Noon league in our area ?
Seems like donkey meet is in your dna .. you go low, I ll meet you there at your level of language .. carry on please.
Ask your elders who they were voting before ? We have no presence of Noon league in our area ?
Seems like donkey meet is in your dna .. you go low, I ll meet you there at your level of language .. carry on please.

What ever makes you happy, good luck finding another useless churan to sell.
i already gave you the answer,
Only you think that .. as you think someone is crying and it's all the tabdeeli .. and that was all need of nation. Mission accomplished!
smuggling is already at all time lows thanks to effective border manning and fencing

you only see smuggled stuff around pesh and queeta
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