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PM Modi's 'Make In India' Racks Up $222 Billion in Pledges

India seriously lags behind in government efficiency even if it has good manpower.
Extremely true.

But that said, for the first time , the Govt of India is committing itself to increasing its efficiency and reducing the inspector Raj.

GoI has made the World Bank Ease of Doing Business ranking as one of its poll promises. They took over in 2014 when India ranked 142/180 something (below Pakistan, BD, Nepal,etc).

They worked some on it and In 2015 - the rank improved to 130.

GoI has promised that by the time they demit office in 2019, India's rank will be under 50.

So far it appears that Govt is sticking to its promises and making efforts - lets hope for the best.
Sorry bro, but this shows how little you know or how wrong your information is. In case you missed it, less than a month ago Modi and Hollande signed an IGA on the Rafale sale to India, how can it now not be on the table? :o:

I really do insist you take this discussion to the Rafale sticky thread and read the last 10 or so pages, we have had a lot of discussion on this topic recently and there are a few new members who have some concrete information that entirley contradicts this.

Let's continue this discussion there my friend. :azn:

@PARIKRAMA @Picdelamirand-oil @Taygibay @surya kiran @anant_s

I mentioned about Made in India Rafale brother. We both can't find any midway. 36 Rafale itself will take more months from now.
Yes your Indian Communist members like Jamahir seem to be very religious. :P

Not that I care. Communism has been diluted so much already that it can't hurt to dilute it even more. Marx hated religion, but he also hated market economies and the private sector. Modern day Communism is basically meaningless.
..yes @jamahir is an Islamist hiding under the coat of communism...
...he is hiding now a days...like umar khaliq....
To think the other guy running was...... Rahul. :sarcastic:

Forget Modi or prime ministership, Rahul Gandhi will not make a good village panchayat president! The dude is frankly not made of the material necessary for any administrative post that requires a little more than eating in a Dalit's house or reading catch phrases from a smart phone.

But deep down, I know he is going to be my prime minister come 2019!

However, Modi, for all the hype surrounding him, has failed in his own ways too. First, he let his seriously corrupt opponents (Lalu, kalmadi, 'Dickshit') walk free thereby losing a valuable opportunity to show that he is a ruthless campaigner against the corrupt. And then, many of the same corrupt banded together to bite him back in Bihar!

Secondly, he has let the motormouths in his own party have a field day with their bs almost on a daily basis thereby shifting focus unnecessarily away from the only thing that Modi was elected for - Growth and Development. Makes me wonder that Modi is not as a strong an authority in his own party as we made him out to be.

Third and most important of all, he has failed spectacularly on media management and publicizing whatever good things he has done so far. Not only has he turned a blind eye on corruption and political favoritism of the mainstream media, but also FAILED to highlight his own achievements so far. When the Indian rural mass turns up to vote in 2019 (who, btw are the only group that turn up in large enough numbers to make a difference), they will be hard pressed to recall what Modi did to directly impact their lives - no matter how good he has been in macroeconomic matters or defense or exports or anything else.

What's worse, the same mainstream media, that Modi has so far turned a blind eye on, will band together with the corrupt politicians and portray him to be far worse than Manmohan Singh's corrupt and policy-paralyzed UPA-2, come 2019!

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