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Plan to fence, mine Afghan border

Fence with 10000 volts + ditch + Mines + machines guns + cameras and solar sail plain UAVs
Pakistani ki sari bachi kuchi bijli border per de dein kya :D
We can use tethers to sky for the lightening with thunder plus solar panels, we don't need a lot of current just a lot of volts to KO the trespassers and can be achieved through step up transformers and capacitor :partay:
I remember a thread here about the development of a Ground Surveillance Radar, that would be quite useful if deployed.
Well in Area 51 a very large scale areas , based on documentary

1- They use special motion senor in ground
2- Fence
3- Cameras

So anyone who is walking around even 2-3 km away is detected long before they reach the parameter check post

Planting Mines and bombs on ground just has too much collateral damage, contributes to accidents and amputation of just normal folks

Best Approach

1 - 200 Scan Eagle , in air between Pakistan - Afghan (territory area)
2 - Porper size fence
3- If Scan eagle sees a target of interest , that it has gone on Pakistan side , sends out
request to Bell Huey & Troops team , to go nab the intruder from Air
4- If it is suspected as weapon carrying vehicle , send a UAV in close support with Air to Ground missiles

Normally Shift based patrol, most of operation can be done from safe airport bases.

Taking over the whole Territory is also a better way to curb violence from long term perspective
The area would be better off being part of Pakistan , allowing Pakistani Justice system to nab all Terrorist in one big scoop
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The Afghans had never really accepted the Durand Line.

In May 1951, the 2/16 Punjab Regiment was stationed at Chaman Major Mahmud commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Akhtar Malik (Later Lieutenant General).

One day the patrolling party of 2/16 Punjab was lured by Afghans into Spin Baldack, where they were invited for tea etc. As per tradition own soldiers left their arms outside, later on they were made hostage and then set free without their weapons.

A tussle thus erupted in which exchange of fire also took place and situation became grim. Two aircraft of Air OP Flight were directed to move from Chaklala to Chaman in support of field formation and carry out reconnaissance, aerial photography, apart from directing artillery and tank fire.

On 1st & 2nd July 1951, Captain Karim with Captain Hamza of an infantry regiment flew inside Afghanistan and reported hostile activities at Shin Naisi Than, Agha Jan and Dobandi. They also observed a concentration of about 200 Afghan soldiers dug inside Pakistan territory. The information was promptly passed onto 9 Squadron of RPAF through the brigade headquarters.
Flight Lieutenant Saeed Ullah and Squadron Leader Zafar Choudhry took off in a "Fury" fighter from Samungli Airfield and fired on these entrenched Afghans.

RPAF aircraft were in communication with Captain Karim on CN 348 set and were directed on to the target. This was followed by a ground attack in which the Afghans suffered heavy casualties and withdrew
something will not happen even though desperately needed
those include, fencing of afghan boarder and making FATA into a settled area rather than a land without rule, politcal reforms and reforms in health and education
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