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Planet Fitness kicked Muslim woman out for wearing head scarf

No offense, most of these converts take it a little too serious just to prove a point.

At times for centuries and centuries...

Western "influence"? Nobody denied that. We all wear western clothes, eat western food, and study western languages here..

Absolutely right. The islamic culture that pakistani try so hard to follow is imported from the west too...
after living in western countries, do majority of them follow Islam or namesake muslims? Alcohol, Pork everything a religious muslim hate is there in Europe and America.

Obviously it depends upon the convictions of the person - but I think age can be a factor.
For instance one friend who was over 35 got an Islamic mortgage (at the insistence of his wife),
Another friend who was under 30 brought over a new wife (~22 years old). He used to talk about about how wives should be covered and such. I ran into them at a food market a year later and sure enough her hair wasn't covered. I pointed this out to him and he did the "When is Rome do what the Roman's do". I just shook my head. It was obvious it was her choice not his.

So if you come over young you may not be as deeply entrenched in your convictions as you would be if you were older.

Edit: All were from Pakistan BTW.
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In a Gym/machine factory etc places with moving parts wearing not only scarves, but also long flowing clothes is risky.
If some moving automated part(that does not differentiate between headscarf and head) chews the head of a woman along with her headscarf, I don't mind it at all. Problem is that the place will be a murder scene and there will be a lot of hassle - not to mention the loss of business and scores of lawsuits for not complying to safety standards.

Gyms have a dress code. Nobody is forcing her to go there either. If she wants she can go to a Halal gym(or better create one). Period, end of story.
what hell is problem with muslim they leave there land where they had to follow their religion go to place where some other religion....and why they come to usa and europe why not they sow their love towards russia and china why these scums are crowded here...disturbing our way of life...... earlier records ...when during cold war there was direct competeion between russia and nato...tecnologies developed so fast but after cold war these scums are seen every where marry our women distirb our society.. do shit job here ...why...why hell u muslims are doing to us .....

if there is any chose to like i like russians most compare to muslims and hindus

Calm down. If you don't like their culture, tell them that it won't be accepted like how Muslims do in their country where bikini wearing on the streets is not allowed.

If you candidly tell them, they won't.
@Oscar, you are quick to ban me on a drop of a hat, but why don't you ban this anti-Islamic parasite ahriman who has a vehemently anti-Islamic pig on his avatar?
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@Oscar, you are quick to ban me on a drop of a hat, but why don't you ban this anti-Islamic parasite ahriman who has a vehemently anti-Islamic pig on his avatar?
No idea who the avatar is? @Ahriman.. whose picture is in your avatar?
And what happens when that scarf gets stuck in the machine and she hurts herself. The first thing she will do is sue the gym for lack of safety rules. Damn if you do Damn if you don't, is the case here.
Hey, if you live in Iran, don't you like get scared that your internet activity will be seen by the authorities and they'll come hard at you for not liking them or criticizing Islam etc?

I don't get Iran though. It is so religious or seemingly religious at one view...while there are so many young people like you who hate religion and are Atheists etc. What is the true Iran like?

They're welcome to try. ;)

People who run the government might be religious (Although I have my doubts about that too) but the general population is NOT religious at all, some people accept the concept of God, which I find it hilarious myself, but I guess those Iranians still have their own insecurities that they need to deal with, but they're on the right path to be free from any form of superstition, it might take time but we are getting there.
Religion is a tool to control people, be it Islam or Rastafarianism, there is really not much difference, of course one could argue that Islam is an extreme case, punishments are too severe and its lack of sophistication and flexibility reflects the primitivity of the culture of its birthplace.

So, of course if you are an Arab Nationalist you would talk of Islam with pride, despite all of its flaws, as it had elevated the stature of primitive Arab tribes and extended their influence further than anyone could have imagined at that time.

No idea who the avatar is? @Ahriman.. whose picture is in your avatar?

The person in my avatar is Geert Wilder, a Dutch politician.
Well things like these suddenly creates a mountain out of a mole hill.
So she is religious?
In my humble opinion, if she was so much into Islam then should not have been in Gym first place.

Secondly, I find it odd that gym will kick out some one due to a piece of cloth on the head. I seen many were bandana during work out. I find this story total BS.
I thought my previous post was clear enough. I don't think if I need to further clarify it.
Anyway, since you mentioned it yourself, as you already know pedophilia is also rooted in this obsolete culture, e.g. marrying underage children, sexual exploitation of young children by religious people, etc... That's a real issue, so of course Americans and Europeans don't want the newly arrived immigrants to infest (or worsen situation of) their societies with such craps.

So immigrants have two choices, either assimilate or GTFO. A business has its own set of rules, if an individual wants to be provided with service they must meet the criterion demanded by the business. You can't force a business to provide you with any service if you are in direct violation of their rules and regulation.

On a side note, hell I was born in a country run by religions nuts, but whenever I'm on a plane I get freaked out around middle-easterners with long beard, wearing traditional attires, and now you expect Europeans and Americans to react differently? Considering this very religion hates "infidels" to its core?

Except she is not an immigrant like I mentioned earlier unlike all the hater immigrants such as yourself. :)

Mosque and ****? I sense Western influence here.

Indian showing his stupidity, shocking? Not at all. :lol:
in ra velesh kon, in khar mazhabi hast, in harfaa saresh nemisheh. vaghtet ra waste nakon ;)

Why your Iranian friend being such a d bag?

So what if she wants to cover her head?
Planet Fitness is for fatties who want to get free pizza. THey give out free Pizza every month,
I got kicked out for dead lifting which was causing "noise" and "discouraging" other gym members in Toronto
Why your Iranian friend being such a d bag?

So what if she wants to cover her head?
Actually I agreed with the last comment of Ahriman, not with the whole thing. Anyway, my honest opinion is that if those retards, who always nag US on a 24/7 basis, think that they have more freedom in their home lands, they are more than welcome to go back to their hell holes.
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