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PM Modi should bring together India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: Sudheendra Kulkarni

Two-nation theory will not let Pakistan have good relations with India or at least with non muslims of India. So what you say can not be accepted at face value and all other conditions you mentioned are useless.
1- Which country has vowed to fight a thousand years war with India? Which country was ready to eat grass to make nuclear weapons? Which country's nukes are aimed at a particular country? Which country is trying to inflict a thousand cut in revenge? So which country is actually threatening other?
2- Which country is known by the world for being the hub of global terror? Which country says there is a good terror and there is a bad terror based on her convenience?
3- the UN resolution on Kashmir is non binding in nature and today it has become redundant for the reasons -
a. Pakistan has not acted on pre condition of army withdrawal for implementation of UN plebiscite
b. Pakistan has changed the demography of her occupied kashmir.
c. Terrorists backed by Pakistan have driven out non muslim kashmiris from J&K
Besides it was agreed by both India and Pakistan in 1972 to resolve the issue bilaterally that put a permanent end to UN resolution on Kashmir.
1) Modi just few days ago vowed to fight for 1000 years.
2) Afghanistan is a hub for global terrorism and india is it's sponsor.
3) UN resolution are not binding then UN resolutions against terrorism and other anti india activities are not binding too. Infact any resolution which favours india are not binding then.
a. Pakistan army will move back but would you give us solid guarantee like we could destroy mumbai, if india doesn't complete it's duty of plebiscite after Pakistan with drawal? it won't be a problem for sincere country as india.
b. Pakistan had not changed Azad kashmir demographics and to ensure this autonomy is given to azad kashmir. But india had changed demographic realities of IOK by making non kashmiri people settlements in kashmir. Even people of IOK are blaming you for this.
c.Pakistan was sticking to simla resolution until India broke it by taking indo pak matters like jamat ud dawa and lashkar e taiba to UN.
Well 'family reunification' with India could be possible, but we have nothing to do with Pakistan - culturally or genetically.
I am sure there is a little bit of cultural and blood links. But just a little.
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