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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Should we allow an absconder to become PM? No. IK should never have been the PM, then.

You think you are the only one who can raise questions of law in name of the Constitution? We are part of an imperfect polity which has weak institutions & in this case we must look towards function of the system, otherwise there is plenty that can be used to jam any movement at all.

Dont dodge the question, you are for parroting about how supreme consitutions respect is. Show us how supreme you think the respect of constitution should be. Dont go "she also did it, ... Maja Gaama also also did it" way.

So here again the questions.

1) Do you support prolonged jail term for Nawaz Sharif once he comes back for being fugitive?
Yes or No

2) Do you support that Shabaz Sharif should be in jail as being guarantor of Nawaz Sharif who has become a fugitive?
Yes or No?

3) Do do support that Lahore High Court should be prosecuted under contempt of court for not implementing SC ruling for model town enquiry?

Yes or No?

4) Do you support that Rana Sanaullah, Shabaz Sharif, his son should not be given any more leaves from the court and finally be formally charged or freed?

Yes or No?
So all these years we have been a fool thinking Noora was a crook, not talking against India on Kashmir, Kulbhushan, etc this is where it all leads to unfortunately.

If IK can't take the name of conspirators because his hands were tied, what can make us think Noora mouth was not tied.

And I am not accusing k Noore ne corruption nahi ki. Bilkul Kari, magar Karne hi isliye do gai takay baaad Mai blackmail Kara ja sake. This is my conclusion to all this fiasco.

Having a bare abbu is fine when you have such a huge and diversified nation but then again bare abbu hi agar crook Hain to?

Khair bhaiyon as Mushi said "Is mulk ka Allah hi haafiz".
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Dont dodge the question, you are for parroting about how supreme consitutions respect is. Show us how supreme you think the respect of constitution should be. Dont go "she also did it, ... Maja Gaama also also did it" way.

So here again the questions.

1) Do you support prolonged jail term for Nawaz Sharif once he comes back for being fugitive?
Yes or No

2) Do you support that Shabaz Sharif should be in jail as being guarantor of Nawaz Sharif who has become a fugitive?
Yes or No?

3) Do do support that Lahore High Court should be prosecuted under contempt of court for not implementing SC ruling for model town enquiry?

Yes or No?

4) Do you support that Rana Sanaullah, Shabaz Sharif, his son should not be given any more leaves from the court and finally be formally charged or freed?

Yes or No?
Well let us first see IK behind bars & also his facilitators & abettors. Then I will think about whatever it is that you are pestering me about. By that time though, NS & SS would have gone through the legal process & your questions would be moot.

WTF another talak happening ? Reham sa Bushra bibi tak ka safar.
Nobody said anything about this. Why go there at all?
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@blain2 @Foxtrot Alpha @The Eagle @waz @HRK @PakSword
I wanted to create a thread about establishment role, but I thinks these get deleted.and @PanzerKiel perhaps you could fine more names for Bajwa if I had written it, 'properly'

The crux is. One cannot control a hungry person.
it is the same old story since ages. Be it MLN (1985), MQM or the NROs given in 2002 or AL-Q in 80s. Such as the US thought it can control Al-Qaedah, and it couldn't. OBL had its own agenda and started pursuing it. Musharraf thought he could control MQM, he couldn't, and even I blame him for Baldia factory incident as he unleashed the monsters as an ally. Monester do what they are supposed to do, sooner or later.

The rebels/corrupt people just listen to their lust for power and money, from the beginning. They can be obedient and 'civilised' to the govt/politicians/establishment till they get the power. Once, they consolidate, they then bite you as you are the only challanger who prevents them from absolute corruption and control.

Same goes for armed resistance/terroists group. We couldn't control Mujahideen who were listening us and fighting together, but the moment USSR left they didn't listen to anybody and fought each other.

Now, this circus to control politicians, judiciary, ECP etc through money or blackmail.. It has created an environment of sellouts. Perhaps, we can never see stability in Pakistan as anyone can buy politcians and control Pakistan indirectly. Pak army thinks that she can, but it is not even a player. What it can offer to sellouts comapred to US ?
Rats jumping ship on the order of Rat masters of Pindi...

Started to believe that Pindi Estab. is neutral now or being neutered by to much moral strength shown by the PTI and PM IK. Don't have the balz now, just a hint of it...

They cannot go against the will of the people...and the will of their own army Jawans, all of them support PM Imran Khan, otherwise there would be a rebellion.
Started to believe that Pindi Estab. is neutral now or being neutered by to much moral strength shown by the PTI and PM IK. Don't have the balz now, just a hint of it...

They cannot go against the will of the people...and the will of their own army Jawans, all of them support PM Imran Khan, otherwise there would be a rebellion.
So IK may survive this then?
Well let us first see IK behind bars & also his facilitators & abettors. Then I will think about whatever it is that you are pestering me about. By that time though, NS & SS would have gone through the legal process & your questions would be moot
Oh and I thought you are some sensible guy .
So IK may survive this then?

There is a hint of it, all big players like Judiciary, Estab, Opposition, Govt would be looking for a way out of this crisis, and ideally many can approve of the idea of New Elections, only Shahbaz S, and Hamza Sharif will be against the new elections, PPP and PMLN will be OK with it, with some hand twisting and some baits...
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Would really like to know all those who are not happy with Imran/PTI how they find the opposition better given the history of most of those opposition leaders.

Genuine question, what's imran done which is so bad crossed your red lines.
There is hint of it, all big players like Judiciary, Estab, Opposition, Govt would be looking for a way out of this crisis, and ideally many can approve of the idea of New Elections, only Shahbaz S, and Hamza Sharif will be against the new elections, PPP and PMLN will be OK with it, with some hand twisting and some baits...
That's positive, Allah is with the righteous , he will not abandon us in this time inshallah
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