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PLA Puts Daulet Baig Oldie as its Primary Target!


Sep 26, 2018
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Movements of PLA troops in the Galwan valley just few Kms from the strategic DBO road and the recent capture of the Y bottleneck Jn in the Depsang plains up north suggests that the Brigade HQ at DBO along with its airstrip seems to be the key target to CAPTURE the entire Eastern Ladakh territory.

It must be noted that the Y jn is 18kms inside Indian held territory and 23 km from DBO.

Kapil Sibal narrating the truth.

According to Gen Bakshi the FOURTH mechanised division of the PLA is stationed nearby with hundreds of Tanks,Artillery,APCs and S400s.

Just like the Silliguri pass between BD and Nepal , DBO is sandwiched between Siachin,Karakoram pass and Aksai Chin. Loss of DBO will free Siachin, grant excess to the DBO road to Leh and provide a functional airstrip making it easy to Grab the entire Eastern Ladakh.:pakistan::china::pakistan::china:
he latest report of OSINT is PLA has control over DBO since last night.
DBO is a fortified Brigade HQ of the IA with facilities of an airstrip to land the C130j Hercules. PLA is currently positioned in the Y jn 18km deep inside India and DBO is 23km from here and still in Indian hands.

Recent Images of DBO HQ.


An old video of Tank Deployments in that region.
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the very first image which shows chinese camp 23 km away from DBO ...well that camp isnt new, it is there since atleast 2004 may be even before, (as the google image i just saw was from 2004). 2ndly it is well on the chinese side of LAC

not true just a rumour...it ll take an armour battle to take DBO not just fist fight

First of All, LAC is not demarcated. So every time I mention LAC, I mean as defined by Google Earth. Not Chinese or India's perception of it.

To answer your question. I found two Y-junctions that match the description. I.e 30 km south of DBO. North East of Burtse. One is 300 meters on the Indian side of LAC and the second is 2.7 Km on the Chinese side. I believe its the first one. Ignore the LAC shown by Indians in the video above. They have pushed it further east that it actually is.

The claim that PLA intruded 18 KM across LAC, is preposterous as it would have to capture/cross at least one of Indian army camps in the region, not to mention numerous observation posts not shown on the map below. They can't do that without starting a skirmish if not a war. If PLA intrudes 18 Km, whatever little strategic depth India has in that area will erode away instantaneously. I will repeat, the 18 Km claim is preposterous.

There are claims & there are counterclaims. Congress & its shills want to exaggerate everything and BJP and its shills want to downplay everything. We here on PDF have to deduce things for ourselves and not what comes out of Indian intelligentsia of either side. I have yet to see any evidence of PLA crossing LAC in the DBO area. Give it a couple of days for satellite imagery to arrive. If PLA has intruded it will be a repeat of Galwan & Pangong (intrusions of a few hundred meters or a few KM into a strategic positions).
Y Junction 2.png
Well the Indians are claiming the Chinese have taken the Y junction which is 18kms from the LAC. I would suggest watch Kapil Sibal again.
yes i see that, i am confused, becoz as far as this camp is concerned, theres no doubt it is an old one.

First of All, LAC is not demarcated. So every time I mention LAC, I mean as defined by Google Earth. Not Chinese or India's perception of it.

To answer your question. I found two Y-junctions that match the description. I.e 30 km south of DBO. North East of Burtse. One is 300 meters on the Indian side of LAC and the second is 2.7 Km on the Chinese side. I believe its the first one. Ignore the LAC shown in video by Indians in the video above. They have pushed it further east that it actually is.

The claim that PLA intruded 18 KM across LAC, is preposterous as it would have to capture/cross at least one of Indian army camps in the region, not to mention numerous observation posts not shown on the map below. They can't do that without starting a skirmish if not a war. If PLA intrudes 18 Km, whatever little strategic depth India has in that area will erode away instantaneously. I will repeat, the 18 Km claim is preposterous.

There are claims & there are counterclaims. Congress & its shills want to exaggerate everything and BJP and its shills want to downplay everything. We here on PDF have to deduce things for ourselves and not what comes out of Indian intelligentsia of either side. I have yet to see any evidence of PLA crossing LAC in the DBO area. Give it a couple of days for satellite imagery to arrive. If PLA has intruded it will be a repeat of Galwan & Pangong (intrusions of a few hundred meters or a few KM into a strategic positions).
View attachment 645120
well that explains it
In India anybody can question our armed forces.

Its a privilege only Indians have.

Is that why anyone questioning PLA casualty figures, or claims of killing hundreds upon hundreds of "terrorists" in Balakot or claims of downing F-16, is instantly labeled a traitor. On top of that, anyone questioning BJP is labeled the same bcz questioning BJP is now equivalent to questioning the Army.

Do away with delusions of grandeur. No one here is buying it.

You may have a point that Congress is taking an opportunity to defame BJP. In another video Kapil is suggesting that DBO is within the artillery range of the PLA from the Y junction. And what about Gen Bakshi claim of the FOURTH PLA mechanised Div in the Vicinity.?

He Changes the Y junction description to 25 Km from DBO. Which now coincides with PLA HQ at Tianwendian shown in the map above. This position is way inside the Chinese side of LAC. It will be dumb of PLA to position artillery at Y-Junctions near burtse. Noone positions artillery 100 or so meters from the contact line. DBO has been within the artillery range of Tianwendian for decades.

Gen Bakshi's claim makes more sense especially for these plains, but again, unsubstantiated.
Gen Bakshi's claim makes more sense especially for these plains
Thanks for your reply, do you think DBO holds the key to the entire Eastern Ladakh region! Mainly because of its vital Road and air links. Do you also think that if PLA exerts more pressure around the Galwan sector it can cut off the Brigade stationed at DBO?
Thanks for your reply, do you think DBO holds the key to the entire Eastern Ladakh region! Mainly because of its vital Road and air links. Do you also think that if PLA exerts more pressure around the Galwan sector it can cut off the Brigade stationed at DBO?

Shyok River valley is the most strategic feature in easter Ladakh. PLA's aim, it seems, is not to capture it but threaten India of capturing it, like with intrusions at Galwan. Few hundred meters and entire Indian establishment, political and military, have not slept since May. It's more profitable for China to hang this sword of Damocles over the Indians heads than actually chop them off (DBO). This way they get a compliant adversary who placates the PLA so as not to risk that sword dropping over their heads.
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