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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Relations between states is dependent upon relative power (economic, diplomatic, moral, military) and need. When Americans told us to do more, they were displaying their relative strength. We had two options - either we could grow strong somehow, or take the pressure, deflect it, & create opportunities. Guess what did we do? We chose to stay dependent upon Americans (aid, trade, & 'others' benefits) and undermine Americans while appearing to be on their side. Americans hated us for it. So, if you are not strong yourself because you believe every charlatan (Mushy, IK) who comes along with a promise of strong leadership, then you deserve to be dictated to.

So, if you do not know how to manage your Current Account Deficit, you'd better not strut around like a fool. If you can not wean yourself from American aid & trade, you'd better not try to be the Sheriff. This is how Pakistanis manage to look like a fool in front of everyone else. Diplomacy is all about dealing with situations in an intelligent manner, not by acting like a peacock.

My opinion on horse trading is that you need to find out what is happening in Sri Lanka. The ruling party lost a bunch of its parliament members to opposition because they can not face their constituents if they continue to support their ineffective & inept President. If you were not blind, you would actually see the parallels with Pakistan here. Our Constitution provides us with meaningful safeguards against floor-crossing. But these safeguards are reasonable & have been addressed in courts. The system works well as intended. But when you are hung up on propaganda cola, no one can make you see reality. The trouble with you is that you are so taken in by IK's charisma & halo effect that you gladly accept whatever story he feeds you. I know parliamentarians who have been banging their heads against the proverbial wall & not getting anywhere. Nobody listens to them & they have zero say in policy-making. They are under tremendous pressure from their constituents. If these people vote for change at the cost of their seat, you can not blame them.

Moreover, have you wondered about the inherent contradictions in all the claims that IK & his courtiers have been making? You sure are not if you straight up ask me about 'horse trading'. First, an MPA or MNA is not bought & sold like cattle. They join this or that camp/party/coalition. Before they commit, they are free to go any which way for whatever reason. 14th amendment bars them from switching parties once they have committed (before election as party member or after elections as an independent candidate). 18th amendment modified some relevant clauses, but on the whole the system is well founded. An MPA or MNA can go against his party & then go through a process whereby he / she needs to explains their position. If a leader is an idiot like IK, then it is only natural that there would come a time when members of his party would rebel at their own cost. This decision would not be taken lightly because there are going to be repercussions. A politicians has to weight pros & cons before making a call. His survival as a politician depends upon the quality of his decision making. People do not forget, regardless of how much you have been brainwashed to think of them as chattel.

I actually came to enjoy the meltdowns & the general display of cognitive dissonance (delicious & yummy), but here I am explaining stuff as though I am a class teacher. LOL.... I never learn.

We are here in this position because of 30 years of PPP and PMLN rule. And its the same damn faces and their kids. The exact same families. :lol:

Your logic does not make any sense. Buying a politician's loyalty is not democracy. Family politics is not a democracy, its a mafia.

I am not sure when you will grow out of this or people like you will accept Hamza Sharif's son as the next PM.
I hope IK realizes now that its not him vs opposition. After court verdict its Him Vs Supreme court.

no.... its him VS Panda... (urdu walay jeray wajday nay yaar tusaan kera panday samjay?)
We were cheering on for Strategic Depth and shit. While US dumped Afghanistan and clearly focused entirely on Pakistan as it Seems. ☹️☹️
Abu ku

Nice timing though

Help the Shabaz Govt get off the FATF list after forcing the IK govt. to take the more stringent finance related unpopular decisions over the last three years.
images (12).jpeg

He is a douchebag who brought a bad name to the country.
He could be a douchebag . But the point is kal ko india kisi ka bhi naam le le ap usko jail mey daal do gey?
Achey ghulaam banney ki tayariyaan chal rqhi hain kiya?
He could be a douchebag . But the point is kal ko india kisi ka bhi naam le le ap usko jail mey daal do gey?
Achey ghulaam banney ki tayariyaan chal rqhi hain kiya?
So you are saying Hafiz Saeed was ''koi bhee" and not a criminal? Have some sense.

Which do you think is more probable: all the institutions of the country have suddenly become traitors or that you youthias have gone off your rockers?
Imran Khan has been used, abused and tossed away like a two dollar hooker by the ****.

Made to implement the harshest conditions of FATF which made him deeply unpopular. Now SS will eat the cake with the FATF whitelisting after this totally organic ATC judgement.
We are here in this position because of 30 years of PPP and PMLN rule. And its the same damn faces and their kids. The exact same families. :lol:

Your logic does not make any sense. Buying a politician's loyalty is not democracy. Family politics is not a democracy, its a mafia.

I am not sure when you will grow out of this or people like you will accept Hamza Sharif's son as the next PM.
can someone shear pics of benazeer marriage ? that was the day when zardari became leader
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