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PM hopes secular people will take nation ahead

Sure in the short term basis. But when they will meet the wall at the end of path, there will be nothing from returning. Anything other than shariah will destroy, then again, you choose the lesser evil.

Now I've a question. In secular country, every one should able to practice in politics. If that so, then why Awami League wanted to ban muslim parties like Jamaat. Talk about hypocricy.

I've a question. Is Sheikh Hasina Hindu?

Be careful of FBI people baiting you to do bad things.
I am writing this to all Hindus. Here in Japan there was a time when Indians (from west Bengal?) were celebrating Durga Puja. They did not like BD Hindus to be there. So, they decided to initiate their own Puja. Hindu number is low and they were scattered in different places. So, the Hindu initiators requested the Muslims to help them out.

Indian behaviour was unacceptable to us. So, we gave our full-hearted supprt to the Puja Committee. It was about 15 years ago. Every year the Hindus celebrate Durga Puja. Why it is our? It is because this Puja is organized by the people (Hindus) of Bangladesh. Last Sunday it was the 7th day and the Committee had arranged a Puja where the audience was about 65% Muslims. Leaders from BNP and AL were present. But, there was probably no Jamaatis there.

Puja or celebrations like Eid has two parts. One is religious and the other is social. Muslims living in Japan regularly go to watch people celebrate Puja and participate in the social functions. I believe, it is still same in Bangladesh. Hindus in Japan are regularly invited at the Eid Re-union and Iftar Parties.

I have reasons to believe this is the best approach to hold on to the religious harmony.
Bijoya Dashami today

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Durga Puja
Bijoya Dashami today
Staff Correspondent

The beating of drums and cymbals, intricately designed idols of Durga and drifts of incense lent the capital a festive air as Hindu devotees celebrated maha navami, the ninth day of prayers offered to the Goddess Durga.

Thousands of people from different walks of life paid their homage to the goddess at over 200 mandaps (pavilions) in the city alone. The festivities began early in the morning with ritual dance worships, called aarti, and continued late into the night, as devotees prepared for the immersion of the Goddess for Bijaya Dashami, the tenth and final day of the celebrations.

Each of the mandaps was adorned with beautiful idols. Skilled artisans and artists had crafted those and showcased the Goddess in all her glory. Chinese lanterns and multicoloured bulbs lit up the streets, directing the crowd towards the centre of the festivities. Street vendors sold traditional delicacies, while dhakis, ritual drummers, delighted city residents with their joyous beats in each of the locations.

"It is a wonderful feeling to be able to celebrate Durga Puja with the rest of the Hindu community in such a magnificent fashion," said Illa Paal, who was visiting Dhakeshwari Temple along with her family.

The most popular destinations for devotees have been the same as in previous years -- Dhakeshwari Temple, Jagannath Hall of Dhaka University, Ramna Kali Mandir, Siddheswari Kali Mandir, Kalabagan ground, Banani ground and the temples of Tanti Bazar, Shankhari Bazar and Bangla Bazar.

Durga Puja, the biggest festival for followers of the Hindu faith, marks the victory of good over evil, with the slaying of demon Mahishasura by Goddess Durga. The five-day festival from October 20 will conclude today with the idols of Mother Goddess and her four children-- Lakshmi, Saraswati, Kartik and Ganesha--taken in processions for immersion in the river or sea.

The celebrations have taken place peacefully in the capital amid tight security.

However, in several districts, including Gopalganj and Kishoreganj, the mood of festivity was spoiled days before the puja when a number of idols were desecrated in mandaps being prepared for the festival.

Greeting the citizens of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Jatiya Hindu Mohajote, in a statement, said violence against minorities, destruction of temples and idols and grabbing of Hindu lands and homes proved that communal forces had become powerful. The minorities were now suffering from insecurity and vulnerability, the committee said.

Dr Kamal Hossain, chairperson of Gonoforum, stated that all people of Bangladesh had been living peacefully together irrespective of their ethnicity or religion. They have participated in each other's festivals but lately some evil forces have become active in spreading communal sentiments, he added.
Muslim rulers of South Asia always protected people of all religion from abuse and persecution, a high level of tolerance that is built into Turkic Hanafi Sunni Islam from Central Asia. We should carry on with that tradition of our ancestors. People of all religion should be free to practice their religion and government should protect them from abuse by any unruly groups. Mughal's partly following Yassa were even better than Turkic rulers before them in this regard.
newbie question: are non-muslims allowed to take the office of president in BD?
As far as I understand, but not very clearly, nothing is written in the Constitution of the Republic. However, the Constitution starts with "Bismillahir Rahman----." Someone knowledgeable from BD should enlighten us about this. I personally do not think a non-muslim President of Bangladesh will suit the majority of Bangladeshis.

BD people should be allowed to live their life and do their politics without a fear from the real or imagined influence of Big DADA. Since a Hindu President will hurt them, therefore, a Hindu should not become the President. This will only speed up the radicalization of the society and politics.
Calling other Muslims a kafir is not very Islamic and it is mentioned our Holy book not to judge other people's belief's as only He can do it. Nonetheless, I don't think Sheikh Hasina is a Hindu rather playing according to the vote banks. If Khaleda Zia is so religious, why doesn't she wear a Niqab or even a humble burka? I have heard that SHeikh Hasina is far more relgig
I think most people forget that this people mostly play according to their vote banks rather than have any strong ideologies. Not that I disagree with the concept, but some people tend to take this idiots (our so called leaders) very seriously and at their words.

You are right. She is not Murtid rather Munafiq. We know that Munafiq is worst than Kaffir.

I would like to point out some action taken by Maloon la-Hasina to prove that she is Munafiq .

1--Removed "Tawakaltu-al-Allah (We put our faith and trust in Allah) and insert corrupted translation of "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" in highest law of the land, the constitution.
2--Took initiative to change Islamic inheritance law.
3--Trying to remove Islamic education from School.
4--Believe in Hindu God Durga that Durga has power to bring prosperity. (nauzubillah).

So why are you defending this maloon?

You are right. She is not Murtid rather Munfiq. We know that Munafiq is worst than Kaffir.

I would like to point out some action taken by Maloon la-Hasina to prove that she is Munafiq .

1--Removed "Tawakaltu-al-Allah (We put our faith and trust in Allah) and insert corrupted translation of "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" in highest law of the land, the constitution.
2--Took initiative to change Islamic inheritance law.
3--Trying to remove Islamic education from School.
4--Believe in Hindu God Durga that Durga has power to bring prosperity. (nauzubillah).

So are you defending this maloon?

she is a confused person

You are right. She is not Murtid rather Munfiq. We know that Munafiq is worst than Kaffir.

I would like to point out some action taken by Maloon la-Hasina to prove that she is Munafiq .

1--Removed "Tawakaltu-al-Allah (We put our faith and trust in Allah) and insert corrupted translation of "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" in highest law of the land, the constitution.
2--Took initiative to change Islamic inheritance law.
3--Trying to remove Islamic education from School.
4--Believe in Hindu God Durga that Durga has power to bring prosperity. (nauzubillah).

So why are you defending this maloon?

@ Al-zakir, have you forgotten her grandmother was a convertee muslim ???? She always had a soft corner for the Hindus. It has a reason behind. Once she started politics late in 1981, she thought that she has become a real heroine but soon she realise that politics is not that easy specially in context of Bangladesh. In her life time she realised that generally the Bengali average muslim donnot prefer to vote for Awami Leaque but Hindus are very much pond of giving vote to "Nowka" (Boat). In our area every time during election I ask the local Hindus, " Konti vote dechan mai ???" The Hindu women confidently replied, " Noa khante dia dechi".( Vote given to boat)

@ So Sk Hasina always prefer Hindus instead of Muslims. Even her maid servents are Hindus, I heard.
Come on guys grow up....she is just a politician....Politician donot have any religion...They simply follow the voter...If tomorrow your Jamati Cadre start voting her...she will follow the Jamtis...simillarly if KBZ gets Hindu vote to win election same thing will happen....And that to ...this concept is not in your country...Its applicable to my country....all these Hindu leaders of Congi party to get votes....can read namaaz in mosque tooo...So the point is that politician donot have any idelogy or religion...they just play to gallery.... So just change the audience and gallery....politician will change...

You are right. She is not Murtid rather Munafiq. We know that Munafiq is worst than Kaffir.

I would like to point out some action taken by Maloon la-Hasina to prove that she is Munafiq .

1--Removed "Tawakaltu-al-Allah (We put our faith and trust in Allah) and insert corrupted translation of "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" in highest law of the land, the constitution.
2--Took initiative to change Islamic inheritance law.
3--Trying to remove Islamic education from School.
4--Believe in Hindu God Durga that Durga has power to bring prosperity. (nauzubillah).

So why are you defending this maloon?

By doing all that , she has secured a good 12 % of all the minority votes. Thats 12% secured vote that BNP will never get and we all know, most minorities vote more often than us regular Bangladeshis. Matter of fact, I myself has never voted in Bangladesh.
BNP does have Jamat on their side, but Jamaats backbone has been destroyed and there's little chance of revival in the near future with currently occupying 1 seat in the Parliament.
By doing all that , she has secured a good 12 % of all the minority votes. Thats 12% secured vote that BNP will never get and we all know, most minorities vote more often than us regular Bangladeshis. Matter of fact, I myself has never voted in Bangladesh.
BNP does have Jamat on their side, but Jamaats backbone has been destroyed and there's little chance of revival in the near future with currently occupying 1 seat in the Parliament.

Yes, I really do wonder just why and how the police just stood by and watched tens and thousands of hooligans destroy Buddhist property.

Historically, yes they did vote for the AL. But after that dark incident, they may have to think again.

Besides, Jamaat is largely inconsequential.
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