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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Apparently, what happened or was done by establishment is wrong, i agree....but dear, there are some more serious reasons for which this might have done...i know the reasons, they are serious enough, funnily no one has hit the right guess yet.....Its nothing against the personality of IK ( he is the best we have got (personally as well as at institutional level, no doubt), but its against some other people who are around him.....

It's Shahbaz Gill isn't it? :P
I agree with the latter.

Let the opposition have it's time now, they will unravel in a few months and will have their share of problems.

In the meanwhile, approach the court with this letter, and all other proofs they have. The court will probably not hear it, since they have the 'ishara', but it would be something.

Opposition will try to remove overseas vote, EVM, and NAB laws. Take that to the public and make a ruckus over it.
Well considering the amount of time they are wasting, finding it hard to figure out what their game plan is at this point... But time will tell i suppose, it's just becoming tiring and also pretty messed up. The fact that IK is purposefully putting politics over the nation at this point, i say this because despite recent good news in regards to the economy it will be short lived as we still need to resume the IMF deal asap.
He can be indicted in absentia and can get a bail....an indicted person on bail cannot hold any PM office in Pakistan.

There is a fair amount of chance, I must say.

Nawaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar was indicted by SC earlier, Maryam N too, and they cannot hold any office unless the cases quashed by a two third majority or by presidential order.

Think that S.Khaqan Abbasi and Miftah Ismail was also indicted and are on bail. So has happened before.

Bhai jaan here are few tips for you:

- It is judiciary we are talking about AND it is Sharifs who is standing before them AND it is Lahore judiciary.

- FIA director investigating has just gone on leave.

Now connect the dots.

I will be more than happy to be proven wrong, but chances of Sharif being indicted by judiciary is 0.000000000%.

And as far as Wadda Sharif is concerned, he just got a slap on the wrist and that too after there was no other option left.
Well considering the amount of time they are wasting, finding it hard to figure out what their game plan is at this point... But time will tell i suppose, it's just becoming tiring and also pretty messed up. The fact that IK is purposefully putting politics over the nation at this point, i say this because despite recent good news in regards to the economy it will be short lived as we still need to resume the IMF deal asap.

To submit a review petition in the court.
People in KPK/FATA will be extra angry if PTI govt. and PM Imran Khan is thrown out of the govt. with the US backing.

There are aam Insaan and than there are Pathans, they are the most ghairat mand and fierce people on the face of earth, was never ruled.

Already there are reports about protests with people chanting Azaadi, Azaadi...

This Azaadi can have different meaning then.
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Come on, give us one name! :P
Bushra Bibi

There are two camps. One thinks that it all started when IK delayed the appointment of the new DG ISI. People in Islamabad think that the decision of delay had something to do with sufism and that didn't go very well with the higher ups who considered it too much involvement in the national security matters. That camp further strengthens its assumption by saying that if the establishment had not been brave enough, it wouldn't have given a serious blow to the NATO forces in Afghanistan covertly.

The other camp says that "hum bilkul hi lait gaey hain" and I am in that camp.
It is a pretty crazy situation overall.

The SC telling the speaker when to conduct a session and what to do in it, is this unprecendented?

Strictly speaking, it is unconstitutional!

it is like parliament is telling judiciary how to form benches and how to proceed against those judges who give ruling like "...if Musharaf is dead, bring his body back to Pakistan and hang in public on D-Chowk for xxxx days".

Parliament cant. Similarly SC cant tell Parliament how to conduct their business. And funny thing is that at the end of this ruling they have written "Not approved for reporting" in bold letters. It means this decision can not be cited in any future cases. :lol::hitwall:

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