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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

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Dude this'll go to supreme court and they'll probably dismiss it
As it sounds shady af- legally/ constitutionally speaking
Parliament is the supreme legislative body of the state as is the Supreme Court in its own field. Thay can't interfere that much in each other's domain. And don't forget a legislative body and it's Speaker has more authority as they can make laws and Supreme Court can only interpret or pass judgment at laws provided by the Parliament.

There have been countless decisions and observation by the courts that they can't hold Speaker of National Assembly accountable of what he does in the Assembly. Even all members of assembly are protected by the constitutional immunity from the courts of whatever the proceedings and debates they do in the Parliament.

MNAs can declare any federal institution or individuals as "Shaitan", traitor or terrorists and get away with it without any repercussions due to their constitutional immunity within the assembly. At best speaker can omit those words from the record. That's it.

That's why the petition to immediately reverse the speaker's ruling was dismissed by the Supreme Court. SC has taken suomoto notice and called upon almost all the stake holders, so these proceedings would linger on for sure and don't expect any extraordinary relief immediately whatsoever.

The Govt would 1st ask and challenge SC's jurisdiction over the speaker National Assembly as it has repeatedly denied to address any complaints against National Assembly proceedings due to article 69 of the constitution.

There's a single case when the PM Yusuf Raza Gilani was convicted and disqualified by the court and Speaker wasn't forwarding the relevant documents to the ECP to issue deseat and disqualification notification of the then PM due to obvious prior clear court orders. Apart from that SC never intervened in Parliamentary affairs. And if it does break all it's precedences then the detailed ruling of the speaker would be examined and investigated which is full of heinous charges against the opposition parties. And the petition of Govt that was rejected to suspend NCV and launch a probe against the alleged conspiracy of regime toppling would get reincarnated again.

Then foreign office, NSC, would also be involved. Then the records of opposition members, media persons and Govt officials contact with foreign powers and the failed tried of foreign envoys to contact some key personalities would also be dragged in. If it doesn't get squashed earlier under article 69, then it would open the gates for a whole new Pandora's box.

So elections seem to be inevitable.

Mje duddu ka feeder chaiye oooaaaaaaaaaainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
PM Imran Khan played by the rules and advised President to dissolve assembly, it is the authority of PM, how can a puppet newspaper challenge it? Why is the media acting as court and give its own verdict?

Look at the current headline on Dawn, they are doing full on propaganda.

Dawn allows Indian commentators on sensitive policy matters related to Pakistan. They continue to spew venom in every news article.

It is really sad that a newspaper founded by country's founder Quaid-e-Azam is on warpath against its own motherland.

Not just Dawn, there is Express Tribune, NayaDaur, The Friday Times...

National Endowment for Democracy (US based NGO gives funding to these media outlets to build anti-state narrative).

You should have seen the al-jazeera interview with bilawal bhutto. He was accusing Imran Khan of high treason and corruption..........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:...........the al-jazeera interviewer was agreeing with him........:disagree:

In Pakistan, they are damn proud.

Sad but true...........:(
LMAO he never thanked US, he clearly said that he liked to thank all his friends in US.....
this jerk Hamid khabees Mir ko english be samuj nahi aati. Desperate situation hogayi hai Kabhees Mir ki :D
Just like PML-N.

Is ko urdu me kr k btao.
Anybody listening to Shahbaz Sharif right now?

Jeez the grounds on which he is arguing are so so flimsy. Who was the bright mind that told him to do a press conference on this?

You do not finish your diplomatic relations with a country, and you don't publicly go on the offensive.

1- He is saying keh aglay nay bula kar sunayi, to us kay do haftay baad why is our ambassador thanking him for a dinner over a tweet? Bhai twitter post kdhr aur yeh formal meeting kdhr. You are comparing apples with oranges.

2- He is saying why was leave granted to the motion. The simple answer is the speaker wouldn't have been informed of the letter before that, due to multiple reasons. The letter wasn't even in public by then. Then add the OIC meeting, you wouldn't want an uncertain situation before or during that.

Go and plead this in the court, not in a press conference with flimsy arguments.

His media manager, Maryam Aurangzeb, is making blunder after blunder. First with the beggar thing, now this.

And now he equated the speakers ruling yesterday with the speaker stopping women from voting because of a burqa.

O bhai ....
desperate surat-haal hai in ki.....Billu rani samujh raha tha ky mein surprise donga IK ko over no confidence motion against speaker....aaise shock lagaya hai IK nay kay in ki shakul utter gayi hain...even though IK govt is gone but the ones who look defeated are these opposition clowns
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Just hope they don't declare a government in exile (in London), I am really worried about their mental state.
They practically do that regularly. When Shahid Khaqan Abbasi used to say that Convicted/disqualified Nawaz Sharif is my PM. They regularly hold meetings with enemies of Pakistan like Hamd ullah Muhib and issue press releases too. MNS was also said to be getting healthy day by day during the NCV campaign and would have been declared fully fit by his doctors to return to Pakistan after Eid and to run outside election campaigns in the scorching heat of May.

But I guess his platelets count got in negative by yesterday's evening 😜. Old habits die hard

Ideally no one is above constitution.
SC is constitutional court, it can interfere anywhere, if it is matter of upholding constitutional legality as well as constitutional morality.

But, i am not aware of how these things work in Pakistan.
This constitutional immunity for Assembly activities come from the colonial Era British laws. That's why often politicians get pitbull against each other in National Assembly just like a rogue kid in the street. Because speaker is the prosecutor and judge in the Parliament and most of the times quite lenient to his fellow assembly members.

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Mje duddu ka feeder chaiye oooaaaaaaaaaainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
That's even better!
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KARACHI: In a surprising development, the Altaf Hussain-led Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), commonly known as MQM-London, resumed its organisational activities in Karachi after a lapse of over five years and named two senior leaders as members of its coordination committee, party’s top decision-making forum.

The development coincides with a petition filed in the Sindh High Court seeking lifting of a ban imposed in 2015 on the broadcast of speeches of London-based Mr Hussain by the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra).

According to a statement sent to Dawn by London-based MQM leader Mustafa Azizabadi, former MNA Kunwar Khalid Yunus and veteran leftist leader Momin Khan Momin, both based in Pakistan, have been made senior deputy convener and deputy convener of the coordination committee, respectively.

The statement said the two would pursue cases of interned MQM workers and also work for the recovery of “missing” activists.

It said that further organisational set-up would be announced in the days to come and asked what it described as party’s “wafa parast” workers to keep in touch with Mr Yunus and Mr Khan.

Meanwhile, another statement issued on Sunday said that the coordination committee had mailed a petition from London to the Supreme Court of Pakistan against the “illegal and unconstitutional” ban on Mr Hussain’s speeches.

Media sources close to PTI has rumored that Lt Gen Haroon Aslam (R) could be one of the suggested nominee for caretaker PM by the PTI.

Timestamp: 17:00
This anchor is the one who already knew what the Govt is going to do in the assembly before the time of "Sehri" that day. But was under oath not to disclose this secret.

As establishment has been declared the most neutral institution present in Pakistan by either parties then a retired General should have been agreed upon to be the caretaker PM of the Pakistan. I would like to have General Raheel Shareef as well if he is willing to leave the post of the Coalition forces. should continue to be in charge for a year or so and root out all the corrupt and treacherous politicians from all the parties.
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One question...how is PTI holding on to power and taqat ka nasha when they have called elections?

Like, you can say this was illegal, unconstitutional etc etc, but how the heck can you say this was a martial law and this was a power grabbing move?

Media sources close to PTI has rumored that Lt Gen Haroon Aslam (R) could be one of the suggested nominee for caretaker PM by the PTI.

I'll eat dirt if that actually happens.
All said and done sad to say IK not that brave. He is no different to other Pakistani dictators, holding on to power by what ever means. President also seems to be hand in glove which is very disturbing.
He is not PM anymore dude.
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