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PM approves cantonment in Waziristan

After this operation, there should be a mass integration of the FATA area into the mainstream society. No more of this, these are the badlands, and no one must go there.

Starting next year, when the IDPs start returning, the process of integration should begin. That means police and courts with Pakistani laws, no more of jirga laws. Start taxing them, start collecting bills and start developing there. Like one hand washes the other, you give the govt taxes, govt gives back in terms of quality of life.

But don't do the; oh they are the tribals, they don't want or like our way of life, so lets just leave them alone. Cuz I guarantee you, talibs will be back in a minute's time and we'll be talking about another Zarb-e-Azb.
If those objectives themselves were essentially a temporary respite, then its going to take a long long time. The Turks have experienced this with the Kurd areas. Perhaps the same process must be repeated here.

Kurdish example is not applicable here.

We have settled areas for 100+ years now.

We have experimented with PATA instead of FATA. That worked to some degree as a transition to fully settled areas.

But Kurds do not have their own provincial assembly as far as I know. And I doubt Turks have done a gradual transition from FATA to PATA to settled area thing.

We should thank British for devising this strategy.

Otherwise our KPK would be like FATA still.
Kurdish example is not applicable here.

We have settled areas for 100+ years now.

We have experimented with PATA instead of FATA. That worked to some degree as a transition to fully settled areas.

But Kurds do not have their own provincial assembly as far as I know. And I doubt Turks have done a gradual transition from FATA to PATA to settled area thing.

We should thank British for devising this strategy.

Otherwise our KPK would be like FATA still.

Occupation tactics by the military should be like the Kurds. Hence the designs of the "fortress" i posted.
Good steps, also lets make FATA a new province and bring it into our mainstream political system.
very good step for people of Fata .. Army is can do both provide security and educated them ...
Occupation tactics by the military should be like the Kurds. Hence the designs of the "fortress" i posted.
The "fortress design" and "hub and spoke system" you are referring to are primarily advantageous from a "force protection" standpoint, and to some degree "force projection" (taking into account the 'spokes' in your earlier comment). However, the 'force projection' part of your suggestion is already present to varying degrees with FC and PA outposts and/or checkpoints scattered throughout NW (and FATA in general)- but these 'spokes' are little more than 'islands trying to pacify an ocean'. The amount of 'spokes' needed to really be effective would require resources (manpower and financial) that the Army simply does not have.

The 'hub and spoke' system (at the local level with enough presence to make a difference) heere needs to be a local civilian law enforcement based one - police stations in every town and village, a functioning judicial system etc.
Cantonment in NWA is a good idea, however, FATA being merged into KPK, I don't see that happening anytime soon..........

FATA is a rightful part of Punjab; I'd never let you guys merge with KPK ! :mad:

Plus be wary of KPKites like @EyanKhan - They only want to take over FATA because of her vast natural resources ! :o:

At least I want it to be a part of Punjab because the people of FATA are ethnic Punjabis like all Pukhtoons ! :whistle:
This may be wishful thinking but ...

The government (Federal at this point I would say - the people of FATA should be allowed to vote on whether they want to become a part of KP or a separate province) could start screening and recruiting men and women from the IDP's to train as part of a local police force to be deployed in NW when the IDP's return. The government could also set up temporary vocational training institutes (and use the existing ones) and try and enroll IDP's. General reconstruction plans (rebuilding houses infrastructure etc.) should include policies of using local labor as much as possible, and this could tie into the vocational training aspect mentioned earlier.
This may be wishful thinking but ...

The government (Federal at this point I would say - the people of FATA should be allowed to vote on whether they want to become a part of KP or a separate province) could start screening and recruiting men and women from the IDP's to train as part of a local police force to be deployed in NW when the IDP's return. The government could also set up temporary vocational training institutes (and use the existing ones) and try and enroll IDP's. General reconstruction plans (rebuilding houses infrastructure etc.) should include policies of using local labor as much as possible, and this could tie into the vocational training aspect mentioned earlier.

Isn't the FC already that - A force recruited primarily from amongst the Tribes ?

Then you've got the Levies there which are Tribal Police !
Isn't the FC already that - A force recruited primarily from amongst the Tribes ?
Yes, but it is more and more a COIN/Border protection force. Civilian law enforcement (which unfortunately is not present in its ideal form in most of mainstream Pakistan) would be a more local endeavor.
Then you've got the Levies there which are Tribal Police !
The levies are a better example, and they could be used as a base to build upon, but they are neither sufficiently trained nor equipped at the moment. The emphasis also needs to be on 'local' (down to the village level) as much as possible. A major component of effective law enforcement is building trust and relationships, and when your neighbor from down the 'galli' in your village is the local cop (rather than some stranger from another part of FATA sent down by Islamabad), the chances of cooperation with LEA's might improve.
Good idea, although it should have been done ages ago.
better late than never

history will remember this as a turning point... a cadet college is already in Wana... a couple more will help a lot...
This is good news. Now Fata youth should be hired into the Pakistan army. And cantonments are always good news for the local cities. Multan, Jhelum, Mangla and Wah are all livable and economically sound cities only due to the presence of cantonments.

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