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PLA rifle update: China OICW - Type05 strategic rifle


Dec 23, 2012
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PLAN Marine Corps start to equip type05 strategic rifle (China version XM29 OICW project), 5.80mm rifle + 20mm programmable grenade launcher + gunsight computer + laser rangefinder.

Type05 strategic rifle
china oicw.jpg







S.Korea OICW
korea OICW.jpg
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These guys are so fabulous right now omfg.
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Meh, rather 2 guys using a gernade launcher than every man in the platoon get this heavy stuff. The US rejected OICW if i'm not mistaken for the same reason. Heavy, more ammo, more thinking more exhaustion. Multi caliber rifles with UBGL is a good choice.


This is what i'm talking about. Have 1 guy with something like this and the other 11 just giving cover fire, we can call it a day pretty quick.
Also the 20 MM air burst round was found to not very effective on soft targets, less, kill and less incapacitate.
PLAN Marine Corps start to equip type05 strategic rifle (China version XM29 OICW project), 5.80mm rifle + 20mm programmable grenade launcher + gunsight computer + laser rangefinder.

View attachment 215285


Meh, rather 2 guys using a gernade launcher than every man in the platoon get this heavy stuff. The US rejected OICW if i'm not mistaken for the same reason. Heavy, more ammo, more thinking more exhaustion. Multi caliber rifles with UBGL is a good choice.


This is what i'm talking about. Have 1 guy with something like this and the other 11 just giving cover fire, we can call it a day pretty quick.
Also the 20 MM air burst round was found to not very effective on soft targets, less, kill and less incapacitate.

Too heavy, too expensive, too bulky and complicated. Until they fix it, it won't be usefully applied on the battlefield. I'm sure it will happen and more become more common, but until then.
I agree but hey atleast 1 man or 2 can use this on a platoon just for fire power something like LMG but by the time they make it lighter, we'll have standard air burst rounds. So how needs 20 or 25 mm? Also a 40 MM air burst would be far more successful and definitely something to look out for. We already use 40 MM grenade launchers, and thats something the terrorists hate plus its not as cumbersome as a Gustav and has a better minimum range use.
Meh, rather 2 guys using a gernade launcher than every man in the platoon get this heavy stuff. The US rejected OICW if i'm not mistaken for the same reason. Heavy, more ammo, more thinking more exhaustion. Multi caliber rifles with UBGL is a good choice.


This is what i'm talking about. Have 1 guy with something like this and the other 11 just giving cover fire, we can call it a day pretty quick.
Also the 20 MM air burst round was found to not very effective on soft targets, less, kill and less incapacitate.
Yes, heavier than normal rifle ... to decrease the weight, China design give up full-automatic 20mm programmable grenade launcher, only manual operation. Anyway this OICW still not light about 5kg (QBZ-95 rifle weight 3.25kg), now type05 just small-unit production for test in PLA.


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So i've noticed, which would beg to ask the question why not use 40 MM UBGL instead if its going to be manual?


Better option.
Mount a UBGL under a known rifle, annd put a fancy computer ontop, same recipe and much more powerfull.

The 20 MM airburst has a limited kill, an incapacitate ability. Not gonna help against die hard terrorists.
So i've noticed, which would beg to ask the question why not use 40 MM UBGL instead if its going to be manual?


Better option.
Mount a UBGL under a known rifle, annd put a fancy computer ontop, same recipe and much more powerfull.

The 20 MM airburst has a limited kill, an incapacitate ability. Not gonna help against die hard terrorists.
I don't know. China designed 20mm/35mm/40mm grenade launchers for PLA's QBZ-95 5.8mm rifle.

And there's a QLB-06 35mm full-automatic grenade launcher (non-programmable version & programmable version) as squad-level support fire in PLA.

non-programmable version:
QLB06 35mm1.jpg

QLB06 35mm2.jpg

programmable version (install a gunsight computer):
QLB06 35mm3.jpg
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I don't know. China designed 20mm/35mm/40mm grenade launchers for PLA's QBZ-95 5.8mm rifle.

And there's a QLB-06 35mm full-automatic grenade launcher (non-programmable version & programmable version) as squad-level support fire in PLA.

non-programmable version:
View attachment 216261
View attachment 216262

programmable version (install a gunsight computer):
View attachment 216263

Why is the programmable computer on the old 87 grenade launcher?
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