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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

  • Right decision

  • Wrong decision

  • Master stoke

Results are only viewable after voting.
Good decision the Letter and National Security Council finding should be made public

Have elections in 83 Days , all problems are resolved

Public wants Election

its already worse than afghanistan... afghans have some shame, we dont even have that!
Maaf karde bhai- poor souls are literally going around countries asking for free food to eat
Count your blessings and make it better- smartly
per this channel, there is a divide in PTI's cabinet about it. Some saying allow the vote, while some opposing. The Sec. of the National Assembly has told the Speaker that if voting is not allowed before midnight then even the Sec. of the National Assembly would be target of Article 6 of the Constitution--a severe charge.
Once the Supreme Court rules something, that becomes THE law in Pakistan. Whether they do a 'Judicial Murder' such as that of Zulfi Bhutto or sack or restore Prime Minister, right or wrong, their verdicts become the law.

F**** that law. Parliament and speaker is supreme and more powerful than any court on this planet. Those judges' bodies would be scattered in Islamabad if they try to commit some extrajudicial murder. It's not the 80s anymore.
Lawyers are also gather in SC..
As Supreme court is open.
too much is going on....
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