Internet fanboys (usually having IQ around 82) are easily fooled by the claims of Frenchie arm dealers of this and that fancy electronics marketing clichés (which rightly reflect French average IQ of 100), while in reality combat results would give them a rude awakening when a J-10A goes head to head against a Rafale.
Granted, Rafale might have better overall electronics than J-10A. Its however more than justified by its 2 or 3 folds astronomical price tag a marketing technique the cheese munchers have learned through ages of well-horned experiences of selling vastly inflated luxuries such as Channel N0.5, Lancôme and Dior to the oil-rich, yet not necessarily the smartest, Arabs.
However, as Martian 2 has logically proved above, J-10A could have a upper hand against Rafale if equipped with a powerful radar or with the help of AWACS, in other words if its system Vs. system instead of arm A Vs. arm B as it will be in reality.
Higher service ceiling, higher top speed, a powerful radar, deadly & longer distance missiles!
These 4 factors are the very same advantages that Dr. Kopp described of how a J-20 could easily hunt down a F-35: fly higher and faster, early detection (an armed Rafale is far less stealthy than a F-35), shoot and forget.
At the end of the day, its PL-12s against alleged better French electronics, with corrected positioned J-10As almost immune from any French Mica threat.
Since J-10As are capable of launching abundant and comparablely inexpensive PL-12s all day long, the best thing Rafale pilots can do is to pray in Hindi that on board electronics counter measures could somehow shield them from incoming PL-12s 100% and all the time. Good luck you need it.