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PM Imran Khan will address the nation at 8pm tonight

Its Prime Minister's right to take Nation in confidence. can only Hope he will not sound "Peacefool".

Another lecture on "History and Geography of Second World war " ? Hope not.

atleast he knows history and about human sufferings in the history unlike illiterate sanghi swine your bastard kind elected as leader.
The elites will run away from Pakistan before even the first trumpet gets blown. You will see them making excuses about health and other reasons.

Once again the poor will fight for themselves alone.
People resisted and fought in 1947 and got azad kashmir and gilgat baldistan with zero economy now elite are afraid. But what Allah has written in Qadr will come to pass.
People resisted and fought in 1947 and got azad kashmir and gilgat baldistan with zero economy now elite are afraid. But what Allah has written in Qadr will come to pass.

Jinnah initiated Jihad in Kashmir.

No Pakistani can undo that no matter how handsome, cute or IMF backed he/she/it is.
so what you want attack india/IOK and doom @MUSTAKSHAF like other emotional guys here on PDF

And what what type of escalation you want, pakistan is not in a position to sustain any kind of war @1Paki$tani
Start off with simple ultimatum something on the line off.

If with 48 hours India does not loft curfew and withdraw troops to certain level than Pakistan preserves the right for preemptive action to perserve life, liberty and property of People of Kashmir from ongoing illegal h human right violation and planned genocide.

Issue that statement and watch phones start to ring to bring temper down. If not move next step deploy some number of troops.

World cannot afford and let us have a war.
It's funny how guys crying "Kashmir is lost" are talking about war. You babus have only tasted defeat in your own imaginations and you are lamenting and posting negatively, emboldening our enemy. What will you people do when lives and battles are lost in war? Hari kari? Get a grip, we are approaching the start, not the end.

Who gives a sh1t what PMIK will and won't say. If we want Kashmir free we must be prepared to free it at any cost.
Start off with simple ultimatum something on the line off.

If with 48 hours India does not loft curfew and withdraw troops to certain level than Pakistan preserves the right for preemptive action to perserve life, liberty and property of People of Kashmir from ongoing illegal h human right violation and planned genocide.

Issue that statement and watch phones start to ring to bring temper down. If not move next step deploy some number of troops.

World cannot afford and let us have a war.

This is the way to go..
GOP is waiting for curfew over jokay hona nahe hey filhaal next 30 days tak...
Prime Minister Imran Khan is expected to make fool out of the nation on the Kashmir issue at 5:30pm today.

"Ghabrana mat!"

We need to focus on economy, but keep diplomatic eye on Kashmir. India made this move because they know our economy is in tough position.
Start off with simple ultimatum something on the line off.

If with 48 hours India does not loft curfew and withdraw troops to certain level than Pakistan preserves the right for preemptive action to perserve life, liberty and property of People of Kashmir from ongoing illegal h human right violation and planned genocide.

Issue that statement and watch phones start to ring to bring temper down. If not move next step deploy some number of troops.

World cannot afford and let us have a war.
This worked not well for Pakistan as they decide to eliminate the special status of Kashmir and make it their new province they treat this ultimatum as fledged war against all India, and most of the world stay with India how many Muslim and non Muslim countries condemns this act of india, its only Iran in the Muslim world that condemn this act, and rest of the doesn't care about war between India and Pakistan if its limited or conventional war @1Paki$tani
only Iran in the Muslim world that condemn this act

It is very interesting isn`t it. Only Iran (Openly) and Qatar/Turkey Discreetly supporting Pakistan`s stand. I thought iranian will remain in indias corner but things are different..one has to give credit where it is due..
The elites will run away from Pakistan before even the first trumpet gets blown. You will see them making excuses about health and other reasons.

Once again the poor will fight for themselves alone.
Are you in Pakistan yourself? or will come to fight when war started? or just enjoy the show on youtube who kill whom and how many.
Pakistani should hope its for some action on j&k.

India should hope its about pakistan side of kashmir.

Way indian PM is travelling and fauj preparing this speech can give some indication of future.
I am expecting same begging behavior urging the world to intervene.same nazi and rss discussion just to satisfy fools.we have never given India anything without a fight but it looks like,this time we compromised.
Prime Minister Imran Khan is expected to make fool out of the nation on the Kashmir issue at 5:30pm today.

You nailed it bro xd.

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