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PLA forces conduct drill in Tibet: experts call it a warning to China’s neighbour India

We rarely see Indian army do live fire exercise while PLA does it on daily basis, cause some reports say Indian army only has enough ammunition for 10 days, so they have to save their precious ammo.

India is just coming slowly out of pendamic and economy needs time to recover.... we can't afford expensive drills as of now.....
Any information on why warning ministry is silent now a days??
Who will pay for the laundry and washing of the soiled "dhotis" of Bhakts and Sanghis, after release of this news? :lol: :lol:
You seems to be in a mood to volunteer??
Great footages.. This will make these fakers shit bricks. That is some great show of force from the PLA in that video
India wants to forget 1962; but such videos ...... :lol: :lol::lol:
India's attack on China in 1962 was a carefully chosen time, the two countries overall GDP were about the same in 1962, but Indian per capita GDP was much higher. China was in the middle of a famine, making war preparation almost out of the question. China was a sworn enemy of US and also just fell out with Soviet Union and was extremely isolated in the international community. Due to the backward and weak overall industrial capabilities, China had to buy many weapons from foreign countries but no one was willing to sell to China. In 1962 China was in the worst shape and experiencing the most difficult time in the history, India chose that moment to attack.


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