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Ploy by Israelis once again...

India was the first non-Arab country to contemporaneously recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization's authority as "the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people." A PLO office was set up in the Indian capital in 1975, with full diplomatic relations established in March 1980. In return, India opened a Representative Office in Gaza on June 25, 1996. Indian support was said to extend to "consistent and unwavering support" on the Palestinian issue, where it shared the perception that the question of Palestine is at the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict. India has thus consistently supported the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to a State and the consequent imperative need for a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region based on United Nations Security Council resolution 242, 338 and 425, as well as the principle of "Land for Peace." India has also supported the Madrid Conference of October, 1991.

But never have we ever heard of a Palestinian ever ask their friends in Pakistan as to why they support terrorists against us.

Palestinians are busy trying to get their own independence and they have no time or business being involved in other countries affairs. That being said, you're making allegations I'm sure many Pakistani's would disagree with.
What's the real message some Indians here are trying to send to me/us Muslims? You come on every thread with the word israel and seem to try to bash on top of that. So what is it that you're really trying to say? Let it out.

We are sick and tired of the extremist Muslim taking centre stage of Islam whilst the moderates remain tight lipped...except when it comes to so called crimes against Muslims. Lose the victim mentality
Boohoo, the Israelis did it. Conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy. One day you'll start believing in aliens kidnapping people at night too. Stop playing the victim role and start realizing that Palestinians HAVE committed atrocities too. You're not innocent like the Armenians in the 1910s.

P.S. I support full Palestinian statehood (as if it isn't one already). That's how derelict your whole argument is.
We are sick and tired of the extremist Muslim taking centre stage of Islam whilst the moderates remain tight lipped...except when it comes to so called crimes against Muslims. Lose the victim mentality

You want me to respond to you? After what you've been saying on the other thread...Ha Ha Ha Ha. Nice shield. Come up with a standard after standard you use to claim that's really what is concerning you but even after that is not an issue anymore you would still bring something up. In reality inside you you hate Muslims and Islam. Keep hiding behind your false assertions. We aren't idiots.

Boohoo, the Israelis did it. Conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy. One day you'll start believing in aliens kidnapping people at night too. Stop playing the victim role and start realizing that Palestinians HAVE committed atrocities too. You're not innocent like the Armenians in the 1910s.

P.S. I support full Palestinian statehood (as if it isn't one already). That's how derelict your whole argument is.

I didn't say the Israelis did it. Reading comprehension fail.
You want me to respond to you? After what you've been saying on the other thread...Ha Ha Ha Ha. Nice shield. Come up with a standard after standard you use to claim that's really what is concerning you but even after that is not an issue anymore you would still bring something up. In reality inside you you hate Muslims and Islam. Keep hiding behind your false assertions. We aren't idiots.

Yes please do respond. It is more convenient otherwise for you to wear the victim cap as I accused you of doing so earlier. In many threads I attack Hindus, Muslims, Indians, Chinese, Israel, Jews, Pakistanis, Americans etc. I never brought anything up. My accusation is that Muslims have the habit of "bringing something up" which results in some of their extremist kin to blow up bombs in cities maiming and killing innocent civilians. And offcourse the argument which justifies that is that the evil Yankee/Yindoo/Joo/Xstrian army killed our innocent Muslim brothers and sisters in Afghanistan/Palestine/Iraq etc. My realtionship with Muslims and Islam is personal. No point in me discussing it on this thread. Indulge me and point out my errors in my assumption of you and Muslims in general
Yes please do respond. It is more convenient otherwise for you to wear the victim cap as I accused you of doing so earlier. In many threads I attack Hindus, Muslims, Indians, Chinese, Israel, Jews, Pakistanis, Americans etc. I never brought anything up. My accusation is that Muslims have the habit of "bringing something up" which results in some of their extremist kin to blow up bombs in cities maiming and killing innocent civilians. And offcourse the argument which justifies that is that the evil Yankee/Yindoo/Joo/Xstrian army killed our innocent Muslim brothers and sisters in Afghanistan/Palestine/Iraq etc. My realtionship with Muslims and Islam is personal. No point in me discussing it on this thread. Indulge me and point out my errors in my assumption of you and Muslims in general

What's your accusation again? I'm having a hard time understanding it.
Well I replied to your earlier post where you claimed that I would always "bring something up" against Muslims. My point is that I did. I brought something up about the Muslim victimhood mentality despite their aggresive nature of attacking innocent civilians. My further accusation is that moderate Muslims remain tightlipped when Muslims commit terror but they are rather vocal when it comes to so called crimes against Muslims. Do you disagree ?
You aren't gonna get anything out of it without the will of the people here. Israel only has this unconditional support because of the Christian belief made up here. As for Indians, ever since the rape got media coverage all the uneducated clueless people here think your women are getting raped every second of the day and think your men oppress those women. There's already stereotyping of your people after that one media incident. Good luck. This country has too many ignorant people for you to think you need to cooperate with it.

You got it all wrong,One:Unconditional US support for Israel has nothing to do with Christian beliefs.Strong Christian belief always lead to anti semitism.Its the decline of Christian belief and the rise of Secular values that led to the sympathy for Jews and propelled Zionism.And it is this similar secular American Values that lead to the support to Israel.
Secondly:Stereotyping is nothing new for Indians.We have seen worst form of this.And between Indian food and Yoga few rape cases are nothing.
Well I replied to your earlier post where you claimed that I would always "bring something up" against Muslims. My point is that I did. I brought something up about the Muslim victimhood mentality despite their aggresive nature of attacking innocent civilians. My further accusation is that moderate Muslims remain tightlipped when Muslims commit terror but they are rather vocal when it comes to so called crimes against Muslims. Do you disagree ?

Give me examples of what you define as 'Muslim victim hood mentality'. I can go off on you indians but I'm not gonna do it. You're lucky I'm even responding to you.

No, I disagree, you may be speaking of Muslims in Western countries but you clearly have no clue how Muslims view things in the Middle East region. Every case is different and it's more complicated than you think. Why shouldn't they be more vocal when crimes are committed against Muslims? Maybe if the media told a true side to the story or reported on these crimes Muslims wouldn't have to be outraged. You can't have it both ways. You're accepting the western disregard for Muslim life but want Muslims to disregard those actions and point fingers at theirselves without recognizing the intentions of one side.
No, the US-Israel relation are strong already. The US was the 1st country lending Israel money back in the late 40s. That's my argument. What difference does it make for you anyway? If it makes you feel happy to hear such thing then maybe you need to know that my cousin was severely injured in there. It goes without saying that such attacks are barbaric ,I don't need someone like yourself to tell me.

Thanks for the attitude though.
Perhaps it's because Jews don't go around bombing US cities. Let's try and figure out one religious group which licks its fingers at cowardly being terrorists and bombing US cities and interests and likewise Israeli cities and interests. Now hold on. Think. There goes your answer why the US and Israel have a strong bond
No, the US-Israel relation are strong already. The US was the 1st country lending Israel money back in the late 40s. That's my argument. What difference does it make for you anyway? If it makes you feel happy to hear such thing then maybe you need to know that my cousin was severely injured in there. It goes without saying that such attacks are barbaric ,I don't need someone like yourself to tell me.

Thanks for the attitude though.

Well then we share one thing in common
Give me examples of what you define as 'Muslim victim hood mentality'. I can go off on you indians but I'm not gonna do it. You're lucky I'm even responding to you.

No, I disagree, you may be speaking of Muslims in Western countries but you clearly have no clue how Muslims view things in the Middle East region. Every case is different and it's more complicated than you think. Why shouldn't they be more vocal when crimes are committed against Muslims? Maybe if the media told a true side to the story or reported on these crimes Muslims wouldn't have to be outraged. You can't have it both ways. You're accepting the western disregard for Muslim life but want Muslims to disregard those actions and point fingers at theirselves without recognizing the intentions of one side.

Many Muslims believe everything is in the hands of God, and they have no control over anything...This is the root cause of many of Muslim people's thinking, and maybe it expresses itself as a victim mentality during the times conflict, etc.Also, I think the lack of control is also felt due to the fact that the vast majority of Muslims don't have democracies and have corrupt, dictatorial governments which oppresses its people.Things like this lead a form of the victim mentality and this in turn lead to justification of violence against others.Those who have Victim mentality will believe bad things are happening to them as a result of other peoples actions.I think those Boston bombers are a classic example of the victim mentality.

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