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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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I am a supporter of Pakistan's Constitution & I will support anyone & everyone who says & acts the same.
Ok lets see how big a supporter of "Constitution" you are:

1) Do you support prolonged jail term for Nawaz Sharif once he comes back for being fugitive?
Yes or No

2) Do you support that Shabaz Sharif should be in jail as being guarantor of Nawaz Sharif who has become a fugitive?
Yes or No?

3) Do do support that Lahore High Court should be prosecuted under contempt of court for not implementing SC ruling for model town enquiry?

Yes or No?

4) Do you support that Rana Sanaullah, Shabaz Sharif, his son should not be given any more leaves from the court and finally be formally charged or freed?

Yes or No?
Absolutely not.

Hello @PanzerKiel !
I am Donald Lu, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs. This statement is not looking good on your resume. My administration is very concerned with your position, and demands clarification. Regardless, we think that you should resign from your position so that you may be forgiven for your mistakes. If you do not submit to our legitimate demands, you should expect a severe reaction from my administration.

Yours sincerely,
Donald Lu.


Lets go back to dreams where Pakistan is a proud independent country. And when we wake up we can watch SS call us beggars and has strange fits of shouting and hand waving like Hitler.

I would have accepted this if this was someone other than a Sharif or a Zardari but even that is too much to ask for. :lol:
The opposition alliance may have caught a falling knife by taking the government with less than one year left for general elections. The global economic climate and rising oil prices will make it difficult for the new administration to keep the population content before the next election. Perhaps the best play for the opposition right now is to take their chances by calling a general election right away just like Imran wanted 🤔
The opposition alliance may have caught a falling knife by taking the government with less than one year left for general elections. The global economic climate and rising oil prices will make it difficult for the new administration to keep the population content before the next election. Perhaps the best play for the opposition right now is to take their chances by calling a general election right away just like Imran wanted 🤔

I think you are new to Pakistani politics. They just need 3 months to buy off everyone and make sure the elections are fixed.
Doubtlessly. Externally, they probably perceive an imbalance growing too wide between how Pakistan is perceived and how India is perceived. There was a reason Benzair was the PM during the Early Clinton years, they maybe hoping for a similar Pakistani “Democrat” to be the next PM.

On a certain level you can’t blame them from getting impatient with IK. The missteps (and undiplomatic statements) cost the nation in terms of its national interests, primarily maintaining the balance against India, but also a stable and growing economy which is also important in maintaining a balance against India as well as winning support amongst the Kashmiris.

When I got a chance to talk to a visiting Kashmiri businessman at the talk at Columbia University, a few years ago, one of the reasons he gave for the reluctance of a segment of the Kashmiri business community not standing up more firmly against India was the lack of a comparable economic alternative. Pakistan has to build that economic alternative to be able to support Kashmiris in the democratic electoral liberation of Kashmir, similar to how West Germany was economically strong enough to support East Germany once it became free from the grasp of the Soviet bloc.
You are pretending as if Darnomics before IK and post IK will set Pakistan's economic house in order...

Pakistan was turning the corner under IK, growth crossed 5.5%, export highest ever, agriculture output highest ever and tax collection also the hightest...

What alternate plan/reform will SS offer that will make the establishment entrust him to carry Pakistan's economy forward.

Also, the less said about Kashmiris the better, they sold their souls to the devils back in '48 and when Pakistan was economically way ahead of India in '65 they chose to side with India yet again.
From the Alexander the Great to the US of A, Pakistan would remain to be a garbage dump for great historical empires. This region is known to host foreign invasions frequently! One of them is again taking place right now. Bow before thee lord 🙏 the US of A
I think you are new to Pakistani politics. They just need 3 months to buy off everyone and make sure the elections are fixed.
In India, voters from many states are often paid in cash for votes to specific parties. While this can have a modest influence on election, it does not change the overall outcome.

Do you guys have the same practice in Pakistan? :undecided:
In India, voters from many states are often paid in cash for votes to specific parties. While this can have a modest influence on election, it does not change the overall outcome.

Do you guys have the same practice in Pakistan? :undecided:

Much worse.

In Sindh, families are kept uneducated and work the fields generation after generation and during elections are taken to the booths and their ballot papers are checked. If they don't for the PPP candidate they are beaten and their families go hungry, even death.
This will be such a great ceeb.. That it can't even be put into words. Pakistan will never live this one down.. A country full of cucks.. Pakistan has died in my heart 1947 - 2022.. The greatest outcome now would actully be If India launched a cold start to finish off the cucks residing here as strange as it may sound but this would be a god-send outcome............ India will be doing the world a favor..

All the cucks are worthy of being buried 9ft beneath
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