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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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27% of the opinion poll in this thread says that Imran was wrong to dissolve assent. A couple of days ago, it was at only 18%. What explains the change in opinion? Or is it more Indians voting in the poll? :unsure:

Don't take the majority posts here as the representation of Pakistani public opinion. I know a lot of people who wanted Imran Khan to face the Opposition bravely in the Parliament. When the Supreme Court declared this move unconstitutional, it reinforced the feeling that Khan has violated the Constitution. Some of his supporters do take that seriously, some of us don't follow him blindly.
Bro it's not about Haar Jeet its about how the Judiciary, Army, Opposition, and Foreign Power colluded together to get rid of him. How much he was hated by these powers just because he was honest to the nation and he was not a slave like others.
Agree PTI mandate was robbed blatantly by foreign powers using horse trading to buy out traitors and then fcuked up pathetic judiciary which doesn't even open on weekends took suo moto didn't bother to look into extreme foreign threat, SC interfered into parliamentary proceedings and made sure imported government came in power whether IK comes back or not, Pakistan is doomed, why should anyone invest in a banana rebuplic when there is no justice.
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The biggest loss in this whole drama willl be the hate for military among common citzens.

COAS was hatted before (not by me) but THE PDF consequently banned the Members, don’t know why the ban campaign stopped today? Usually it’s not allowed to discriminate the military in any manner, this law was introduced by PTI.
The biggest loss in this whole drama willl be the hate for military among common citzens.
Justifiably so. Short term gains ne itna andha kerdiya military leadership ko ke fully expose kerdia. Kafi nuqsan pohchaya hai institution ki sakht ko.

Again let’s hope for institutional self correction.
By "Speed" they mean corrupt (kickbacks) and allows white elephant projects (not sure if people of your background know what that means) with no checks and balances.

Think about it.

You can’t deny the fact that there was more corruption during PTI government as compare to previous two governments.

If only people knew the odds against Benazir in 1989 in the NCM vote!! She fought that off like a lioness and beat them. She might have bought some MNAs but I don't think she had, at that time, as deep pockets like Nawaz Sharif backed by the Establishment. Benazir was in real prison and faced a lot of hardships after Zia toppled her dad's govt in 1977. You could hate her but you should never take some things from her!
Imran didn't even attend today's NCM vote!!
there are many rumors I think a complete book could be written on the last 2 hours of IK gov.

As per One such rumor IK was sent an indirect msg of Marshal Law and because of this few journalist even tweeted about the possible red alert for 111 brigade.
I doubt today’s Missile test was a routine activity. They literally planned it to distract public’s attention and show how neutrals are busy minding their own business and showing off its might. But I am happy how the public reacted and I wish it continues until that ghaddar is hanged alongside others. IK exposed every single one of them and that alone is IKs biggest favor to the undeserving Pakistanis.
COAS was hatted before (not by me) but THE PDF consequently banned the Members, don’t know why the ban campaign stopped today? Usually it’s not allowed to discriminate the military in any manner, this law was introduced by PTI.
Pdf khali ho jana
Ye regime change ka issue ni tha Ye ghairat ka mamla tha.
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