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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Pakistan is a blessing from Allah, it wont surrender that easily. We survived worst attacks from 2000 onwards, and we are still here.

From my 2 rupees assessment, there is going to be a coup, but not from where you are expecting.

The foreign puppets who are rejoicing over this tainted & illegal victory shall be responded soon, by hardworking, honest and pious people who work quietly for the betterment of Pakistan and Islam.
Nothing will happen unless we all are out on the streets like they did in Turkey, we should not be having any hope of any justice from anywhere as they all are in this together.
Sir isn't this tyranny of the judiciary ij the garb of holding onto protection. Of democracy?
The Supreme Court saw a chance to grab power, and now they have, which is something completely unthinkable. The SC has just told Pakistan that the Parliament has no power, and it's decisions can be thrown out on a whim. Remember, what the judiciary just did was a complete violation of article 69.

Now, everytime a decisions in made in Parliament, the court's can simply rule against it. Not just that, but every decision made by the speaker and deputy speaker can now be openly challenged by every Tom, dick, and Harry.
To the Pakistanis who thought their voices mattered, the Supreme Court has said they don't. The SC has condemned you to slavery, and has appointed itself the Supreme power of Pakistan. It is not just the judicial system, it is now the de facto government.

For once I agree with you,: -)

Judicial Marshal Law is real... it is there!
ابے کیا سٹا ماروں؟ یہ چور جمع ہوکر بیغیرتی کررہے ہیں۔ سپریم کورٹ کے جج خود چوروں کے ساتھی ہیں۔ پاکستان کو افطاری کے سموسوں کے طرح کھانے بیٹھے ہیں۔وہ دیکھو چوزہ بلاول جس کو تم اپنی شادی کے باہر مفت ناچنے پر بھی اندر نہ آنے دو، حکومت کرنے کے خواب دیکھتا ہے۔اوپر سے زلیل برادران اور تیسرا وہ ڈیزل۔

Expected 👍🏻
But as Azadpakistan2009 has mentioned SC has overstepped its domain into parliamentary affairs thus the President and Prime minister is not legally binding, we will see what next move of IK will be.
So there is all to play for?
One Area where the Govt. has done exceptionally well is foreign policy. Although, IK visit to Russia at a time when Ukraine War began, was it too blunt? Did the Establishment decide to balance out things by openly favouring the west? This way the regional block and the western powers both can be satisfied somehow maybe.

Not in my view.

PTI-led GOP was lacking in homework for Biden administration in my view.

I could notice two problems:

1. Refusing invitation of Biden administration to Global Democracy Summit.

So what if Joe Biden had not called Imran Khan in person? Global Democracy Summit was an opportunity to be tapped and Khan could make fun of Biden in this summit by stating that he is afraid to call him in person (a message that would have been potent and funny at the same time).

Leader(s) should be wise and humble and tap all opportunities of Foreign engagements when they present themselves. Foreign Policy engagements should be made in the larger interest of the public - always.

2. Lack of political will to condemn Russia for invading Ukraine.

When Imran Khan was in Russia with his team, Vladimir Putin gave the nod to attack Ukraine - clever of him but bad optics for Pakistan*. Some argue that visit to Russia was ill-timed. But for the sake of argument, let us assume that this visit was deemed important and WE had to avail it. This brings us to following consideration:

Americans were expecting Pakistan to condemn Russian assault on Ukraine at minimum but PTI-led GOP refused to do this much in United Nations (UN) and otherwise. This might be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Condemning Russia for an act of aggression does NOT suggest the end of Pak-Russian bilateral engagement. It does NOT have to be in very strong terms but like this: "WE do not endorse and support violation of the sovereignty of a UN-recognized state and Pakistan see in Ukraine a friendly state. WE hope that Russia will find a political solution for its problems with Ukraine. WE value our relationship with Russia as well but WE will provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine in its hour of need." Say this much and then watch the mood in Western hemisphere.

Why bring India into this shit? Now see for yourself:

Ukraine is one of the suppliers of equipment to Pakistan [1], and even respected Pakistan's stance for Jammu & Kashmir (J&K). Now that Ukraine is in trouble, WE are like nevermind? Utterly disrespectful. Who will care about what happens to Pakistan and J&K anymore?

Will Russia stop supplying RD-93 engines for use in JF-17 Thunder jet fighters over a mere statement? It cannot be a reliable partner then. For perspective, Russia never stopped trading with European countries and even USA [on its own] in spite of having disagreements with them. Pakistan can contribute to Russian economy as well - this does not counts in Russian calculus?

Pakistan should strive for BALANCED Foreign Policy.

BALANCED = Pakistan can oblige USA in some cases, Russia in some cases, and China in some cases. This is how it works.

USA is superpower and there can be external developments of much significance to it for which it can choose to convey its position to other countries around the world - draw a line for other countries in relation. This much is expected in a while.

USA does NOT request Pakistan to condemn every Russian move - Ukraine was the line that was drawn for Pakistan and other countries in a while. This wasn't a big deal for Pakistan in view of [1].

Treating USA like a NOBODY in Foreign Affairs? Best of luck then.

- - - -

*This is the optics generated:

Most unfortunate.

My humble suggestion to Khan is that he should learn from his mistakes. He is in need of a better set-of-advisors in my view.

My 2 cents.
It is time to get the military involved enough is enough.. I know this SC order will be overturned nothing big deal but I heard something very upsetting which means it is time to issue arrest warrants for all the opposition figures not only Pakistan's future is on the line now but very existence is on the line at this point.. All the opposition figures have to be arrested immediately
A new COAS ... is an interesting idea!
What do think is the latest surprise PTI SM is talking about?

It is time to get the military involved enough is enough.. I know this SC order will be overturned by I heard something very upsetting which means it is time to issue arrest warrants for all the opposition figures
What do you mean?
I think they can resign from national and provincial assemblies en masse. That will be chaos. NEw elections then must happen I believe.

Establishment, EC and judiciary is 100% supporting corrupt mafia. They will do by-election and PTI will be completely out. PTI will stay and fight. Biggest loser is in this will be Awaam. Corrupt mafia does not have magic wand to fix economy. They are already working in the background with slave master (IMF) for another 10 to 30 billon bailout package.
IMF will be willing to give money because ultimate goal is to create financial mess like they did before so Pakistan default on loans. Once we default on loans, Uncle Sam will put the conditions to remove/destroy Nuclear weapons.
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