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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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sara noonie toons gayab ho ga hain.........

Not all Generals, some are definitely Pro America but now China is extremely in good terms with PA... VT-4, J10's, Type 54s, Submarines, Satellites, Radars, SAM's, AAM, CM, Anti ship... all of that coming from China, taking panga with China at this point will be much worse than America, cause America already stop every weapon transfer for PA, if we were getting Aid or weapons then it would be different.
exactly we need to get these amrikay tools out prove they worked with amrikay and hang them and get rid of them once and for all! we need course correction we need to get rid of these rats inside the system and this is our golden opportunity see the biggest issue in Pakistan are not politicians its the wardi mafias u controllable greed for resources and power and public opinion is against them now so this is a goos opportunity for GoP to take control back and work for not few genrails but work for people!

off with heads no compromise! if we compromise now this same shit will repeat in future!
Now, caretaker setup has to be decided by PM and opp leader, which will not be done.

Then they will send 2 recommendations each to the speaker, and who will formulate a 10 member committee. If no result from there, then election commission will make a caretaker PM and cabinet.

That hasn't been confirmed yet has it?
Until the assembly are dissolved he will remain the PM.
Provincial assembles automatically dissolve if center dissolves
BTW how does it feel to be proven wrong after 15 years as you put it :D

And the provincial assemblies don't dissolve until dissolved. They will complete 5 years.
Valid point, but the end game was to have elections.
But the refused that offer ftom PM
Without changing setup rigging will be counter productive

This has stunned the opposition..they will go to the courts to over rule it
Until the assembly are dissolved he will remain the PM.

They stand dissolved within 48 hours from now.

Per law the center election has to occur independtly under a care taker govt ..it doesnt allow provinical govt to interfere

Can you please show the relevant provision?

From what I have read, the CM has to send advice to the governor, ONLY then will the provincial assembly be dissolved.

This is the first time only elections to the NA will be held, and not provincial assembly.
They stand dissolved within 48 hours from now.

Can you please show the relevant provision?

From what I have read, the CM has to send advice to the governor, ONLY then will the provincial assembly be dissolved.
This is for provincial govt..but not if center falls
**** your corrupt Chaudhry and all their supporters who thought they could
Manipulate the system and use haram money to buy the members ….

Imran saved the system from your foreign owners and your haram money..

Going by his performance Peer , moaakils , kaali billi , fouj , q league, darbar , baba g , queen of England, world cup , pti class conscious burger cadre hell bent on rampaging the country unless there gated communities remain untouched etc cannot keep a bratty tribal leader like i.k in power.

You should be glad that he advised the president to dissolve n.a otheriwse he would have met the same fate as bhutto.

Postponed the g.e for atleast a decade and hold local bodies elections with empowered mayors asap

Nobody wants to see certified kanajr leadership of any politcal party doing never ending madari across Pakistan. Better divert the mna mpa salary funds to the mayors as well
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