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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

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ایک وضاحت، رولنگ کو اس بنیاد پر غلط نہیں کہا گیا کہ اس عدم اعتماد کے پیچھے امریکہ نہیں ہے، عدالت کا نکتہ یہ ہے کہ جس دن ووٹنگ ہونا تھی اس دن رولنگ نہیں دی جا سکتی تھی، جس دن تحریک عدم اعتماد پیش کرنے کی منظوری دی گئی اس دن اسپیکر اگر رولنگ دیتا تو معاملہ کچھ اور تھا.
So SC judges finally found a technical snag against the ruling.
Meanwhile Ch. Shujhaat is getting mad at PMLN


No. They are blind constitutionalists. They cannot see horse trading, changing of loyalties before NCM vote but have a problem with speakers ruling
They'll give verdict on that too
Next week

Our judiciary is not that much bad if they decided to go for election now.

Also don't worry imran khan will follow this lettergate just like Panama case.
Opposition death is imminent in sha Allah
Yeah, I still think they will say what happened has happened let's go in the elections because they were clear about what to do next which means they won't bother to go back. Bandial also said we will see war in the streets if the ruling is reversed. SC is basically playing devil's advocate (i don't if it applies here :P) here. They want to satisfy the opposition and also want to make sure people don't go against them. They are in win-win situation here but I would shit my pants if they said let's go back to the morning of April 3. That will be suicide for the country.
I think SC is hinting towards a middle way

1) Ruling was not correct - Opposition victory
2) But elections is the only way forward - PTI victory

If that's the case, overall it will be a PTI victory more than opposition in my humble opinion.
Shabaz Sharif to SC Judges : No, they will prefer everything to be revoked back as it is the it was before the April session

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