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PKKH Special Report: Pakistan’s Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons | PKKH.tv


Oct 10, 2012
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PKKH Special Report: Pakistan’s Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons | PKKH.tv



Nuclear weapons are the most destructive forms of explosive devices invented till date. Within a matter of seconds, a nuclear explosion can completely wreck and devastate the targeted area, for years to come.

The impact of nuclear bomb explosions can be guessed from the fact that in the course of history only two nuclear bombs have been used while at war. Both of these nuclear bombs were exploded by the United States of America on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, during World War II. The effects of these nuclear bombs were so huge, that since this incident, countries are encouraged to eliminate their differences with countries possessing nuclear capability through diplomacy and foreign policies instead of going on wars.

You can find complete report in PDF format here

Sakina Kavi is an aspiring journalist pursuing a degree in Mass Communication from the University of Karachi. Being a left-winger, Sakina believes in social equality and freedom of speech for all. Sakina tweets @Sakinakavi

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The more important question, regardless of the causes leading up to the development of both strategic and non-strategic nuclear weapons by Pakistan, is how does the nation translate their possession into a peace dividend?

Pakistan has a credible nuclear deterrent now. Fine. Great. Now what next? The logical thing to do would be to negotiate resolution of difference so that both sides can concentrate on social development. Or is that too much to hope for?
The more important question, regardless of the causes leading up to the development of both strategic and non-strategic nuclear weapons by Pakistan, is how does the nation translate their possession into a peace dividend?

Pakistan has a credible nuclear deterrent now. Fine. Great. Now what next? The logical thing to do would be to negotiate resolution of difference so that both sides can concentrate on social development. Or is that too much to hope for?

VCheng..You really need to download the report and read it first. The writer explained the Phenomena of a Theory, "Nukes for Peace" in context of "International Relations". Hope you understand that.
VCheng..You really need to download the report and read it first. The writer explained the Phenomena of a Theory, "Nukes for Peace" in context of "International Relations". Hope you understand that.

I have downloaded the report, and read it word by word. And I do understand the concepts that you mention, quite well, actually.
Here are two excerpts that I found particularly interesting from the "report":

The Indian government, in an attempt to terrify the Pakistani government and making them paranoid of security concerns wanted the government to react in similar ways as the media was portraying. However, the Pakistani establishment took a smarter step by going for the idea of TNWs, by installing nuclear weapons with low yield Iike Nasar and Hataf IX, that are precise and easy to move. According to the reports by Inter Services Public Relations Pakistan, these nuclear weapons place Pakistan at a very strong military position, making these Battle Range Ballistic Missiles very accurate and solid fuelled. The Nasar missile, developed by National Development Complex, a project of Sino Pak Nuclear Reactor in Koshab, was first tested on 19th April 2011. After the development of this missile, along with US, France, China and Russia, Pakistan also became a prestigious member of the club.

This same offer to develop a TNW was also made to India, from US, which has until today only been made on official papers. However, Pakistan took the bigger step by already becoming a part of the club of which a very few countries have become members in the recent past.

However, in spite of these advancements made by Pakistan, The Federation of American Scientists showed concerns over Pakistan's nuclear capability and the intentions of using these weapons of mass destruction. Ironically, Federation of American Scientists is the same organisation that has been credited of building various kinds of nuclear weapons for a number of countries, including the US; the same weapons that have been used as a means of warfare throughout history.

Can it be denied that the Pakistani government is indeed paranoid about its security concerns, and thus the paranoia would represent Indian success if indeed that is what its goals were, as the article suggests?

The language is quite interesting: "Pakistan also became a prestigious member of the club." and not "Pakistan also became a member of the prestigious club." The club is prestigious, but Pakistan thinks it is a prestigious member of said club. Interesting insight into the mindset, perhaps.

What does it mean "in spite of these advancements"? The FAS expressed its concerns precisely because of these advancements, not in spite of them.

Another important strain in the India-Pakistan relations and Pakistan's strategic military development is that related to Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM). India's accusations against Pakistan and China's Space Program actually being a clandestine ICBM program, is keeping the Indian nation on the edge. The fact that ICBM program uses the same kind of technology that is required for building space rockets is the reason why India finds the idea of a Pakistani space program hard to digest.

In conclusion, it could be rightly stated that India's insecurities against the developments within the Pakistani border, and the baseless accusations against the nation has done nothing but made Pakistan an un-obstruct able, strategically fortified nation. Due to continued threats from the Indian nation, Pakistan was compelled to make SNWs, then later due to its doctrine of CSS, Pakistan came up with a better security plan by developing TNWs. Therefore, the state of terror and anarchy between the two countries, although bought economic grievances to the nation, but militarily, made Pakistan an independent and a much stronger nation than it ever was!

Pakistan's existing missiles cover the majority of Indian territory already. What does adding ICBMs to that arsenal actually achieve, unless Pakistan goals are to project its nuclear power far beyond the region?

If Pakistan has indeed become "an un-obstruct able, strategically fortified nation" then why is it still so paranoid and still failing so miserably in its social development?
VCheng..You really need to download the report and read it first. The writer explained the Phenomena of a Theory, "Nukes for Peace" in context of "International Relations". Hope you understand that.

PS: Just what the heck is "the Phenomena of a Theory"?

A phenomenon is any observable occurrence. A Theory is rational thinking, whether abstract or generalized.

If the writer has tried to postulate that international relations are served by using nuclear weapons to ensure peace, then that is already quite well understood.
Here are two excerpts that I found particularly interesting from the "report":

Can it be denied that the Pakistani government is indeed paranoid about its security concerns, and thus the paranoia would represent Indian success if indeed that is what its goals were, as the article suggests?

The language is quite interesting: "Pakistan also became a prestigious member of the club." and not "Pakistan also became a member of the prestigious club." The club is prestigious, but Pakistan thinks it is a prestigious member of said club. Interesting insight into the mindset, perhaps.

What does it mean "in spite of these advancements"? The FAS expressed its concerns precisely because of these advancements, not in spite of them.

Pakistan's existing missiles cover the majority of Indian territory already. What does adding ICBMs to that arsenal actually achieve, unless Pakistan goals are to project its nuclear power far beyond the region?

If Pakistan has indeed become "an un-obstruct able, strategically fortified nation" then why is it still so paranoid and still failing so miserably in its social development?

Well Pakistan surely is an "un-obstructable" MILITARILY and in terms of DEFENSE and AGGRESSIVE but one has to keep in mind that this is the job of ARMY and army did quite well with limited resources and its the job of Govt to take care of social order and Development in which ALL Pakistani Govt's current and previous Failed Miserably.

And as long as Pakistan is part of this phony war on terror there will be no positivity in economy means no Social Development.
Well Pakistan surely is an "un-obstructable" MILITARILY and in terms of DEFENSE and AGGRESSIVE but one has to keep in mind that this is the job of ARMY and army did quite well with limited resources and its the job of Govt to take care of social order and Development in which ALL Pakistani Govt's current and previous Failed Miserably.

And as long as Pakistan is part of this phony war on terror there will be no positivity in economy means no Social Development.

Pakistan has been part of the WoT only for the last decade or so. The lack of social development is a disaster several decades in the making, and it would be wrong to blame the WoT for that. Further, even after the WoT ends in 2014, the social problems will not get better just because of that.
PS: Just what the heck is "the Phenomena of a Theory"?

A phenomenon is any observable occurrence. A Theory is rational thinking, whether abstract or generalized.

If the writer has tried to postulate that international relations are served by using nuclear weapons to ensure peace, then that is already quite well understood.

Thanks for explaining the terms: But you see, languages evolve with the passage of time, based on the usage of terms. Anyways..not the topic here.

Its not the writer big head...Its the Gurus of IR, who introduced this Theory.... Thats why I asked you to download and read the report..anyways..not your fault i Assume.
Here are two excerpts that I found particularly interesting from the "report":

Can it be denied that the Pakistani government is indeed paranoid about its security concerns, and thus the paranoia would represent Indian success if indeed that is what its goals were, as the article suggests?

The language is quite interesting: "Pakistan also became a prestigious member of the club." and not "Pakistan also became a member of the prestigious club." The club is prestigious, but Pakistan thinks it is a prestigious member of said club. Interesting insight into the mindset, perhaps.

What does it mean "in spite of these advancements"? The FAS expressed its concerns precisely because of these advancements, not in spite of them.

Pakistan's existing missiles cover the majority of Indian territory already. What does adding ICBMs to that arsenal actually achieve, unless Pakistan goals are to project its nuclear power far beyond the region?

If Pakistan has indeed become "an un-obstruct able, strategically fortified nation" then why is it still so paranoid and still failing so miserably in its social development?

If you are not concerned about your security thn thts anothre issue. Otherwise, the Indian failure is already described in the report. .Isnt it? That how Pakistan switched from a higher cost mobalization to a lower cost TNWs. Anyways, you yourself said that you understand manythings quite well, so its obvious, you are not here to confuse with your brilliance. Right?
Rest was your usual rant...
Thanks for explaining the terms: But you see, languages evolve with the passage of time, based on the usage of terms. Anyways..not the topic here.

Its not the writer big head...Its the Gurus of IR, who introduced this Theory.... Thats why I asked you to download and read the report..anyways..not your fault i Assume.

It is not the Gurus of IR.

I hereby grant PKKH the great seal and charter of the Agha Waqar Institute of Geopolitical Bovine Excreta (Water Power Division). :D

You see, my language also devolve with time to mention the phemonomenonmom of the theory that is totally un-obstruct able to be the prestigious member of some club or the otherwise may be possible, but surely definitely.

In the unlikely event of a water crash landing please use the seat cushions as flotation devices to make the nation big and strong.

Back to the topic:

The more important question, regardless of the causes leading up to the development of both strategic and non-strategic nuclear weapons by Pakistan, is how does the nation translate their possession into a peace dividend?

Pakistan has a credible nuclear deterrent now. Fine. Great. Now what next? The logical thing to do would be to negotiate resolution of difference so that both sides can concentrate on social development. Or is that too much to hope for?

Anybody want to answer that?
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