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Plan to establish Balochistan Mineral Exploration Company approved


Mar 14, 2017
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United Kingdom
QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Alyani chaired a high-level meeting on Tuesday to review the proposed plan for establishing the Balochistan Mineral Exploration Company (BMEC).

The meeting decided to appoint the secretary for Minerals and Mineral Development as its interim chief executive officer and approved a seven-member board of directors for the proposed company.

It was agreed at the meeting that Balochistan would have 90 per cent shares in the company and the remaining 10pc would go to the federal government.
The head office of the company would be established in Quetta while a branch office would be set up in Islamabad.

The meeting agreed to include experts from the minerals sector in the board of directors.

It was also decided that a Chagai Foundation would be set up with the aim to develop the economic and social sectors in the Chagai district.

Provincial Finance Minister Mir Zahoor Ahmed Buledi, Chief Secretary Fazeel Asghar, Finance Secretary Noorul Haq Baloch and other federal and provincial officials concerned attended the meeting.

Chief Minister Jam Kamal told the meeting that with the establishment of the BMEC, there would be improvement in the mining sector and mineral resources of the province would be developed which would not just boost investors’ confidence but also enhance investment in the sector.

“The Balochistan government will initially allocate funds for the BMEC and also provide a platform to private companies in the province,” he said.

He said that the company would also take steps to provide training in the field of mineral resources to the youth of Balochistan.


MashAllah, this is incredible news if they see it through and it doesn't become a cesspit for corruption. It has the chance to change the economic landscape of Balochistan. This is exactly the type of project we need for CPEC.
Balochistan has huge potential for growth, in part due to it's huge resources but also in part due to the low level of development there currently.

I read on twitter the CM of Balochistan was talking about Saffron farming nearly 2 years ago. What has happened since? How hard is it to plant seeds and water them? Saffron farming is even setup in Afghanistan due to it's lucrative returns. There are few places in the world where it can grow.
After the little pockets of terrorists are quelled, i'd like Pakistan to setup cities along the length of our shoreline.
Balochistan has huge potential for growth, in part due to it's huge resources but also in part due to the low level of development there currently.

I read on twitter the CM of Balochistan was talking about Saffron farming nearly 2 years ago. What has happened since? How hard is it to plant seeds and water them? Saffron farming is even setup in Afghanistan due to it's lucrative returns. There are few places in the world where it can grow.
Saffron doesn't have seeds.
It has corms or bulbs as we say it. Small onion like things.
You plant it in soil. In cold areas mind you where it snows.
And it flowers in earliest of spring when even snow was melting. And it has tiny plant. Mind you 500 flowers are required to make 1 gram of Saffron and every corm produces 1 or at max to flowers each.
The beautiful is that it needs no watering. Rains would do.
Mind you it's not for warm areas. It for cold areas.
And corms stays in ground.. And you have to do nothing for 3 years. When old corm does, it produce new ones instead so you don't have to buy a new one
. It is a phoenix when dies produce new baby bulb. And you just have to replant them every three years.
All its needs is a proper documentary.
Import of bulbs form Iran.
And proper info that people don't start selling It in lahore or karachi. It's for gilgit baltistan, kpk and balochistan cold areas.
Every flowerr has three stamens. And those three red stamens are Saffron. The most expensive spice.
The hot and humid areas can also grow cademom and cloves and zeera the other most expensive spices.
10 pc just for federal? It should've been between 25-35.

Balochistan needs all the help it can get. If this money is properly spent and the western corridor of cpec is heavily developed and industrialised it will need manpower. New cities and down which will be populated by people across Pakistan.
This is excellent news. Really hope Balochistan gets the development it deserves since independence. There is nothing that Allah swt hasn’t bestowed Pakistan with. All we ever needed was loyalty and competence leardership.
10 pc just for federal? It should've been between 25-35.

In my view the federal share should have been 0%, it is a company that will be established by the Balochistan government and its ownership should be 100% in the hands of the Balochistan government.

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