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Please pray for the Full Recovery of my older Brother,

His been in hospital since tues/wednesday, for over a decade his health has been deteriorating since he was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis, he is nil by mouth, bed bound, unable to move and can only communicate by blinking his eyes and has been suffering from respiratory issues for many years, He went in hospital this time over impacted bowels and now his health has taken a turn for the worse and I believe he has been given 1 day to live.

AGAIN PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM HIS ONLY 33 YEARS OLD, of which 12 years was spent through many hardships and suffering..
Very sad to hear about your brother. He is not only your brother, but ours as well. IA We will pray, May Allah shower his Rehmat on him, and make things easier for him.

Young man---it is time for you to pray to Allah that his suffering comes to an end---.

Pray that he be to taken to a better world than this one sooner than later---.

Pray for Allah's kindness generosity and mercy for him in the world hereafter---.

Just remember that we are in uncertain times and many of us will meet our maker sooner than we anticipated---.

Let us be brave and pray that in these testing times---Allah's does not lengthen our pain and suffering---may Allah make this journey that is coming very soon easy on us---.
Stay safe from The virus sir, Your age people are the most at risk...
His been in hospital since tues/wednesday, for over a decade his health has been deteriorating since he was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis, he is nil by mouth, bed bound, unable to move and can only communicate by blinking his eyes and has been suffering from respiratory issues for many years, He went in hospital this time over impacted bowels and now his health has taken a turn for the worse and I believe he has been given 1 day to live.

AGAIN PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM HIS ONLY 33 YEARS OLD, of which 12 years was spent through many hardships and suffering..
May Allah give him health and long life.. but if it is his appointed time, may Allah make it easy for him.

I am sure he is going directly to Jannah (whenever Allah swt calls him back).. he is blessed..

These 33 years.. or even 330 years are nothing in front of the infinite number of years in Jannah.

He will also be a reason for Allah's rehmat on you and your family in this world and hereafter.

Just keep reminding him about Allah.. so that Shaitan doesn't take over his thoughts..
His been in hospital since tues/wednesday, for over a decade his health has been deteriorating since he was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis, he is nil by mouth, bed bound, unable to move and can only communicate by blinking his eyes and has been suffering from respiratory issues for many years, He went in hospital this time over impacted bowels and now his health has taken a turn for the worse and I believe he has been given 1 day to live.

AGAIN PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM HIS ONLY 33 YEARS OLD, of which 12 years was spent through many hardships and suffering..

Sorry to hear it. I hope and pray to Allah SWT he gets well soon.
My auntie had MS , I have seen how this illness takes over someone's life and make them paralysed and enable to do much in their lives.
When someone fell ill, the Prophet would recite one of these four du'as for them.

#1: It is recommended to touch the area of pain with the right hand while reciting this supplication:
Allahuma rabbi-nas adhhabal ba'sa, ashfi wa entashafi, la shifa' illa shifa'uka shifa' la yughadiru saqama.
Oh Allah! The Sustainer of Mankind! Remove the illness, cure the disease. You are the One Who cures. There is no cure except Your cure. Grant us a cure that leaves no illness.

#2 Repeat the following du'a seven times:
'As'alu Allah al 'azim rabbil 'arshil azim an yashifika.
I ask Allah, the Mighty, the Lord of the Mighty Throne, to cure you.

#3: Another du'a from the Sunnah:
Rabbana 'atinaa fid dunyaa hasanat wafil aakhirati hasana taw wa qinaa azaaban naar.
Oh Allah! Our Lord and Sustainer! Grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the Fire of Jahannam (Hell).

#4: This du'a should be recited while the sick person places his or her right hand on the area of pain. The word "bismillah" should be repeated three times, and the entire supplication should be recited seven times:
A'oozu bi'izzatillaahi wa qudratihi min sharri maa ajidu wa uhaaziru.
I seek protection in the might of Allah and His power from the evil of what I am experiencing and of what I fear.

I will pray for the full recovery of your brother my friend...

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