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Shuru kerta hoon Amreka kay naam sai jo bhaut dollar dainay wala hai!

Bhai jaan, they can do re-election even on 300 seats if it fits their scheme.

Here is what I think IK should do to get rid of these thieves, this is the most realistic chance for him to come back to power:

1) Take a mentor's role in the party - become lifetime chairman with all the party decisions
2) Nominate a PM of his own choice, preferably some hardcore PTI member who is well articulated and well spoken and rule while being invisible.

It is still much much better than those thugs coming back to power.

Resigning is absolutely no option! You can do all kinds of protests in and out of assembly as well.

Don't resign and watch thugs looting this country. Don't resign and see Sharif and Zardari ending their corruption cases using state authority

Don't resign and be part of the same rotten system. Don't resign and make yourself a loser who was dishonorably kicked out of the government

Yup. Makes complete sense
Don't resign and watch thugs looting this country. Don't resign and see Sharif and Zardari ending their corruption cases using state authority

Don't resign and be part of the same rotten system. Don't resign and make yourself a loser who was dishonorably kicked out of the government

Yup. Makes complete sense

Resignations would make it a breeze for opposition to do a lot of stuff they want to do quickly. NAB chairman is appointed in agreement with opposition leader. Election reforms need to be passed through both houses and lotas will be disqualified.
Anyone surprised?

I told my wife, word for word, this would happen. So no surprises for me.
I have listed in a thread, what options available to IK, weeks before this verdict, he would end up doing those options now. He has to defeat this mafia on his own, don't rely on judiciary or army, theey wouldn't help him, they are on it for their own benefits.
It is a whole cabal, standing with each other.
To the Pakistanis who thought their voices mattered, the Supreme Court has said they don't. The SC has condemned you to slavery, and has appointed itself the Supreme power of Pakistan. It is not just the judicial system, it is now the de facto government.
Pakistan is a blessing from Allah, it wont surrender that easily. We survived worst attacks from 2000 onwards, and we are still here.

From my 2 rupees assessment, there is going to be a coup, but not from where you are expecting.

The foreign puppets who are rejoicing over this tainted & illegal victory shall be responded soon, by hardworking, honest and pious people who work quietly for the betterment of Pakistan and Islam.
I wonder if COAS would offer his resignation tomorrow .. now that would be one heck of a twist but unlikely ..
Don't resign and watch thugs looting this country. Don't resign and see Sharif and Zardari ending their corruption cases using state authority

Don't resign and be part of the same rotten system. Don't resign and make yourself a loser who was dishonorably kicked out of the government

Yup. Makes complete sense

Resign and let them appoint 2 missing members of election commission.
Resign and let them appoint caretaker set up
Resign and give them full legal cover of all actions where opposition leaders approval is required. (Public Accounts Committee for example)

Resignation is the very last step to be taken and it will inevitably lead to street agitation. You can do effective protests while still remaining in the assembly. It has more benefits.

In order to come back to power in Pakistan, you have to think like a Pakistani politician. Only then you have a chance to come to power and work on your vision. It will take about 10-15 years to cleanse the system.
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