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PM Imran Khan live on PTV News - April 2022 .


The NCV maybe a fraud but asking for protests, which have the potential to turn violent, shows Imran Khan hasn't changed from his 2014 Dharnas mentality. It is also a stupid political move: The best course would be to accept the NCV results, become a political martyr, and fight another day. The opposition is not much more than a nasty mix of opportunists and people will reject them in the next elections. Imran Khan is signaling that he doesn't accept change of govt through constitutional provisions and also resorting to uncalled-for brinkmanship in international relations which could have massive consequences for Pakistan's economy. Imran Khan is making the wrong moves!

Regime change through use of foreign money is not constitutional provision-"Imran Khan is signaling that he doesn't accept change of govt through constitutional provisions"
The NCV maybe a fraud but asking for protests, which have the potential to turn violent, shows Imran Khan hasn't changed from his 2014 Dharnas mentality. It is also a stupid political move: The best course would be to accept the NCV results, become a political martyr, and fight another day. The opposition is not much more than a nasty mix of opportunists and people will reject them in the next elections. Imran Khan is signaling that he doesn't accept change of govt through constitutional provisions and also resorting to uncalled-for brinkmanship in international relations which could have massive consequences for Pakistan's economy. Imran Khan is making the wrong moves!

The narrative is not a constitution, it is USA intervention.
People who are still confused about the letter.

Meeting minutes ( word to word accurate record of words spoken) between under secretary of state ( Victoria Nuland) and ambassador Asad.

We all know what she specialises in.

Here have Patwaris source, none other than nurse naseem.

I hope that clears things up.
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Isn't it funny that a lot " over seas Pakistanis " who lived in Democratic countries, want democratically elected PM and President are in favor of regime change through non democratic means ? hahah its funny and a lot of people of PDF are exposed as naked's.
It was not Victoria Nuland. It was Donald Lu (a United States diplomat serving as Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs since 2021.)

US Official Donald Lu Warned Pak Envoy Of Implications If Imran Khan Survived No-Trust Move​

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  • US official Donald Lu warned Pak envoy of implications if Imran Khan survived no-trust move
  • IANS
  • 01-04-2022 02:41 PM
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