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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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You have to prove this collusion first.

You are one of those that will still not believe even if the proof slaps you in the face, if you weren't a blind slave you would be asking Maryam Sardar why did you lie on national tv when you said " meri london mai tu kiya Pakistan mai bhi koi property nahi hai".
the reality is that people of Karachi are extremally fade up of this bloody ppp criminals group who hijack Karachi under the pandemic crises & now they looting this whole City from every sight & the people side-lined by fake (mardumshumari)...
Fed up enough to stop voting on ethnic bases(mahjir sindhi) or not ??

Also not voting= voting for PPPP
Its simple maths
Can we get a gauge on the number of traitors ffs?

Looks like a sickeningly large amount. I think ethnic politics has caused a rot to the point they will take the side of an enemy.

My logic - If it does corruption and bashes the army then it is a traitor
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What is the expiry timeline for mutual agreement of new interim PM? 72 hours I think. They end tomorrow afternoon and opposition has not submitted any name.

What happens now. President unilaterally decides or send to ecp
There as been alot of commentary on this topic, and I would just like to present the possibilities as I see them:

PPP argues that the status quo be maintained, assemblies restored, and voting on the NCM take place.

PTI contends that:

The court cannot hear cases regarding this issue due to Article 69. There is some merit to this argument, as the SC returned a petition one day ago on the exact same grounds. But, there is a debate even within the lawyers whether this article applies in totality or not. Some contend this is a conditional clause. It only applies to procedural faults, not constitutional.

So the first order is that the court has to decide whether it can do something in this case or not.

So, let's say the court decides that it will interfere in this matter and Article 69 does not apply in this case. Then would the assemblies be restored? No. Right now the court has only decided to look at the merits of the Speaker's decision, hasn't decided on the decision itself.

Now comes the speakers judgement, which is a detailed judgement. There are merits and dismerits to it. To decide upon that, the court would need to see bone of contention, the famed letter. And that is where the water muddies. If that letter comes to the SC, then the MoD, MoFA, and other stakeholders would be asked to give their input, and the court would in effect have to decide whether the political parties or a select few of their leaders were indeed part of a foreign conspiracy or plan? This is a HUGE question, and a HUGE responsibility on the shoulders of the court. The letter would come out in public, be shared with the opposition lawyers, and so on.

If it agrees with the speaker on the ruling, then it effectively does say that there was a foreign element to the whole move, and this would be far far damaging to the opposition. The SC basically has said you are colluding with a foreign power.

Does the SC want to take that burden? I believe not.

Furthermore, how can it be that you can break the law in one case but that is alright, but in another it becomes totally wrong? Banday chori kar lo, paisay kharcho, entice karo, that's alright, but the other thing is not?

You cannot bring a knife to a karate fight, but then complain when the other guy brings out a gun. Once you brought out a knife, you've left the door open for all sorts of thuggery.

IMO, the court should also immediately decide the status of the presidential reference regarding the turncoats. The opposition only managed to woo MQM and other parties after it showed them the presence of the PTI MNA's in it's ranks. Had the SC decided on that issue before, we wouldn't be here.

In a nutshell, the SC would not want to involve itself in this political mess, and give out a certificate on foreign interference, that is why it will take the easy way out as always and take support of Article 69.

Very well put together!

Dont keep high hopes from SC.

They should not take Sou moto of this if they dont take sou moto of videos and horse trading.

This is a good point.

They have taken a Suo Moto first and now they are deciding "whether the court can or can not interfere). I mean WTF, by taking the Suo Moto you have already indicated that you can interfere where you shouldnt.

Qureshi slams 'foreign interference' in Pakistan's affairs​

Says Pakistan an independent country; decisions should be in accordance with Constitution, law and public aspirations


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Vice Chairman and former foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi stated on Tuesday that no country should be allowed to interfere in Pakistan's internal affairs.

Qureshi said Pakistan was a free and independent country and its decisions should be in accordance with the Constitution, law and the public's aspirations.

The former foreign minister said that the primary cause of anxiety in Pakistani society stems from external interference in internal affairs, adding that the National Security Committee (NSC) had reported foreign interference and deemed it inappropriate.

“At the direction of the NSC, we summoned a diplomat to the Foreign Office to issue a demarche,” Qureshi stated, confirming that the government had recorded the protest through the ambassador in Washington.

Qureshi’s remarks come after the ruling party accused the opposition of conspiring with a foreign country against Prime Minister Imran Khan, to oust him from office through a vote of no-confidence in the National Assembly.

Citing that the opposition had vested interests, the motion was dismissed by Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri on Sunday after which the National Assembly was dissolved by President Dr Arif Alvi.

The former FM claimed that Turkey, China and Russia had issued statements to the FO extending support for the PTI.

Read SC ignores PPP’s full court plea

“They want a better Pakistan,” Qureshi said while referring to the declaration issued by Turkey.

Qureshi alleged that the country is “suffering from hysteria” on account of the stock market’s crash reported a day ago.

Qureshi also accused the media of remaining silent on the matter, stating that some media channels were claiming that the communication was fake.

“India wants a soft government in Pakistan,” he said, adding that the neighbouring country was “disgusted” with a Pakistani government that defends its interests and adopts an independent foreign policy.

The former FM added that the PTI aims for good relations with India but will not tolerate the indiscretion against Kashmir.

“It is up to the people of Pakistan to decide whether they want to be governed by self-reliant, dignified leadership or whether they want to say yes with their eyes closed,” he added.

Punjab CM elections

He announced he was leaving for Lahore with the premier, accusing the opposition of ‘locking up’ dissenting PTI MPAs in a hotel on account of a lack of trust.

A day earlier, PTI workers besieged a hotel in Lahore where hundreds of PML-N MPAs and disgruntled lawmakers of the PTI were residing ahead of the election of the Punjab chief minister scheduled for tomorrow.

Read more Opp seeks electoral reforms before fresh polls

Charged workers tried to forcibly enter the hotel by removing the barriers at which point opposition lawmakers began to raise slogans against PM Imran.

MPAs Azma Bokhari, Salman Rafique and Raheela Khadim said the opposition could ‘teach a lesson’ to the PTI over its fascist tactics, but was observing restraint. “

Opposition parliamentarians claimed that their workers were ‘just one call away’ and that the PTI should not indulge in violence.

Later in the evening it was reported that a heavy police contingent managed to push the PTI workers away from the hotel premises and avert an imminent clash.

Leader of the Opposition in the Punjab Assembly Hamza Shehbaz, a nominee for the chief minister’s office, claimed that some 200 MPAs were present in the hotel when the PTI activists tried to barge in.

FM Qureshi condemned the opposition’s actions claiming the no-confidence motion was an unconstitutional step to change allegiances at the expense of money.

“A case is being heard before the Election Commission today in which the son of the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Yousuf Raza Gilani is buying votes for his father,” he stated, claiming there was video evidence present

i agree.. Gen Bajwa is firmly in US camp.. he wont let IK come up with a clear majority..in my opinion

Bajwa and PMIK are together but are just playing good cop, bad cop.

Bajwa is ensuring that relations with West are intact while PMIK is building relations with China & Russia.
Anyone seen today's The News?

According to "sources", Asad Qaiser didn't preside the NA session because he didn't agree with the government on the issue.

O bhai, he had a NCM moved against him in the morning, he could not preside the session after that. Moreover, his signatures are on the detailed order from the speaker office.

These media outlets really are doing mental gymnastics worthy of an Olympic medal. All quoting "un named sources".

Yeh media main sahi kut khana chalaya hua hai.

Quote sources for a completely and blatantly false story, get the desired effect, and then sheepishly retract it or run back (only if there have an ounce of shame left).

DAWN published the ECP story, Raza Rabbani quoted it in court (not that it has any legal value), and then ECP clarifies.

These newspapers used to be much better than this. I actually used to read DAWN every single morning religiously.
Asad qaiser have signed the ruling
You can see this on his Twitter account
My logic - If it does corruption is a traitor

Her cheez mein 2 numberi hoti hai Pakistan mein lol. From rehri wala coloring strawberries and dodh wala mixing water to big car and land mafias and corruption in govt departments is rampant. .
Her cheez mein 2 numberi hoti hai Pakistan mein lol. From rehri wala coloring strawberries and dodh wala mixing water to big car and land mafias and corruption in govt departments is rampant. .

I don't care about that stuff, I am talking about corruption in the power corridors. Anyone with an IQ more than a chicken can understand that PMLN and PPP and others have been colluding with foreign governments to fix Pakistan's foreign policy. The latest attempt is this shitshow.

I also think US work with India to control Pakistan through these parties. This is why army bashing was always the flavor of the month. Family politics allows them to consolidate the influence in the parties.

We are fortunate we now have someone who can identify this because when the army would, they would say it is undemocratic.

This is why the Balakot strikes happened, Modi wanted to undermine Khan's government so people would lose confidence with him. Who know's if PPP and PMLN were involved. The missile that landed recently was to put pressure on Khan, look at the timing. Its all starting to make sense.

We cannot rule out India and US collusion. These parties need to be taken to military courts and a full interrogation. ISI should have tapped Bilawal before he left for the US for his meeting.

Did they tap their phone lines after discovering the plot in August? Probably too late now and they must use encrypted methods.
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What is the expiry timeline for mutual agreement of new interim PM? 72 hours I think. They end tomorrow afternoon and opposition has not submitted any name.

What happens now. President unilaterally decides or send to ecp
Matter will go to parliamentary committee but there is no parliament
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