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PM, his 25 ministers do not pay taxes

Every second post in this thread is "down with democracy, its all democracies fault"

Stop to think for a minute, there are a lot of countries in the world that are democracies that the leaders do pay tax and dont seem to funnel 10% of every thing off shore. Debate on what system is best for Pakistan is healthy but dont blame the system for the actions of the people involved in it. After all i guess no one was paying tax at the top while there was military rule either.
Lets do some political mathematics.
Daily expense of one minister is 89,000 rupees.
What is the cost of 100 ministers daily expense?
What will be the total yearly cost ?.
Here we are not talking about PM daily expense and his air traveling allocated amount of 6 cror rupees.
President Zardari another extra cost, during all his foreign visits, govt of Pakistan pay his traveling and lodging, plus a charter plane.

And for poor people ...a 1KG tomato is 180 rupees, Mutton is 550 rupee a kilo etc etc etc.....our nation is still sleeping.
To all Pakistanis members: guys these are the people you have to fight from to get real Independence for your country. India will always be there in your neighbour, we can fight later on and solve all out disputes but you got to fix your domestic issues on urgent basis.
Well am better then them atleast, 80K yearly tax :(

Feel frustrated of why giving salary when these politicians are running the country.

better than Nawaz Sharif also :cheers:

He while being PM payed 2500 rs tax.
Its middle class who pays the most in taxes and keeping this nation running till now. Most middle class are salaried professionals and taxes are deducted by employers at source. Yet some people like to portray middle class as the chattering class and opposed to democracy. The grievances are justified IMHO. People who pay taxes are bound to be the most vocal opponents of the leadership.

As for reforms, I propose anyone found evading taxes for a long period of time and in large amounts, 50% of their wealth should be confiscated without any negotiations. There is no time for bureaucratic hassles in digging up old files and missing records which will never be found.
Well, not to be outdone by the PPP types, the Nawaz types should nto be overlooked:

Nawaz pledges to complete economic agenda

Wednesday, 29 Sep, 2010

The PML-N is planning reviving its privatisation and denationalisation policies: Nawaz Sharif.—AP

SIALKOT: Hinting at the ‘change’ that is perhaps in the pipeline, PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif has promised reviving the economic reforms he had introduced during his first stint as prime minister from 1990 to 1993 besides levying minimum five per cent uniform tax, if and when his party came into power.

Addressing businessmen and notables after launching the silver jubilee edition of Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s book titled ‘Essence of Enterprise’ here on Tuesday, the former prime minister looked gearing his party up for the much-trumpeted ‘change’ with himself firmly in the saddle again when he said the revolutionary step of levying uniform taxation, including all import and export duties, would enhance the total income of the country 10 times than of today.

The book highlights socio-economic and human resources development projects undertook by the local business community on a self-help basis. PML-N central leader and MNA Khwaja Muhammad Asif, PML-N members of the National and Punjab assemblies from the district, SCCI president Ghulam Mustafa Chaudhary, vice-presidents Dr. Sarfraz Bashir and Adnan Kapoor and former SCCI presidents and vice-presidents were present on the occasion.

The former prime minister said the PML-N was also planning reviving its privatisation and denationalisation policies.

Sharif said that political and economic instability had derailed the economic reforms his government had introduced in 1991 but our archrival, India, executed the same package and achieved economic stability in a short span of time.

He said that Pakistan was in dire need of an upsurge in economic activity and introduction of result-oriented reforms.

He said the country was facing worst economical crisis and practice of making anti-Pakistan conspiracies should immediately be stopped.

He urged the businessmen to pay taxes honestly and avoid over-invoicing to pull the country out of the economic crisis.

He said the PML-N, if voted to power, would encourage the business community to work hard for strengthening the national economy.

The existing system of tax collection had several flaws that should immediately be removed by taking the business community into confidence, he added.

He urged the businessmen to come forward and play their role in eliminating terrorism from the country besides making the country economically strong.

He said previous government had paved the way for terrorism which was, according to him, No.1 problem the country was confronted with.

Sharif praised the businessmen of Sialkot, saying they were playing pivotal role in strengthening national economy by exploring and capturing international trade markets.

He urged the businessmen of other cities to follow the model of Sialkot business culture.

Had there been two or three more Sialkot cities in this country, it would have been a much prosperous nation, the former prime minister said.

He urged the PPP government to focus on developing and strengthening industrial infrastructure that would be helpful in getting rid of foreign aid and loans.

He said that rectification of the flawed tax collection system could also generate enough resources to rid the country of foreign aid and loans. “It’s high time to give up begging and stand on our own feet,” he added.
My sister's husband who has private construction company currently has projects running in KPK and Islamabad pays huge amount of taxes more over his 8 Crore rupees are stuck since 2008 which current govt has refused to pay on the pretext of it was musharraf regime, even though it was what his Company did for Pakistan!!

Suckers all over..

nawaz sharif gotten away with my father's 16,000.00 dollars when he froze foreign currency accounts and never got paid back all that fk money went to London!! I consider him the most dangerous man for Pakistan's economy.
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And then there is this lune, a heir to the Nawabzada..., Everything is Politics - criminal politicians, criminal bureaucrats, parochial Faujis, a culture of cheating -- And yet everybody says "new more prosperous Pakistan" and we believe them:

Civil disobedience if new taxes levied: Imran

Thursday, 30 Sep, 2010

LAHORE: The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf (PTI) has decided to protest levy of new taxes and plans a civil disobedience movement if the government goes ahead with the taxation plan.

“In the first phase, we’ll protest the government’s bid to introduce new taxes and convert this protest drive into a civil disobedience movement if the rulers do not defer their plans,” PTI Chairman Imran Khan told a press conference on Wednesday.

He demanded that before burdening the masses through new taxation, the government must make public the assets of the ruling classes and the amount of taxes they paid.

He said power consumers were also being made to pay more as even the public sector institutions were steeling power.

He said according to a Pepco report, against 2.8 million sold air-conditioners, owners of only 185,000 air-conditioners were paying bill.

He said Pepco unearthed 400,000 illegal connections, but no action was taken.

He said the judiciary would lose its credibility if it failed to hold accountable the beneficiaries of now defunct National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO).

The PTI chief said Pakistan was the only country whose leadership’s assets were stashed in foreign banks.

He said mid-term polls were the only option to avert the crisis, adding that his suggestion was a democratic one.

He said the mid-term polls should have been held the day the NRO was declared null and void.

About the immunity the head of state enjoys, he said going by the logic of the PPP meant that all criminals should join a r
ace to occupy the presidency so that all their crimes were pardoned.

About joining the alliance Pir Saheb Pagaro is busy forging these days, he said he would consider the option only if the PML-Functional chief put forth an alliance capable of bringing about a change in the country.

He said forces of status quo would continue to dominate the national scene until a change in the system. He, however, was optimistic that the recent flooding would wash away with it the incumbent system too.

Rightly & timely said.
My gut feeling is evethough people of this country usually can't do much to stop their suffering but this new tax(es) will be too much to bear.
Massive inflation = rupee devaluation = more foreign debt payments (in rupees) = more taxes (now that donors are running out of patience) to pay off expenses/loan payments = more inflation
In Pakistan only 1.1 million people pay taxes and rest of whole nation including Nawaz and Zardari enjoying the tax money.
Further increase in tax means pushing these 1.1 million against the wall.
Well, our nation is now beggar by nature. Politicians are by birth beggar.
My gut feeling is evethough people of this country usually can't do much to stop their suffering but this new tax(es) will be too much to bear.
Massive inflation = rupee devaluation = more foreign debt payments (in rupees) = more taxes (now that donors are running out of patience) to pay off expenses/loan payments = more inflation

This will turn out to be a Last straw on the back!!

Look what Hasan Nisar has to say:

Videos Posted by THOUGHT AWAKENING: Hasan Nisaar very much aggressive COMMENT on the government. | Facebook
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