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Plan to import 150 foriegn locomotives dropped...local locomotives ordered!

Reference of the Project Document that Japanese helped FINANCE the whole rasulpur project


Their final evaluation was that this company is built and worker are hard working and we trained them to make a engine and maintain engines but their government does not pays them for parts or repair

When the Japanese consultants wrote this document it was 2005-2006 and Musharraf was in rule

Project kick started in 2000 , it was in MOU stages prior no government paid attention towards it untill Musharaf had given priority to establish a local locomotive manufacturing and repair

The Japanese gave Pakistan Knowledge to create and Assemble Japanese 2200 horsepower locomotive (model number PHA-20)


The bottom line is Railways Priority is to pay Salaries and maintain life style of workers and Pensions , they build pressure by not paying salaries and people revolt then they ask for bail out

Instad of immediately BUYING LOCOMOTIVE with money they delay it for years and years and pay salaries
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Railways has decided to lease out its Risalpur factory to private sector to convert it into a modern, state-of-the-art locomotive manufacturing facility.

The main objective of the move is to manufacture 25 locomotives yearly for the Railways and to unitise any excess capacity for potential export opportunities, according to a project document made available to Dawn.

The private sector consortium would make an upfront payment of Rs1 billion to the Railways after signing of the concession agreement.

The private party would make investment through its own resources without any financial assistance from the locomotive factory or PR to make the plant a successful and self-sufficient unit. The private party would have no access to locomotive factory’s assets for securing financing for the project.

The locomotive factory in Risalpur was commissioned in 1993 at a cost of Rs2.28bn with the Japanese assistance. Spreading over 100 acres and with production capacity of 25 locomotives in single shift basis, the factory has so far manufactured 97 locomotives and rehabilitated another 26.

The factory has been running into losses with only 97 locomotives manufactured in 21 years instead of estimated 235 locomotives since January 1993.

The Railways has offered the factory to a private sector consortium through the Infrastructure Project Development Facility (IPDF) of the Ministry of Finance.

The factory will partner with the private sector by contributing land and its existing facilities as a form of equity, while the private party will be responsible for upgrading the factory and its operations.

The project would have a possible capacity to export products while still retaining the functions of fulfilling the local railway transportation demand and achieving high delegation levels for the industry.

The concession to private consortium would be for 25 years subject to a manufacturing capacity of at least 25 locomotives a year.

Official statistics showed that the Railways currently has 300 locomotives which are out of service, waiting major repairs. The government is arranging funding of Rs6.1 billion through a consortium of commercial banks for the rehabilitation of 66 held-up locomotives through PRACS.

Rehabilitation of 27 locomotives is being arranged through PSDP at a cost of Rs5.108bn for which an agreement has been signed with a US locomotive manufacturing enterprise.

Special repair of 150 locomotives to improve their reliability and performance was also being carried out through PSDP at a cost of Rs5.005bn. Under this initiative, 20 locomotives would be repaired in 2012-13 and 65 locomotives each in the next two years.

The Executive Committee of National Economic Council (Ecnec) has already approved the procurement of 275 locomotives, and the delivery of first 50 locomotives will start from March 2014. PR has also submitted a proposal to Planning Commission for another 100 locomotives for approval by Ecnec.

The Railways has a total of 515 locomotives, out of which more than 300 are off-track for want of service. Since 2011, the number of locomotives available for use has reduced by an average of 10 locomotives a month. By June 2012, only eight locomotives were available for freight and 92 for passengers. As a result, PR revenue earnings have drastically fallen by 25 per cent.

The worst crisis of the Railways is evident from the fact that the passenger traffic which was 230 trains a day has been reduced to 92 trains daily, while the number of freight trains has dropped from 96 to merely one per day.




About effen time....after all these years.... just hope the new govt isnt as corrupt as the previous one... n our taxes are used in a constructive way...

I think we should take again American or Japanese or Korean or German help in constructing Locomotives which will be aero dynamic with diesel electric technology in it and try to do 25 locomotives in both the shifts to make 50 engines. Also try to get contacted with IRAN, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other Muslim Countries including African countries who can also buy these engines as well as carriages from Pakistan for their local railway.

We should not forget export potential...

I think we should look towards taking help of Japanese or Korean or German in making our thermal plants 100% efficient too. So that electricity cheaper as well.
Reality is to fix the PROBLEM of NEGATIVE balance , we need IMMEDIATE fix buy 500 Locomotives

The 500 Engines will start to work and start make you Money !!!! One year turn around

Your own company will make 9-10 engines and say we are tired we reached our capacity
or the new private group will take 9-11 months to establish new machinery in company do hiring and train people wasting 12-14 months in process , mean while next year

YOU WILL GET 11-12 Locomotives end of the year !!! ONLY .. vs if you Buy in Open market BOOM , you get 200 -300 Locomotives delivered in 12 months

Railways will show -ve 300 million USD loss due to SALARIES paid !!! and Oil Fees

Pakistan Railways has become a PENSION Service for workers , they sit and collect Pension, they come in morning to office , drink team file some reports and then watch TV and go home as there are no Trains running or minimum trains operating

What should happen is Government -> Releases money to Third Party

The buy the Locomotives from USA - 400 Locomotives - > When these Locomotives arrive they are supplied to Pakistan Railways


$850 Million Dollars ... ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS GIVEN TO PAKISTAN RAILWAYS BETWEEN 2009 and 2013 we could have put a down payment on aircraft carrier with that kind of investment , and our return

What did we get from it ???? only 50-80 locomotives left many of them being old repaired models
Great! Force your local institutions to fix our problems. Promote competition and privatization.
Relying on foreigners is like shooting yourself in the foot.
I think we need to bring back those Pakistanis who have a lot of knowledge in many areas and really need to send those Fresh ones like from 25-35 of ages to West or developed world to learn something in 5-7 years of time.
Good step in making local locomotives! Privatization is best solution for our institutions that are in losses!
Unnecessary rant,its not possible due to political issue.U tried out china,how did that work out for u?

when u used jugaard n reuse the same diluted oil a billion times not to forget massive corruption what will happen to locos even frm the US?
when u used jugaard n reuse the same diluted oil a billion times not to forget massive corruption what will happen to locos even frm the US?

lol they just went, saw it, liked it, bought it......turns out the trains were bigger and the platforms had to be sheared

newer (technology) trains would require a complete overhaul
It would only work if there was fair competition and fairer treatment of the firm. Business in Pakistan is a swim in a shark pool.

Excuse me but, when you say Shark, there are around 470 species of it, and a fair number of it are pretty harmless. Would you please specify the species name?
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