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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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1. Only people with pure bloodline, can bring change. Jin logon ka ancestors nay ghulami aur baghawat ki wo kabhi bold steps nahi le saktay. because slavery has spread into their DNA.

2. No change can come without struggle, Azaadi ke liye khoon dena parta hai

You are nothing but a rascal of highest order. How dare you say stuff like this & expect to get away? Your education is ghatiya. Your thinking is regressive & casteist. Your family is neech. Your language is vulgar.

How dare you speak like this? How dare you feel superior when you yourself are a problem? You think that by assuming airs of religiosity you get to be a rascal? Your DNA is seriously damaged because your preceding generations have practiced cousin marriage to the extent that you have lost capacity to think above the level of a selfish animal.

Azaadi ke liye khoon, you say? I bet your elders sucked up to the British. I bet that they were good slaves who toiled to make their masters happy. I bet that likes of you were probably against Pakistan. I bet that your preceding generations were just as mentally, morally, ethically damaged as you are.

How dare you, you driveling fool? How dare you?????
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I have been a silent visitor here for years..
I have had my blood boiled when Pakistanis insult Indians on different posts and had goosebumps when some Indians insults pakistanis. Today, I decided to register with a newly created email just for this comment. Yes, you can take it as a pinch of salt. Forgive my bad english..

As an Indian, I never felt Pakistani Govt is strong enough to counter India on any platforms until IK came into power. When IK came in power, I had a feeling that this nation is getting attention. And for the first time, I felt little bit inferior to my pakistani roommate here in Dubai.

Guys, how lucky you are !!! To have him as a pakistani while common people in India are waiting for a leader like him!! Forget Ind vs pakistan. Can you name any leader in any country who can speak on a world platform without a script ? I am sure that atleast 75% of pakistanis are behind him, yet.. look at this mess!!! I had fights with my fellow Indians for speaking for IK. I always told when IK is in power and BJP is is out, relationship between India and Pak will improve. What I got is insults in return.

I will welcome IK any day, any time in India... sadly his heart is with pakistan and its a shame that he was born in that country.

Your country or its institution is not built for a guy like IK.
I can laugh at your analysis. Making country strong is not about speeches. Its about getting the outcome for the country. Lets say you have a friend "Best Friend", he is also a friend with "someone else". Now that someone else you have a problem with, you call this Best Friend and give him speeches on why he should break up with "someone else", without trying to understand his reason. What you do eventually is break your relationship with your "Best Friend" . What have he Achieved for Pakistan? He even spoiled un-spoilable relationship of Pakistan. Saudi Arabia, UAE are some example. In some case in cricket term he was hit-wicket. He spoiled relationship without any reason by giving statements which were not required. Nobody asked him.

Speeches do not deliver on their own.
Najam Sethi congratulates Big B

By the way since, he also has said that the establishment will now reach out to Hussain Haqqani.

Doubtlessly. Externally, they probably perceive an imbalance growing too wide between how Pakistan is perceived and how India is perceived. There was a reason Benzair was the PM during the Early Clinton years, they maybe hoping for a similar Pakistani “Democrat” to be the next PM.

On a certain level you can’t blame them from getting impatient with IK. The missteps (and undiplomatic statements) cost the nation in terms of its national interests, primarily maintaining the balance against India, but also a stable and growing economy which is also important in maintaining a balance against India as well as winning support amongst the Kashmiris.

When I got a chance to talk to a visiting Kashmiri businessman at the talk at Columbia University, a few years ago, one of the reasons he gave for the reluctance of a segment of the Kashmiri business community not standing up more firmly against India was the lack of a comparable economic alternative. Pakistan has to build that economic alternative to be able to support Kashmiris in the democratic electoral liberation of Kashmir, similar to how West Germany was economically strong enough to support East Germany once it became free from the grasp of the Soviet bloc.
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Well too late to argue all these fine points...it seems well settled..

Now with IK's ousting...when the gang of looters come back...and they plague Pakistan the same as before...those who are against PTI/IK now will then have no one to blame but themselves.
Looking at the current numbers, I am glad that we lost the sadiq-o-amin charlatan & have popular & squarely elected 'looters'.
Brace yourself PDF!
Imran Khan, Qasim Suri & Arif Alvi will be charged on article 6 and hanged naked finally at Teen Talwar chowk very soon afterwards the chowk name changed to Teen-Ghaddar Chowk.8-)
I hope that happens - hang him at D-chowk for the crimes he committed .... let it go down in history books what happens when you cross a line .... That will be ultimate justice to Pakistan & Pakistani awaam

*** read the sarcasm b/w lines
Don't we all love Bhuttooo???
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You are nothing but a rascal of highest order. How dare you say stuff like this & expect to get away? Your education is ghatiya. Your thinking is Hinduistic & casteist. Your family is neech. Your language is vulgar.

How dare you speak like this? How dare you feel superior when you yourself are a problem? You think that by assuming airs of religiosity you get to be a rascal? Your DNA is seriously damaged because your preceding generations have practiced cousin marriage to the extent that you have lost capacity to think above the level of a selfish animal.

Azaadi ke liye khoon, you say? I bet your elders sucked up to the British. I bet that they were good slaves who toiled to make their masters happy. I bet that likes of you were probably against Pakistan. I bet that your preceding generations were just as mentally, morally, ethically damaged as you are.

How dare you, you driveling fool? How dare you?????

Thanks for showing your upbringing.

Alhamdolillah, more and more people are getting exposed.
اگر یہی آئین ہے تو لعنت ہے اس آئین پر اسکے لکھنے بنانے اور اور اسکے بچانے والوں پر ۔لعنت ہے اس کاغذ پر جس پر یہ لکھا گیا ۔ لعنت ہے اس سیاہی پر جس سے یہ لکھا گیا

I feel you brother..
کچھ قانونی ماہرین نے بہت اہم قانونی سوال اٹھا دیا ہے کہ؛
سپریم کورٹ کے پاس آئین میں یہ اختیار کہاں ہے کہ وہ پارلیمانی اجلاس طلب کرے؟ شہباز شریف کو فیصلہ لکھواتے وقت یہ نقطہ شاید معلوم نہیں تھا۔
SC is dictating the whole process of how speaker would have to follow a step by step procedure including all Dos and donts to follow. As per 400 years ago in British history in year 16xx, speaker National Assembly can issue arrest orders for the court judges who want to meddle in the Parliamentary affairs.
Few analyses appearing on media.

Due to court order Vote of No Confidence (VNC) must take place.
As a result the LOTAS will be exposed (they have not been exposed yet).
If VNC fails, speaker can adjourn the assembly session.
If VNC succeeds, the session must continue (without any delay or break) to elect the new leader of the house.

Now! .... here lies the "potential" trap (as set by SC).

If, between success of VNC and election of new leader of the house (new PM), the speaker disqualifies all the LOTAS, then new PM may not have enough votes required to be the PM.
By elections, on the vacant seats of LOTAS, will be carried out. These seats are highly likely to be won by PTI.

This is what I have understood.

  • SC has not said there was no external conspiracy.
  • SC has not said, there was no corruption and bribes have not been paid to assembly members.
On what bases Speaker disqualify lotas?
All should resign IK all PTI MNAs speaker and Deputy speaker, but before resign speaker should declared defectors not-eligible for life.
that ruling will be challenged in SCP next day. Precedent has been set after today's verdict .....


On what bases Speaker disqualify lotas?
Defecting -- it's mentioned in Constitution plus Court's ruling is already there and defected member can be booted....
On what bases Speaker disqualify lotas?

Opposition has around 196 head count at the moment.
Their original, combined, numbers were around 145.

196 includes PTI Lotas, MQM, BAP, etc.
Around 12 to 15 are PTI lotas. These can be disqualified due to "floor crossing" rule. The law currently exists. A case is in SC to define the duration of disqualification, 5-years or life (case was filed and taken up by SC a week before the case decided today).

Once the disqualification is done, and election of new PM becomes difficult; the MQM etc. will prefer to come back to PTI to stay in Govt. / power.
PTI is still the largest single party in National assembly.
Oppo. already have 176 number so they don't need pti defectors vote. They will only be kept as a back up. Since they may not vote, no crime will take place
You are nothing but a rascal of highest order. How dare you say stuff like this & expect to get away? Your education is ghatiya. Your thinking is Hinduistic & casteist. Your family is neech. Your language is vulgar.

How dare you speak like this? How dare you feel superior when you yourself are a problem? You think that by assuming airs of religiosity you get to be a rascal? Your DNA is seriously damaged because your preceding generations have practiced cousin marriage to the extent that you have lost capacity to think above the level of a selfish animal.

Azaadi ke liye khoon, you say? I bet your elders sucked up to the British. I bet that they were good slaves who toiled to make their masters happy. I bet that likes of you were probably against Pakistan. I bet that your preceding generations were just as mentally, morally, ethically damaged as you are.

How dare you, you driveling fool? How dare you?????

I can reply you in same language, but then I'd be wasting my energy.

Thanks for showing your true colors by being a PDM supporter.
Welcome to purana Pakistan:

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Hmmm good old memories 🤔
Reviving again! 🥳
It's Sharif Republic of Pakistan!

The tribal population should migrate to the US or at least get a good life insurance now 💥☠️
this was me being a bad person :D .... read the updated post which was done after few minutes of this.... :p
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